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Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll


342 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Honeymoon?

    • Honeymoon
    • Music to Watch Boys to
    • Terrence Loves You
    • God Knows I Tried
    • High by the Beach
    • Freak
    • Art Deco
    • Burnt Norton
    • Religion
    • Salvatore
    • The Blackest Day
    • 24
    • Swan Song
    • Don't Let Me be Misunderstood

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hi DeadAgainst :) , whats your take on Swan Song? (if you dont mind explaining it..) nice to hear diff views on it..

(i had mentioned it may be about Lizzy and Lana talking to each other..)


Dive in, dive deep and dive blue my sweet (I think these are the right lyrics?)

Rushing up from the water where the ice meets
And you've been gone so long, you missed everything
The world can change in a day if you go away
To retreat within her own depths is her impulse as a mystic … but, to follow that impulse would risk being forgotten by the world. Why say anything to her that she has not already contemplated? #Introvertedpopstarproblems.

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Dive in, dive deep and dive blue my sweet (I think these are the right lyrics?)

Rushing up from the water where the ice meets
And you've been gone so long, you missed everything
The world can change in a day if you go away
To retreat within her own depths is her impulse as a mystic … but, to follow that impulse would risk being forgotten by the world. Why say anything to her that she has not already contemplated? #Introvertedpopstarproblems.


Exactly. This song is the key to truly understanding her inner dichotomy. And I love that she references the white tennis shoes of procrastination, inviting the listener (herself?) to hide away, evade responsibility and dream instead of do. It's the opposite of every other message we're sent, which equates leisurely rest with guilt.

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when he is not touring or releasing a new record which is quickly recorded Robert Zimmerman (who does basically zero publicity and tv and never a meet and greet) lives his own life with

zero people following his every move. When he again is Bob Dylan (who never had a #1 record that he sang)


Of course, the media never hounds a male and almost never abuses them either.


For decades, no one ever knew who Joey Levine and Ron Dante and Geoff Stephens were either.(to use the opposite extreme)


Was Cary Grant still Archibald Leach or did Cary Grant take over.


See a few original twilight zone episodes, especially the one with Cliff Robertson for a similar thought.


I for one would love to see Lana star in a new version of Sunset Boulevard. (either on film or on Broadway). 

Lana as Norma Desmond.

Perhaps James Franco in the William Holden role

Perhaps David Bowie as the ex-director chauffer

and David Lynch as Mr. Demile

(perhaps in James's theatre group both in Hollywood and off-Broadway.


(damn, that is such a good idea I hope someone doesn't steal it for someone else)

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Swan Song is my favorite song on the album, followed or perhaps i should say equalled by Blackest Day.

(i would have tightened the drawn out choruses in a bit on Blackest day tho..) Freak is right behind these and

close for me as well.. really great songs..Iconic for me. :blush:

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swan song wasn't a stand-out track for me at first and it's not something i can replay over and over but i love it so much, the outro and the 2nd verse are really enchanting and get stuck in my head all the time


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Shivers down my spine emerge as soon as the chorus in The Blackest Day hits, and lyrically, sonically and musically it's simply a delight listening to her delve into issues of depression and melancholia, whilst at the same time delivering some of the purest vocals I've heard. 


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Shivers down my spine emerge as soon as the chorus in The Blackest Day hits, and lyrically, sonically and musically it's simply a delight listening to her delve into issues of depression and melancholia, whilst at the same time delivering some of the purest vocals I've heard. 


times 10.. totally agree :sadcore2:

but for me the shivers start at the first words in the verses..

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Listened to the album in full again today and omg I love it so much. The only two tracks I don't really care for are Terrence Loves You and Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood. I even got into Honeymoon and HBTB again.

You don't really care about the stellar bridge of TLY? It's one of the highlights of her whole damn career but I'm not going to persuade you.


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HM the album IMHO is one of the best bodies of work in existence. Its the most Lana i've ever felt Lana so strongly to be.. :smile2:

this album is a fucking masterpiece, but its slow. You have to be in the mood. keep listening, every listen gets more amazing..

thats what i found, altho of course certain songs are the stand outs, for me the ICONIC songs are;








and of course the BURNT NORTON INTERLUDE


K, done for now.. my HM fix had been satiated (for a few hours..) :hawt:

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