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Charli XCX

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She could literally be performing summer smash #1 global hit for 34 consecutive weeks Come To My Party to a STADIUM but is instead singing that same boring four year old FEATURE hook instead..... I cannot get my head around it. I truly feel bad for her and in all honesty I wish XCX3 never leaked if it means the stuff is 100% never going to be released (which is basically isn't). The original XCX3 had the potential to finally make her a household name and a global superstar. It's actually sad to watch her career do this.

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She could literally be performing summer smash #1 global hit for 34 consecutive weeks Come To My Party to a STADIUM but is instead singing that same boring four year old FEATURE hook instead..... I cannot get my head around it. I truly feel bad for her and in all honesty I wish XCX3 never leaked if it means the stuff is 100% never going to be released (which is basically isn't). The original XCX3 had the potential to finally make her a household name and a global superstar. It's actually sad to watch her career do this.


that album wasn't gonna be released regardless. the label saw how bad pop albums are doing rn (katy perry specifically) and didn't have faith in it. i don't believe CTMP would've done much in 2017 either tbh it's a cute song but a bit too gay/childish for the GP. plus she's kinda moved on from that sound :/ the mixtapes have expanded her fanbase a lot anyway


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she doesnt have a household name yet but we should be thankful that at least shes still on the scene making songs with david guetta, rita ora etc. And I also think that Xcx3 was never going to happen because of the pop scenario nowadays unfortunatelly...

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i made a really ugly extended version of the ag cook remix of track 10 which is basically just track 10 pasted in the middle of the remix but I felt like his remix was teasing me because I really wanted to hear the rest of track 10 so if you're like me https://dbr.ee/UI7a someone please make a better version


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she doesnt have a household name yet but we should be thankful that at least shes still on the scene making songs with david guetta, rita ora etc. And I also think that Xcx3 was never going to happen because of the pop scenario nowadays unfortunatelly...


It was too forward-thinking... big labels are all about the money, not the art, and if the typical pop sound is going to appeal to the masses, that's what they're going to try and push. It sucks.


Charli has more of an "alternative" appeal... yet she has the talent and has had a few cross-over hits that went huge. It's almost like the label is desperately trying to recreate that, and its gotten in the way of her vision for XCX3, and because she isn't really that typical pop star figure that the major labels like to market, it's very likely seen as a risk to release an album of futuristic, electro/PC Music, game-changing party bops. It's more of an "underground" sound ATM...


The music industry is just in the pits... it's a shame. The mainstream pop formula has gotten so stale, yet it's all they continue to want to push. :crossed:

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anyway hey i remade the instrumental to 5 in the morning at 5 in the afternoon today, u can listen here and let me know if its good or not (its not identical obviously but i did my best w/ the live recording) : http://picosong.com/wPyk2/

(pls listen w/ headphones if you do btw) ((also its heavily tagged bc i dont want anyone doing anything w/ it, sorry))

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maybe i asked you for songs because you had no hesitation flicking a boatload of unleaked music my way. what a concept!


anyway, that was when i was under the facade you were a normal person who wanted to be a friend and not a hostile weirdo


good thing that's all over now  :D  leak taxi

delusional  :deadbanana:


find a new leaker to try force urself on for 2minute long demos  :toofunny:


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it's too messy for me i prefer the live version she did more, i agree the verse suited her much more than the pre-chorus does. i think rita just tried to do too much with the song and it didn't work out. also interesting how they took down the live version that they performed too

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