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omg yes :defeated: i will die

did you get like substantial conversation time with her or just a minute or two? 

A minute or two IS substantial conversation time! She signed my shirt twice, and we had a nice discussion about all her stuff and how much I love her, and I got a picture with her and oh yeah, I kissed her.  :legend: 

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A minute or two IS substantial conversation time! She signed my shirt twice, and we had a nice discussion about all her stuff and how much I love her, and I got a picture with her and oh yeah, I kissed her.  :legend: 


Well how much time did you get?!? Hmm.. on the mouth? You trollop! :hooker: 


How much were tickets to the solo tour?


Like, shit, I'll go to all the California dates if she does multiple.


12. fucking. dollars. 


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She gives everyone as much time as they want, omg. 

She turned to me and like, screamed "SORRY!" because apparently she thought I was annoyed that she was talking to this group of girls for like 5 minutes.

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When was Charli gonna post Interior? And where did she say that she was posting THAT song? I'm sure the version that we have is a demo or something 'cause Feel My Pain sounds like its an earlier version than the one on the sampler.


She mentioned it late March on twitter. I don't really feel like looking for the tweet, but I know it's somewhere in the thread. :rip: 


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When was Charli gonna post Interior? And where did she say that she was posting THAT song? I'm sure the version that we have is a demo or something 'cause Feel My Pain sounds like its an earlier version than the one on the sampler.

That was probably as far as Interior got in the recording process


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When was Charli gonna post Interior? And where did she say that she was posting THAT song? I'm sure the version that we have is a demo or something 'cause Feel My Pain sounds like its an earlier version than the one on the sampler.


But then Stay Away is the final version (I think).


It was back when she did "Social Sunday".

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Stay Away is totally the final.

Mediahorse didn't give a crap about her until Stay Away. What's weird is that where Interior is registered, Mediahorse is credited. I have no idea what kind of input they had on it.

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Andrew, I wouldn't be too sure that this is the most finished version. Of course it was obviously the 'latest' version ehen they uploaded it, but she talked about it fondly enough that I feel assured that she finished it. Oh, and that chick who worls for her publisher scrobbled it right beofre the tracklist was confirmed, so I definitely think it was considered for the album.


Jake, they aren't listed as co-writers, are they? They are mentioned as publishers for 'Feel My Pain,' but I have yet to see 'Interior' registered anywhere. :O

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 They are mentioned as publishers for 'Feel My Pain,' but I have yet to see 'Interior' registered anywhere. :O

That's what I meant.  :facepalm:







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If it was Charli's song, imagine how huge she'd be.

Or maybe it wouldn't receive any attention at all  :hdu:


Well, has Icona Pop really gotten a lot of attention? :O 

"Smile" is really really really amazing. It's grown on me so much lately. 


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