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Guyysss I just started watching Doctor Who. Well not just started but I started this year because I heard everyone talking about it and happened to get BBC America on demand. But anyways the 11th doctor, matt smith (the only good looking one in my opinion, don't kill me) and I've gotten attached to the ponds. Amy and Rory. I feel like I've always wanted Doctor Who and Amy to get together and they were meant to be since he's known her since a little girl and she was the first one! But now that's it for the Ponds they're gone. They revealed that the Pond's are going to leave Doctor Who and I'm so upset I have to get used to different companions now. Urgh. I think I'm gonna cry when it premiers in America. Now I have to avoid tumblr on sunday because all of the gifs will give the episode away.


Ever seen Doctor Who? Share your thoughts! (get it? it's in blue text. Because of the tardis) Im lame.

god knows I tried

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I absolutely love Doctor Who! I've been watching it since they brought it back in 2005.

My favourite Doctor is Matt Smith but I seriously can't decide who my favourite companion is, they've all been perfect!


I'll be devastated to see Karen Gillan leave but Jenna-Louise Coleman is a wonderful actress and I'm sure she'll be great.


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I love Doctor Who & like LANA DEL BANKS I have been watching it since 2005, although my favorite Doctor has to be David Tennant. It's hard to choose my favorite companion, but it's definitely between Rose, Donna & Amy all for different reasons. With Rose, you sympathized with her. She was a young girl who wanted to travel the stars with the man she fell in love with. She goes from this bored with life shop assistant, to a feisty, intelligent, sexy women. Donna was just fucking hilarious & I love Catherine Tate she was amazing. She just wanted to be friends with the Doctor, nothing more, they had a great relationship. And like you said, Amy has known the Doctor since she was a little girl and has grown up with him. I think i preferred her more in the first series that she was in to now, but I love her all the same. Martha was just, ugh, I don't know what she was.


I am looking forward to tonight as I love the weeping angels, although I'll miss it because I have to host Lana Del Reydio tonight, but I'll record it.


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I saw angels take manhattan last night and I am 192848274% DONE! I have so many emotions going on. Urgh, why did they even have to make them leave. And I feel like it's going to be weird if rivers traveling with him. Its weird he has a wife. Idk if its just me.

god knows I tried

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Reviving this thread...


Today I just started watching the entire series bc I hate myself.

Susan is the only tolerable character so far. 




I keep telling myself I will watch Classic Who someday but I know it's a lie  :deadbanana: between the 3485734095394 episodes plus all the lost ones I don't think I have the patience to go through all this 60's television. 

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I keep telling myself I will watch Classic Who someday but I know it's a lie  :deadbanana: between the 3485734095394 episodes plus all the lost ones I don't think I have the patience to go through all this 60's television. 


I've been putting it off for years but I promised myself I'd finish at least one classic sci-fi show this year and haven't done it yet so I guess I'm punishing myself with this impossible task.  :deadbanana:

I watch all the alternative versions to the pilot today.   :toofunny:

I'm hoping to reach the 3rd or 4th doctor by the end of the year.  :teehee:

also considering watching the fan films and reading the books, but do i really want to dedicate the next 60 years of my life to this?  :toofunny:


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On 10/15/2018 at 4:18 AM, Cacciatore said:


I keep telling myself I will watch Classic Who someday but I know it's a lie  :deadbanana: between the 3485734095394 episodes plus all the lost ones I don't think I have the patience to go through all this 60's television. 

Lost dr who episodes are crazy to me someone must have archived them or atleast the bbc

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2 hours ago, mcull13 said:


Lost dr who episodes are crazy to me someone must have archived them or atleast the bbc

The BBC archived almost nothing in the 60s and  70s, from either Radio or TV. Almost everything we have is either from private people at home taping things off the television or radio, or sometimes, when tapes were sent overseas to countries where they actually valued what was on the tapes more than the physical tapes themselves.


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9 hours ago, mcull13 said:


Lost dr who episodes are crazy to me someone must have archived them or atleast the bbc

It is really interesting tbf but you’d think with the BBC’s new budget for Doctor Who they’d actually make more of an effort now…

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1 minute ago, marcodelrey said:

I stopped at season 5 since there's no more Rose Tyler at all :hoe:

You should watch the new ones they’re so good! If ur outside the UK they’re on Disney+ but if ur in the UK it’s on bbc Iplayer 

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