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Lana will do a M&G in NYC at Urban Outfitters

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I'm starting to regret not having told her how much I love her. :( I told her about everything I went through trying to get to this moment (the 16 hours on a sidewalk, running like 15 blocks to get there, how I've tried meeting her before and failed) but I didn't tell her how much I love her music and her. But I think she has to know after everything I did to get a couple of minutes with her.

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About LIB:


Me: So I was wondering about Life is Beautiful. Are we ever gonna get it?


Lana: Um, not really.


Me: Oh no? It was just a snippet?


Lana: No, but don't you guys have it already?


Me: No, we just have the snippet in the trailer.


Lana: Oh really that's it? I mean I guess I could put it online. But you think people are like really interested in it?


Me: uh, yeah!


We should mass-tweet to her about LIB to show her that we are interested in it. Or just flood her IG posts with messages about it, so she doesn't forget :eek:

Tweeting right now...

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Someone please ask her why isn't there any bonus tracks and about Life is Beautiful?! PLEASE!!!

Why is everyone so hung up about bonus tracks? The album is already over an hour...

karma drawn up in lines / baby it's a freebie you sure look deprived

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I have to say that UO did really well handling this event and keeping it fair. And I think this had to do a lot with the group of fans who got there first. They were the ones who took initiative of starting a numbering system, and they were the ones who approached the store manager and asked if that was okay, and apparently the manager was like, "I love you so much for doing this." And these fans had their shit together because they had their own color-coded system of markers to use so that they'd know if anyone lied.


And they were also the ones who went and made a list with each person's number and name, and they talked to security to work together. So this way the 125 people who were hardcore enough to arrive early as fuck and camp out all day and night got their places. And they also made sure to keep track of anyone who decided to leave so that they could give that person's number to people on the waiting list (yeah, there was also a waiting list  :smokes: ).


There were a few assholes who were plotting how they were going to sneak in and take people's spots, but with it wasn't possible for them to do it with the system that was laid out. So the first 125 of us were pretty relaxed knowing we had our places. 


It was rough on the people who made it late and on the people who were hoping someone would drop out, but the bright side is that they live in NY and that there will likely be a lot more chances to see Lana in the future.


AND ALSO the store was so nice for giving the first 125 people free shirts and pizza while we were waiting on line.

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Do you guys think that conversation about Life is Beautiful really went down? How could she really not know the song was never released...?

Um, YES it 100% went down because she said it to me. But I'm not going to bother to defend it to anyone because I don't really care that much because I'll go around knowing the truth.

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Um, YES it 100% went down because she said it to me. But I'm not going to bother to defend it to anyone because I don't really care that much because I'll go around knowing the truth.

I just want to see if she actually posts it online.

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The more I read about and seen videos about how Lana treats her fans remind me of Amy Winehouse a lot. A very talented and tormented artist that been through hell, but yet so loving and humble. It's never about making money like most artists, but mainly doing it for the sake of art and music. I love artists who are like this, sadly, there isn't many. I really hope she'll release Life is Beautiful online. I mean with songs she covered on Youtube like Summer Wine and Chelsea Hotel No. 2, any artist would've take the chance and make money off it if they're doing it. So it's refreshing when an artist comes along and just does her own thing breaking away from the conventional artist and their doing too. Having said that, I wish Amy Winehouse is still around. It would be interesting to know what she thinks of Lana, I think she'll love her too.

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i'm trying to decide whether i should drive to LA or not; can someone who went to the NY M&G describe the process and what it was like to get the wristband? and how much time were you allowed to talk to her, etc? were there people camping overnight? 


EDIT: NEVERMIND i just read through the thread. mess 


i would do it if i didn't have so much shit to study 




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Um, YES it 100% went down because she said it to me. But I'm not going to bother to defend it to anyone because I don't really care that much because I'll go around knowing the truth.

Remember when you said Lana told you she'd release LiB? LOL.

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Remember when you said Lana told you she'd release LiB? LOL.


all brooklynbaby91 relayed to us was what Lana told him/her, they don't fucking work for lana or know inside info, no need to be a dick about it. if lana said she'd release life is beautiful and hasn't, what the fuck do you want brooklynbaby to do about it?

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all brooklynbaby91 relayed to us was what Lana told him/her, they don't fucking work for lana or know inside info, no need to be a dick about it. if lana said she'd release life is beautiful and hasn't, what the fuck do you want brooklynbaby to do about it?

Way to jump to conclusions. Never said shit about what I wanted him/her to do, just pointing it out that they told us Lana "said" she'd release a song, when others have asked her as well in the past and she told them she had no idea what was going on with it. Doesn't add up.


It's months since brooklynbaby91 has told us this and still no song.

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