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5 minutes ago, Diamantes said:

I mean idk what to really say/ follow about the post above, I guess when it comes to concerts i'm just happy to be near the front n raise the vibes. Feel real fortunate to always meet nice people who treat me personally alrite some are even flirty n we just dance the event out and sing parts that we know. never been shoved nor shoved tapped some shoulders n gesture while smiling and they'd usually be nice and let me. 

I did have an experience when a bitchy gay actually tried doing the same to me but ended up grinding against me to get my attention when he looked back at me for whatever reason, the attitudes just switch so freakin quickly. sometimes u just have to be firm i guess and they stop 

my concert experience was amazing. i saved some video snippets on my phone to relive the moments just in case I wanted to relive them again. visions and party 4 u were momeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnts 


Visions was an E X P E R I E N C E

i would pay money just to experience that one song again. the outro made me feel like i was at like a classic 90s rave and i’ve ALWAYS wanted to experience something like that



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3 minutes ago, godsmonster said:


Visions was an E X P E R I E N C E

i would pay money just to experience that one song again. the outro made me feel like i was at like a classic 90s rave and i’ve ALWAYS wanted to experience something like that

RITE???? I was recording some parts of it but honestly just ended up shaking my phone all over and the video just captured how great it was, like immersive so so good 


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Just now, Diamantes said:

RITE???? I was recording some parts of it but honestly just ended up shaking my phone all over and the video just captured how great it was, like immersive so so good 

i just wish i was able to actually see it



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2 minutes ago, Diamantes said:

:thumb3: yeah that happens sometimes 

yeah my issue w that post was this dude was trying to shove me out of the way to “protect” these two short girls in front of me

mind you i’m 6’1 and had a perfect view WITH them in front of me

this dude was just trying to play savior for these girls against a dude who literally just wanted to SEE the show (i did not move the entire time. he legit kept checking where my feet were and standing w a wide stance to stop me from moving and then got in my way and view of the stage)

however i WILL see Charli again she put her entire XCXussy into that show and performance

next time i’ll get actual seats:teehee:



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4 minutes ago, godsmonster said:

yeah my issue w that post was this dude was trying to shove me out of the way to “protect” these two short girls in front of me

mind you i’m 6’1 and had a perfect view WITH them in front of me

this dude was just trying to play savior for these girls against a dude who literally just wanted to SEE the show (i did not move the entire time. he legit kept checking where my feet were and standing w a wide stance to stop me from moving and then got in my way and view of the stage)

however i WILL see Charli again she put her entire XCXussy into that show and performance

next time i’ll get actual seats:teehee:

i feel like if i were in that situation I probably would've just befriended them and would've just vibed or something and maybe it would've been less tense. it can really depend on who you're around sometimes and some people can just be plain shitty but yeah she's a GREAT AMAZING performer it made me love the music even more, it really brought the experience to another level it was so so good gretchen-dance.gif


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4 minutes ago, Diamantes said:

i feel like if i were in that situation I probably would've just befriended them and would've just vibed or something and maybe it would've been less tense. it can really depend on who you're around sometimes and some people can just be plain shitty but yeah she's a GREAT AMAZING performer it made me love the music even more, it really brought the experience to another level it was so so good gretchen-dance.gif

however i’m still mad Charlene isn’t doing Pink Diamond live but maybe it’s because she knows it will END LIVES



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5 minutes ago, Diamantes said:

that would've been SOMETHING 

i thought the balcony i was on was gonna fucking break during Vroom Vroom i could feel it shaking

that also was a Moment(TM)



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13 minutes ago, godsmonster said:

so what’s the story with Bel Air? is she a SUCKER outtake? and is that (horrid) second version really a SOPHIE production?


i know it's not a sophie production i think it's just dubbed the "sophie version" cause some samples were used from her list of squelches


edit: @godsmonster forgot to answer the outtake thing - i think it's an early xcx world outtake (sessions started in 2014 and continued for 3 years because she was in label hell lol)

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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7 minutes ago, godsmonster said:

i thought the balcony i was on was gonna fucking break during Vroom Vroom i could feel it shaking

that also was a Moment(TM)

I can still feel the pulses of the rest of the crowd it was honestly just. It was one of those perfect moments I wouldntve changed anything about it 


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12 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

Wtaf 💀 US fans are crazy I’ll be there at 7:00 when the show starts 




not but i did that bc it was when she was doing meet and greets with the first 50 people that came in and I wanted to meet her so bad... but I didn't end up meeting her lol.


but still its fun and i was barricade so it was worth it 

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