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Charli XCX

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None of those titles are real.

"ISIS" is probably a song called "Dynamite", and "Fuck Me" is probably "Get Dirty".  Congratulations on having them, we'll envy you forever, promise. But honestly, fuck off posting lyrics with the damn trollface emoji, this isn't 2012.   :smh:

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Just a friendly reminder that Burn Rubber is not a Charli song, it's SOPHIE's, Charli only does vocals all over the track when they perform together, same with other songs like Lemonade, Hard, Give me your love (remix) etc

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maybe charli has been problematic all along and thats why her and azealia are friends hahaha. na but srs charli keep the lyrics but change the title i dont want you to die ily QT!


nnnnnnnnn :rip:


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Hungry Lollipop Heart is soo good! Summer Anthem


This is the first time anyone's mentioned that title, but considering you mentioned it on ATRL in an off-topic post, you're likely trolling


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This is the first time anyone's mentioned that title, but considering you mentioned it on ATRL in an off-topic post, you're likely trolling


Ugly title, next time try to be more creative

The song exist lol Someone leaked a snippet on PHF and i heard it

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guysguysguys. i haven't been on top of my charli collection since about a year ago and it's all got kinda messy. can anyone tell me what unreleased songs i'm missing? this is what i have downloaded rn:


  • beach hut in hawaii
  • bottles
  • chains
  • cuts like diamonds
  • dinosaur sex!
  • do it well
  • duke
  • falling in love again
  • fearless
  • heartbreak high
  • i don't know your name
  • i like you
  • i'll never know (v1)
  • i'll never know (v2)
  • interior
  • jungle time
  • lonely jaguar
  • machines (v2)
  • photography
  • pop princess
  • a princess song
  • too cool
  • valentine

i'm aware i'm missing these songs, have they leaked untagged?


  • xray spex
  • angry all the time
  • another romantic situation
  • what the hell
  • faar i kaal
  • diamonds (demo)
  • like a g6 refix
  • bitch so sexy (B!TCH ZO SXC i think - there used to be a hq dl to this but i lost it)

i used to be casady  :teehee: 

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Not to start beef or anything but bigdopebaby is a liar he once told me that girls night out studio version leaked on a strange website, as soon as I asked for a link it was suddenly down, LMFAOOO I knew that "masterpost" was never gonna see the light

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