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Dua Lipa

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Tbh, I don't get all the black people can say the n word but others can't. People know how others are, people won't like that only certain people can say it. & In a country based on equality you'd understand why some people don't get it. I feel it should be like any other word that's hateful. Nobody should say it at all including black people. Don't think I've used the word either, I haven't ever used it in my life. I believe, if the intention of the person using the word isn't negative then what is the harm?


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Tbh, I don't get all the black people can say the n word but others can't. People know how others are, people won't like that only certain people can say it. & In a country based on equality you'd understand why some people don't get it. I feel it should be like any other word that's hateful. Nobody should say it at all including black people. Don't think I've used the word either, I haven't ever used it in my life. I believe, if the intention of the person using the word isn't negative then what is the harm?


Well, considering the history of the n word, I don't think it's appropriate for anyone non-black or AA to say it because of how detrimental it historically has been specifically to those groups. That may be hard to wrap your head around honestly but the word has an ugly history and just shouldn't really be used by anyone who hasn't reclaimed it. 


That however, doesn't necessarily make any non-black/AA person who says it racist. If someone used it to degrade another it would be, but in the case of singing along to song lyrics not so much.

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Well, considering the history of the n word, I don't think it's appropriate for anyone non-black or AA to say it because of how detrimental it historically has been specifically to those groups. That may be hard to wrap your head around honestly but the word has an ugly history and just shouldn't really be used by anyone who hasn't reclaimed it.


That however, doesn't necessarily make any non-black/AA person who says it racist. If someone used it to degrade another it would be, but in the case of singing along to song lyrics not so much.

How would that be hard to wrap my head around? Slavery was terrible & it's a shame full time in U.S. History. I just feel nobody should say it. But, if people continually try & persist in using the word then everyone should be allowed to say it. Of course, if it's used degradingly they have no right to say it. It's all about the intention of the word. I also believe the movement about reclaiming words is kinda dumb. Yes, you're using the words in a positive light but we shouldn't all reclaim the words to erase their negativity as that just erases an important part of history. But, if people really want to use the word, I'd rather it be reclaimed just as long as it's used in a positive light & that the history behind it isn't forgotten. It's like I'm not fond of everyone saying fag, but if people use it in a joke style way that's kind & funny what's the harm?! If anything, people shouldn't be so sensitive to it anymore. I only ever hear these words being used in positive ways around me. So, I'm content.


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People are so fucking stupid there's no hope for the world at all if y'all keep talking about those useless stuff instead of focusing on the real world problems.

Dua censored the n world, stop it there's nothing to argue about anymore. She did what she had to do and also this shit is so old, move on to something else

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so boring and ugly. definitely influenced entirely by her boyfriends band 

which is in turn a copy of christine and the queens etc.


Forehead kiss was sexy

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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