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Charli XCX

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okay, but we have to all agree on ONE thing when picosong goes down. we can not use vocaroo, because it automatically makes the upload sound LQ as fuck  :deadbanana: even when you download it in "wav" from their site, it still is LQ


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okay, but we have to all agree on ONE thing when picosong goes down. we can not use vocaroo, because it automatically makes the upload sound LQ as fuck  :deadbanana: even when you download it in "wav" from their site, it still is LQ

it's bad, i know. 

Does anyone know any good site?

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this thread kinda died this is so sad

It’s ok to let it breathe sometimes lol

Or start your own discussion! :)


Like what does everyone think their top 3 faves will end up being from the tracklist / what we know? At this point I’m not even sure but I’ll say Click (Kim & Tommy I’m so excited) , Thoughts based on what Charli said about the song in an interview. How it was kind of free-flowing lyrics on her feelings + thoughts , I’m very excited for Next Level Charli just cuz it’s opening the album. && I’m super excited for Shake It cuz BIG FREEDIA & cupcakke!!!!!! whewwww


Click, Thoughts, Next Level Charli, & Shake It


So your predicted faves & why???


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It’s ok to let it breathe sometimes lol

Or start your own discussion! :)

tea i just like miss the absolute chaos of this thread sksksksks


Anyway I'm most hyped to hear Shake It, February 2017, and Next Level Charli



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someone put a poll on twitter saying who has the best musical chemistry with Charli, Sophie or AG and like my immediate answer is Sophie but like all the emotional songs she’s given us with AG do not compare to any of the Sophie tracks and i feel like comparing XCX World to Pop 2 i wanna say AG. what’s your thoughts ladies

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