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I don't pay much attention to her, but what about her personality is abrasive? 


I used to follow her on twitter, and her reactions to criticism/interpretation of her music could be very harsh, which seemed weird to me. 


Others have also explained it pretty well-

wow.. what a disgusting attitude




you should be glad people are even listening to your trash music, let alone taking the time to actually dissect them as if to say that you are actually interesting as an artist


She's so bitter towards people and thats why i could never really get into her music...Like she flipped out on a fan cause they said that she ripped off whatever song she 'sampled' on Hold me Down. be professional.


As to her attitude towards people about her music, I think her (along w/ Ryn) need to realize that once you release your music, you need to just let the music speak for itself. I'm not saying she can't clarify something discussed about one of her songs, but she needs to be more selective in what she addresses and specifically, how she addresses it. Coming off bitchy, rude, and ungrateful does not do her any good for her image. With an artist like her, whose fan base in entirely made up of people who frequent the internet, she may need to realize that anything she does do on the internet, her fans will be aware of it. If she continues with a hot & cold attitude, that could turn away potential future fans and  turn off current fans.

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My iTunes pre-order came in! The songs that caught my interest on first play were Colors, Strange Love, Gasoline, Control, Young God, and I Walk the Line. And I really like the pre-release songs. Hopefully the whole album becomes amazing, since I remember not liking Room 93 at all for like a whole week after I bought it.

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The album version of Ghost :wtf:

Wait, what's different about it? (I haven't bought the album yet and ignored Ghost when I listened to the leak)


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It sounds like the Room 93 version... recorded on a phone :biblio:


Isnt it the other way around? The Room 93 version is so horrid, I can't even listen to it. I feel deaf whenever I listen to it. It's like my ears are filled with syrup. And the stems are so.. harsh. Ew. If I take the album version and add reverb to it, you literally get the crap from the Room 93 EP.... And the backing vocals are so... no. 


I can't see why you're hating on the flawless album version. You can't even hear the bridge in the Room 93 version.



edit: what in the world. the .zip i downloaded with the EP a looong time ago has some weird ass fucking version on it :rip: i've never heard the actual Room 93 version of Ghost until now. WHAT EVEN :rip: it sounds like someone put reverb on it


edit 2: http://picosong.com/JnjA/ what even is this??????? the one i just found on Apple Music sounds NOTHING like this :rip: :rip: :rip:


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I'm really loving Halsey's Badlands!!!

Haunting is seriously slaying my soul! It's too beautiful!


My top picks from the Badlands are :


1. Haunting

2. Control

3. Gasoline

4. Hurricane

5. New Americana

6. Castle

7. Ghost

8. Drive


These 8 songs are flawless sonically and are super eargasmic !!!


I don't understand why she didn't include Empty Gold in this album.

She could have easily replaced Colours pt II with Empty Gold.

Empty Gold in my opinion was a really strong track sonically as well as lyrically.


Songs that I'm not that into at the moment but may eventually grow on me :


1. Colours ( Her voice sounds like Tay swift in this at the part where she sings "And it's blue ooh woo ooh ooh )

2. Roman Holiday

3. Strange Love

4. Coming Down ( Most Annoying song)

5. I Walk the line

6. Hold me Down

7. Young God


Overall it's a pretty good album , could have been better.

But I'm sure her second album will slay real hard.

Album Rating : 75/100

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Okay wait, my Room 93 version doesn't sound bad though? I bought the CD, though, so maybe they included different mixes/masters on the CD than the digital download? My CD version sounds like this:



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Okay wait, my Room 93 version doesn't sound bad though? I bought the CD, though, so maybe they included different mixes/masters on the CD than the digital download? My CD version sounds like this:



i must have downloaded some bootleg shit. could that thing i posted be a demo or something? :rip: idk


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i must have downloaded some bootleg shit. could that thing i posted be a demo or something? :rip: idk

You posted the original EP version, she changed the mix for the physical release and she switched out the two mixes on iTunes around the same time


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You posted the original EP version, she changed the mix for the physical release and she switched out the two mixes on iTunes around the same time


OOOOOH :rip:



...well, THAT VERSION SUCKS  :crossed:  :crossed:  :crossed:


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