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ISIS Terror Attacks in Paris

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Excerpt from an article outlining the horrific ISIS terror attacks in Paris a few hours ago:


At least 149 people are said to have been slaughtered in the French capital in a series of co-ordinated attacks last night.

A gunman reportedly shouted "it's for Syria" and "Allahu Akbar" – the Arabic for "God is great" – before slaughtering around 100 music fans at a concert hall.

The attacks came just hours after British ISIS butcher Jihadi John was said to have been killed by a US drone strike in Syria.

And several ISIS supporters celebrated the horror attacks attacks using the sick hashtag 'ParisIsBurning'.


This is truly disgusting & I hope that these sorts of attacks will stop one day, because I can't even bare the thought of all of this  :icant:

Sending my love & support to all the Parisians affected by this horrible event <3 <3 <3


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I feel so nauseous. I'm so extremely lucky everyone I know is safe, I just don't understand. I can't help but feeling bad and I can't pinpoint why


i feel similarly. it's an uncomfortable feeling to be so openly confronted with true violence. i guess it triggers us all into remembering the capabilities of humans which makes us feel unsafe.


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I think it's also because this kind of things happens every day at every second in some parts of the world and it's just not as mediated, or maybe it's because I don't look at the news at all precisely because my tolerance to violence is zero to none, but I feel somehow... guilty? that the entire world is focusing on my country and city right now for things that happen all the time and often much worse. I mean I don't pretend at all knowing anything about the subject and I admit my ignorance. I'm out of words, I'm beyond disgust, I've been rabidly checking the news tonight, having several tabs with different sources opened, and the way media talks about it makes me extremely uncomfortable, it's so voyeuristic and glamorous. And yet here am I, still checking, I could be explained a hundred times and I still wouldn't be able to understand how can some humans can go to the point of sacrificing their own lives after ending others it's a concept I cannot understand, I don't hate anything but pure evil and this is exactly what it is at its best if not its worst sigh. The only thing I am able to do is pray so that's what I will do, I feel so French tonight


Edit: I can't put it in words, but what I'm feeling tonight is the feeling when you have to call your family members not to ask how they're feeling or how's life, but if they're ALIVE. I hate how this is making it sound like it's on myself, again I'm deeply conscious of my luck, but this is the kind of situation that pushes you to the borders of humanity. True horror.


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I think this one seems to hit home with people more because of the fact, it happened at a bunch of different locations, in a really public area - and they managed to carry on doing it for what i'm guessing would be 10 minutes out in the open?

And then managed to concentrate 60+ people in one place and slaughter them (and you end up imagining the amount of times you've been somewhere where that could have been you)
Or at least I do  :ohno:

Makes me feel sick about how terrified all the people in there must have felt 


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The way that the whole situation occurred in the Bataclan gives me extreme anxiety, I can't even imagine the horrors of being lined up to prepare to die like that. I am deeply sorry for the victims and the survivors in that situation.


I am bittersweet about the media coverage that has come about. It is good in that it has raised awareness of a familiar issue that we definitely need to tackle, but these incidents happen everyday in some country in Asia/Africa and no one bats an eye about it. It almost shows that Eurocentricity gives some lives more value/importance than everyone else's, which is definitely unsettling.

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The way that the whole situation occurred in the Bataclan gives me extreme anxiety, I can't even imagine the horrors of being lined up to prepare to die like that. I am deeply sorry for the victims and the survivors in that situation.


I am bittersweet about the media coverage that has come about. It is good in that it has raised awareness of a familiar issue that we definitely need to tackle, but these incidents happen everyday in some country in Asia/Africa and no one bats an eye about it. It almost shows that Eurocentricity gives some lives more value/importance than everyone else's, which is definitely unsettling.

I agree. I think a lot of people know that things like this happen all over the world all the time, but because events like that in other nations are generally not televised/broadcasted to the western world, it's very difficult to actually be aware of particular events.


Even though it's nice to see so many celebrities, public figures and just normal people sending their love to Parisians and others affected by this horror, it does beg the question why most of us tend to only focus on things like this when it is within the western world? Why does the media not want to show equally, and in a lot of cases, even worse scenarios from other continents/places? It's disturbing to think that these things happen so often and half the time we aren't even aware of it, because it's only broadcasted if it's generally in the western world/if there's horrific footage. 

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It's disturbing to think that these things happen so often and half the time we aren't even aware of it, because it's only broadcasted if it's generally in the western world/if there's horrific footage.

Maybe you watch or listen to the wrong TV and radio channels? On channels that broadcast news 24h you get these info, videos, photos, it's no secret what happens on this planet - I couldn't be more aware of it. You just have to google 'IS' for instance and you will get the most horrible scenarios from the Eastern world...

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Maybe you watch or listen to the wrong TV and radio channels? On channels that broadcast news 24h you get these info, videos, photos, it's no secret what happens on this planet - I couldn't be more aware of it. You just have to google 'IS' for instance and you will get the most horrible scenarios from the Eastern world...

Well, to be fair I don't watch the news very much or pay much attention to it because almost every current affairs channel is bullshit - they fabricate and manipulate everything just for a story. Usually I just read stories online, so maybe that's why. But I'm just saying in general, at least where I live, we don't have any channels that focus equally as much on stories from other countries - it's more just stories from the western world.

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My heart goes out to all those and their families affected directly, and the feelings afterwards...


coming from the NYC area, 9-11 and the aftermath-

the rush to war

the rush by the Republican president and party to segue from the goal into something having nothing to do with 9-11 which opened a can of worms internationally


plus the on-going problem in the USA where seemingly every other week there is some major event not from international terrorists, but from US (mostly white) gun owners

shooting up a theatre, a supermarket, schools, etc. and the seemingly un-ending availability of bullets and guns in the US, and the ultra-large lobby group the NRA

having no significant opposition to ridding the streets of this problem (one most other nations took care of decades ago, or never had the problem itself).

(All because of an extremely badly written constitution which doesn't say what the gun lovers here say).


freedoms vs. security


and if I can say- in the NYC area, for the last 40 years, any concert I went to in a big or small place, we were always frisked. Back in the 70s it wasn't for security reasons,

it was for illegal small tape recorders so one wouldn't tape a show

IN the 80s it was for booze but one has known if they go to events they would be checked.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Since I live in Italy I'm really impressed about the things happened, France is so close to my country. Here we're scared, this time innocent people has been killed by French persons, so now we walk the streets expecting everything, nobody trusts nobody, we have the feel that we don't know our people, we don't know anyone anymore, we can't recognize who's dangerous and who's not.


Isis have always said what their targets were and nobody ever trust them, but after this we're taking the thing more seriously. On the next 8 of December in Rome will start the Giubileo (I dont know how to say it in english) and we're expecting something from isis


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