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Charli XCX

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Sucks for you cause everything about Pop 2 is still amazing

nice knowing im not the onIy one with TASTE....we Iove her BEST MIXTAPE  :flutter: 


nnn at her having 4 mixtapes and just 2 albums dd :toofunny: 


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I need her to Iisten to this:





AND HEAD BACK TO THE STUDIO WITH SOPHIE GIVE US SOME 90'S PC MUSIC GAY PARTY BOPS :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:

Real talk I have been obsessed with the Vengabus lately idk why but it's such a fucking bop


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don't get me wrong tho unlock it (no jay bussy park verse), I got it and femmebot are my gay national anthems but the rest should have stayed in the trash x


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Real talk I have been obsessed with the Vengabus lately idk why but it's such a fucking bop

its dutch gay eurodance exceIIence my dear thats why :creep:


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don't get me wrong tho unlock it (no jay bussy park verse), I got it and femmebot are my gay national anthems but the rest should have stayed in the trash x


by the look at your username and picture, your homophobic opinion will not be taken literally. Delicious and Porsche were beautiful

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^ same honestly it's stuff like this that kind of makes me prefer no1 angel over pop2. I feel like she's purposely going for a rushed/messy sound but it just leaves me listening to something I feel is tinny/unfinished. I'm really unsure if it's all intentionally messy and uncomfortable or if it legit is just because charli wanted the mixtape to be this manic rush. I thought jay parks verse in unlock it sounded pretty rough too like no polishing up/processing.

I kinda felt AG's instrumental timing in backseat might be intentional but I wasn't sure if it'd sound like I was looking to deep into it.


Before the vocals come in, there are two parts; the droning synth below and the metallic clash above. When Charli comes in, the metallic clash is replaced with a synth that follows the rhythm correctly. I feel like he meant to strike a feeling of suspense or uncertainty, I mean he is a composer so that kind of stuff would make sense. Either way, it's ugly and Charli's vocals are sloppy.

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don't get me wrong tho unlock it (no jay bussy park verse), I got it and femmebot are my gay national anthems but the rest should have stayed in the trash x

Porsche, I got it, unlock it, femmebot are the stars of pop2 I don't know who those other girls are on the mixtape.

:crossed: Justice for Sticky :crossed:

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nice knowing im not the onIy one with TASTE....we Iove her BEST MIXTAPE  :flutter: 


nnn at her having 4 mixtapes and just 2 albums dd :toofunny: 

her best mixtape??? out of all four?? nice knowing I'm not dealing with a sane person's opinions 


Pop 2 is so addictive and just pure perfection. I love every second of It and I mean It. Stop trashing her best mixtape  :crossed:

I really am confused at how two Charli stans can have such contrasting opinions, I thought the majority of us had a good ear for pop. Pop 2 just doesn't live up to Charli's reputation as a pop queen. For me, Pop 2 taints her discography like a sore thumb and I haven't found myself going back to it at all the way I did with Number 1 Angel. 


by the look at your username and picture, your homophobic opinion will not be taken literally. Delicious and Porsche were beautiful

Porsche was a cute girl and I lived for her for few days but she's not invited to the party 

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her best mixtape??? out of all four?? nice knowing I'm not dealing with a sane person's opinions 


I really am confused at how two Charli stans can have such contrasting opinions, I thought the majority of us had a good ear for pop. Pop 2 just doesn't live up to Charli's reputation as a pop queen. For me, Pop 2 taints her discography like a sore thumb and I haven't found myself going back to it at all the way I did with Number 1 Angel. 


Porsche was a cute girl and I lived for her for few days but she's not invited to the party 

The truth of the matter is that you are the minority with that opinion....and thats okay....but honey ur not stating facts.....just ur opinion...now sit down :toofunny:

Number 1 angel is pop perfection album quality and pop2 (minus the iconic tracks) are hand-my-mixtape-out-on-the-street vibes.

now sis...... :crossed:


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The truth of the matter is that you are the minority with that opinion....and thats okay....but honey ur not stating facts.....just ur opinion...now sit down :toofunny:

now sis...... :crossed:

babe go back to recording your off key charli covers on ur angel phone if u think pop 2 is her best mixtape x


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None of this matters anyway because I think we all agree that XCX3 the OG party album was going to be the best thing of all time.

tea but I'm still bitter that it never had an official release date and now its future is unknown 

babe go back to recording your off key charli covers on ur angel phone if u think pop 2 is her best mixtape x

give her a break  :ohno: sis barely heard Charli's early mixtapes like last week, she doesn't know any better  :poordat:  poor thing 

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