Guest Maru the Cat Posted October 11, 2012 Maybe in the near future, when Lana releases something country-exclusive, Moy can come to the rescue and make a fake iTunes for that country and buy the songs for us all. I still think the Summertime Sadness EP thread was far more amazing than the National Anthem music video thread. The deterioration improvement of the thread into constant posts of nekkid men and (three/four/five)somes among the "HURRY UP PINUPGIRLS" posts was possibly the best forum experience of my life. :') @Sitar, do you still have those images of the naked, hairy fat man with his beard and guns? Wasn't Hellion into that? :3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted October 11, 2012 WAIT. Is that Chuck? No, she can't be that much of an asshole. Hey, do you think that in this same parallel universe Ahmed is still looking for his microphone to host Reydio? ... Of course he is! He also never had to flee the country or go to jail or whatever (?), and he's happily sitting at home making Lana mixtapes with no backlash at all. Thanks guys, i'll be here all week. You should really try the fish, i hear it's good, i'm friends with the cook, so. As long as it comes with some avacados. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lflflflflflflflflflf 3,723 Posted October 11, 2012 And the PinupGirls Award for Most Ignorant Post Made Regarding Race/Culture in a Music Video goes to Moy! Congrats! What if Lana wrote a song about an Arabian and then wore a turban in the music video. It's no big deal at all because she's not mocking anyone or anything. What if Coldplay wrote a song about a Chinese person and then got Rihanna to dress as a geisha in the music video. It's no big deal at all because she's not mocking anyone or anything. The video was nominated for two MTV Music Video Awards. Best direction and best cinematography. What now? How ignorant of me to presume that humans are comfortable with others portraying their culture through media. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Maru the Cat Posted October 11, 2012 What if Lana wrote a song about an Arabian and then wore a turban in the music video. It's no big deal at all because she's not mocking anyone or anything. What if Coldplay wrote a song about a Chinese person and then got Rihanna to dress as a geisha in the music video. It's no big deal at all because she's not mocking anyone or anything. The video was nominated for two MTV Music Video Awards. Best direction and best cinematography. What now. OH MY GOD. I CAN'T. IF THERE WAS EVER ANY QUESTION ABOUT THIS SURPASSING PINUPGIRLS, IT'S GONE NOW. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilentity 13,358 Posted October 11, 2012 I think that in some parallel universe one of the biker dudes in Ride is black, and in this parallel universe never went down and PinupGirls is right now writing a post about how even though he loves black people, he just doesn't get why one of the bikers had to be black. This reminds me of how I used to tease my slightly racist boss that his daughter was gonna run off with a black biker when she came of age. Ah, good times back when I was a carnie. (And no I don't have small hands or smell like cabbage.) Hey, do you think that in this same parallel universe Ahmed is still looking for his microphone to host Reydio? ... In that parallel universe, the FBI are still looking for Sky Ferreira because she stole it from him. So, who wants to place bets that Lana's response, if questioned about the headdress, will be "I just thought it looked really beautiful"? 0 Quote Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEAL 751 Posted October 11, 2012 What has become of this thread? *flees* 1 Quote ..but believe me when I say that the surveillance we live under is the highest privilege compared to how we treat the rest of the world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted October 11, 2012 Well, now he's asking for it. Come on Maru! Pick apart the posts! :3 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lflflflflflflflflflf 3,723 Posted October 11, 2012 And I know, just because it was nominated for awards does not mean that it's automatically not offensive. I know that. I'm not disputing it. But that doesn't necessarily mean that people have to dislike the video. If it's a good video, it's a good video. It's not acceptable to like the headdresses because 'it's insensitive'? Does this mean that no-one should ever listen to Nicki Minaj because the word ':)' is offensive? (no one should listen to Nicki Minaj in general really but I'm just using it as an example.) People are allowed to like 'offensive' things but it doesn't make them 'ignorant.' 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TrailerParkDarling 5,705 Posted October 11, 2012 What if Lana wrote a song about an Arabian and then wore a turban in the music video. It's no big deal at all because she's not mocking anyone or anything. What if Coldplay wrote a song about a Chinese person and then got Rihanna to dress as a geisha in the music video. It's no big deal at all because she's not mocking anyone or anything. The video was nominated for two MTV Music Video Awards. Best direction and best cinematography. What now. LOL she got backlash for that and the geisha in no way represents Asian culture. The bottom line is Lana is not Arabian so it would most likely be offensive to that culture. It's not her culture to represent. Would it be acceptable for her to put on black face? Maybe a yellow star 2 represent how society has made her an outcast? (Really would like to see someone try 2 defend that tbh) On another note: ** I get people wanting to defend Lana 2 the death and some may see it as stylish for whatever hipster reason. I think it was something done out of ignorance, because a lot of people don't get why it's offensive... my friend wears what she calls "Indian" prints all the time, and she just looks like an asshole tbh 0 Quote *** People call me crazy but I'm in demand *** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilentity 13,358 Posted October 11, 2012 This seems germane to quote here: I can be your China doll... That's so racist. Poor Sitar. I feel sorry for what has become of his beautiful thread. 0 Quote Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexzdelrey 123 Posted October 11, 2012 bleh i don't wanna cause trouble but i just want to explain why headdresses are a problem. First off, it perpetuates the stereotypes of native americans that old hollywood used to develop in their movies. Something that native americans have been trying to fight off for well over 30-40 years now. Second, Native Americans never wore head dresses unless they earned it. It represents something entirely more than just a fashion item. "representing the way america used to be" doesn't make sense for wearing a headdress. America treated Native Americans like complete fucking dogs and that's what your saying Lana is representing? To native americans (and many others) wearing a headdress is no different than blackface, it does nothing but further stereotypes and make something that used to be high regarded in a culture into nothing more than a bracelet or hat It's not acceptable to like the headdresses because 'it's insensitive'? it's acceptable to like the headdress because it probably looks fucking cool, but you probably don't know why wearing it is insensitive in the first place. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted October 11, 2012 Poor Sitar. I feel sorry for what has become of his beautiful thread. may it rest in piss 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monicker 3,035 Posted October 11, 2012 ...among the "HURRY UP PINUPGIRLS" posts... He really went from being completely in the shit house to saving the day within a matter of hours! He got, like, a million "likes" on the OP with the download links (because he demanded that everyone "like" it) and i think he felt speshul after that, after buying back some face. I can't imagine what the fuck PinupGirls would think if he ever came here and discovered how much we still talk about this. Gosh, we are pretty ruthless here, huh? Nah, probably not. As long as it comes with some avacados. It all comes with avocados, HDB. OH MY GOD. I CAN'T. IF THERE WAS EVER ANY QUESTION ABOUT THIS SURPASSING PINUPGIRLS, IT'S GONE NOW. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Come on, he's clearly putting us on. This can't be real. Maybe Moy will delete his account and come back an hour later? Ah, good times back when I was a carnie. (And no I don't have small hands or smell like cabbage.) WHAT? You were a CARNIE?? This is amazing. 1 Quote "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilentity 13,358 Posted October 11, 2012 Moy, might I suggest you enter the Lanaween costume contest dressed as Indian Lana from the "Ride" video? 2 Quote Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexzdelrey 123 Posted October 11, 2012 It's funny cause we are talking about this but in the grand scheme of things, nothing is really going to change, Lana is just going to be written up on a few native blogs and this is all going to be forgotten about in a week. The only thing that could actually change things is if Lana was aware of what she did and apologized, that's what I like to see. She'd gain an enormous amount of respect from me if she did that. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted October 11, 2012 It's funny cause we are talking about this but in the grand scheme of things, nothing is really going to change, Lana is just going to be written up on a few native blogs and this is all going to be forgotten about in a week. I don't think you understand that we have nothing better to do. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
greymillenium 542 Posted October 11, 2012 thank for sharing! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TrailerParkDarling 5,705 Posted October 11, 2012 It's funny cause we are talking about this but in the grand scheme of things, nothing is really going to change, Lana is just going to be written up on a few native blogs and this is all going to be forgotten about in a week. The only thing that could actually change things is if Lana was aware of what she did and apologized, that's what I like to see. She'd gain an enormous amount of respect from me if she did that. I don't see this happening.. she doesn't really come off as apologetic. Just kinda of like... if you don't like it, I don't care, ya know? I just hope she gets educated about it someday. Someone really should have told her. It feels like there are all these little things she does that bother me and they never get explained or talked about any further. And it's tough because I doubt she will get any mainstream backlash for this considering she isn't that famous.. at most, like you said, she'll get a few negative internet write ups and there's no way she'll ever find out about those/ read them. I remember doing stupid things like this and not really *getting it* and looking back, I feel so embarrassed. 1 Quote *** People call me crazy but I'm in demand *** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lflflflflflflflflflf 3,723 Posted October 11, 2012 While I admit that I am more educated in the subject of Native American headdresses, beggars can't be choosers and it's gonna be in the Ride video whether you like it or not. Maybe I'll watch it before all of you and then tell you when the headdress comes on so you can all put your hands over your eyes and ignore the political incorrectness in Lana's art. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Maru the Cat Posted October 11, 2012 Maybe a yellow star 2 represent how society has made her an outcast? (Really would like to see someone try 2 defend that tbh) LOL, now that's just silly. There was a mass genocide of Jews during WWII, that's horrible!!! You can't compare that to Lana wearing a beautiful headdress!! It's not like there was Native American genocide hurr in good 'ole Amurica~!! #backtothecountryamericausedtobe 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites