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"Music To Watch Boys To" premiering on Beats1 in less than 2 hours.

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Okay after a few listens late at night this has grown a lot on me. The chorus is amazing. I feel it's a bit disconnected from the other songs this era other than the dramatic & heavy strings buuuut maybe it'll all make sense when the full album comes out.


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Mess! Everyone of these song reveals is the same

1. Everyone praises it to death for the first couple of pages

2. Someone criticises the lyrics/production

3. BTD stans get upset that it doesn't sound like a rehash of BTD

4. People begin to turn on the song

5. It starts to seem that everyone hates the song

A couple of months pass...

6. Everyone loves the song again


The exact same thing happened with all the Ultraviolence singles/promo singles.


sorry I've been loving every singles/promo singles from UV since their releases

and i will never change my opinion on this!


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Sounds a LOT like Sad Girl, indeed, I see I'm not the only only one thinking that. I think that in this case, my imagination played tricks with me cause it's really not what I was expecting. But although the melody is very reminiscent of Sad Girl, even to the production (the flute making solos recurrently after she sings each Line in the verses) it's ... Something else.


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I feel like MTWBT TLY and HM are all pretty successful at being pretty sounding vignettes that are easy to listen to and overall equivalent. It's very May Jailer meets Paradise Lana. MTWBT was clearly produced and written to stand out but I think they are all pretty equivalent with TLY having that bridge and HM is just as beautiful if only for there's just not a lot going on there for a good while. And the whole pico boulevard line is a travesty.


HBTB is also that too, but it's also got some of the witty/funny/bratty which I used to consider to be one of her constants. It passes the fun test barely because of easy writing that is a little unmemorable if easy to remember, but as always the one true constant, it's all a cohesive collected piece that works great thanks to visionary production and delivery. Still a bitter truth that HBTB got tired on repeat real quick as opposed to UV or WC which are like pretty immune to repeat fatigue. I've been bad about having mostly the first half of UV playing in my car for months on end. 


Despite that honest critique I love the singles and I feel like Honeymoon is gonna flow like butter. Down, Up, Up, Down. I'm chill with a dark, pretty sounding easy listen. 

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OK but does the cover remind anyone else of 'Bangerz'?????????????????????????

Does anyone think of this when the "live to love you, boy" part is on??



Completely unrelated, but what happened to her album being released this year? And Fergie's?


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I seem to be the only one but I feel like the cover art goes well with the song. They both give me a surf noir/island vibe... And I like neon signs as a work of art ala Tracey Emin (visual artist).

He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart.

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I seem to be the only one but I feel like the cover art goes well with the song. They both give me a surf noir/island vibe... And I like neon signs as a work of art ala Tracey Emin (visual artist).


I agree with you and so is the music production. I love it!

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