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'Ride' - Music Video Released

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It seems to me that the hippie counterculture of the 60s was a continuation of the freedom spirit of the 50s Beat generation but my knowledge of American history is just superficial. Lana noted Ginsberg and specifically his poem Howl as a big influence.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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She puts controversial items in all her videos, she likes when it's extreme and deranged somehow.

In :

- Born to Die: the car crash/dead body scene

- Blue Jeans: fingers in the mouth scene

- National Anthem: the whole thing

- Summertime Sadness: suicidal tendency

- Ride: street walking, young girl/old men, headdress..


These are things that make her feel "electric", that make the video striking to the viewers, that leave a mark on us. Her videos are little parts of her, sometimes her message/images/lyrics are too personal for the outsiders to get it completely and cause controversy. She doesn't seem to care, she says what she wants to say, the way she feels it. That's what artists do, they're not always politically correct even though they should be careful.


That actually brings to philosophical questions: should artists be able to express themselves freely without boundaries? Where/what is the limit to art? Should art be censored because of its subject?...


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Her videos are little parts of her, sometimes her message/images/lyrics are too personal for the outsiders to get it completely and cause controversy. She doesn't seem to care, she says what she wants to say, the way she feels it. That's what artists do, they're not always politically correct even though they should be careful.


wow ily and I completely agree with this, I mean she said it herself it's "her story" and she doesn't seem to care about anything more than telling it

Long hair, Lana that's my bitch

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That's actually brings to a philosophical question: should artists be able to express themselves freely without boundaries. Where/what is the limit to art? Should art be censored because it's subject?...


1. Yes

2. There are only self-imposed ones (which i personally advocate)

3. No

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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at the end of the day it's a music video tbh~ she didn't mean to offend anyone or deliver some deep message. all she properly wanted to do was create a beautiful video symbolising freedom and telling a bit of 'her story'...

one time, lana del rey told me that I made her day~ it was awesome

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It's not as if she's trying to make some profound statement though- let's be real- and if she is, I suppose I've missed it


Agreed. Of course she has symbolism in her work, but it is a little ridiculous how much people are reading into things sometimes.

Other than National Anthem i actually don't find anything controversial about any of her videos tbh.

Other than some seductive imagery at times, her work really isn't thr offensive complex puzzle fans make it out to be.

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at the end of the day it's a music video tbh~


What is that supposed to mean? I like IAmThatGirlLily's post. It seems like you're shooting down any chance of there being a deeper message or anything profound by simply saying "It's a music video." Maybe it means much more than just a "music video" to Lana? I don't know, just because it's a music video doesn't mean it can't have a meaning or be some deep or profound piece of art.



My opinion. Of course I'm not referring specifically to "Ride" - but in general.

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What is that supposed to mean? I like IAmThatGirlLily's post. It seems like you're shooting down any chance of there being a deeper message or anything profound by simply saying "It's a music video." Maybe it means much more than just a "music video" to Lana? I don't know, just because it's a music video doesn't mean it can't have a meaning or be some deep or profound piece of art.



My opinion. Of course I'm not referring specifically to "Ride" - but in general.


Calm down.. All I mean is that we don't need to find some deeper meaning, and we should just take it as it is and enjoy it. We don't need to read between the lines, scrutinise every frame, find how it connects to other things. It's a beautiful video~ and I think any profound meaning is personal to Lana, and she did it for herself, not necessarily for us.

one time, lana del rey told me that I made her day~ it was awesome

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I am calm, haha, I was just pointing out I really didn't get why you said "It's a music video tbh" - I really don't think that should have any bearing on how seriously you should take it - maybe that's just me. But I'm not angry at all, I was just a little baffled on the wording of that statement.

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Can we bring the discussion of Lana being a prostitute again? It's pretty clear on the video :P


You know, i never read that thread. I always intended to but just never got around to it, and well, i put it off for so long until it was too late. I've always thought that, if anything, she was a craigslist prostitute, only because one of my closest, dearest friends, who reminds me so much of Lana in many ways, did that for some time, so i can't help making that connection.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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Or maybe she sticks to her 1950s-60s era, in which she has always seemed to perceive a spirit of vitality, and now she has added the Native American element to that spirit, because of their sense of community and closeness to nature, while simultaneously making a point about the suppression of that spirit. In that final shot with the head dress I think she looks stunning, glowing like a Native American goddess.


:facepalm: :wtf:

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