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Lana's Spotify Playlist

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Pretty much confirms that The Other Woman is a cover as we speculated.

Literally the first thing I noticed, lol.

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Many of the same as her Mulberry mixtape




From these we know she has covered:


Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel

Frank Sinatra - It Was A Very Good Year

Nina Simone - The Other Woman

Skeeter Davis - The End of The World

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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She was once asked what her fave song by Azealia Banks is and she said she only knows about 212 c:


And then she ENRICHED herself and downloaded the 1991 EP as everyone should http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/1126-lana-del-rey-talks-with-megan-and-menace-in-the-mornings/?hl=megan

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Does anyone have the LDR version of "The other woman" ?

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A lot of stuff she's mentioned before, but a few really pleasant surprises here: As someone who always rolled their eyes at Lana's superficial fondness for Kurt Cobain (and found Nirvana overrated compared to the other major grunge bands anyway), it's nice to see Pearl Jam and Mark Lanegan on this list. I'm also surprised to see a Doors track that's not completely cliché.




i have some newfound hope for a collab between her & the self-proclaimed "Michael Caine of music". Lana has been following him on twitter since forever, and he recently followed her back, so... he's my absolute favorite artist, so that would be lovely.


(and on a side note, your opinion re: Nirvana is basically mine re: Pearl Jam, interestingly enough.)

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Oh my God I sincerely love this so so so so much, really a lot. Before Lana I was listening to some really weird stuff and constantly the same artists, she was the first pop ""mainstream"" artist I stanned so I'm always super interested in hearing her talk about her musical tastes, especially since it's what matters the most to her with writing, and it's classical stuff I should know of. It feels like knowing her much more and understanding her own music better. She made me discover so much great music and this is definitely going to help, I'm gonna put it along her Sex On Ice playlist I listen to very often. I would have loved to see some Cat Power on this list, I listened to her out of curiosity a few days ago because of what Lana said about her being her greatest modern inspiration and I'm a billion percent smitten, I've listened only her on repeat, and I can see how it influenced Lana, especially the Sirens/YLM/FTE era, acoustic stuff. I would really love to know which songs of her she appreciate.


Are there any other playlists available? Mildly considering making a Spotify account just to see them. Also her having I Don't Know is so cute :flutter: This song is really excellent too



i saw a pic of some magazine (i forgot which one) recently that had a little section with lana's playlist and it listed the first few of these songs



I'm literally a year and a half late, but the other day I was rummaging through her cover stories in my uni library and I indeed found this, I don't know if this is what you were talking about, it's from her 2012 Vogue UK cover story if I'm not mistaken



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