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29 minutes ago, yayoop said:

I totally see Lana living the “eccentric aunt” role in the future and me too honestly

Yeah I don't even understand that comment in the interview about raising "dogs, cats and chickens alone, and it's gonna be difficult" (not verbatim). She makes it sound like she will inevitably be alone, and I'm not sure why?

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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20 minutes ago, 99centlips said:


wasn't she a big soccer fan while she dated Barrie? all the italy references when she was dating Fran. The hip hop collabs when she dated Gerald. All of her past relationships she takes on something, 

this actually makes a lot of sense.. she also decided to make a rock album while dating barrie, a rock artist :heart:

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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12 minutes ago, stan wayamaya said:

Tbh if lana wants to involve herself in her partner's interests I don't think that's such a bad thing especially given how she has a very busy and famous lifestyle and she probably wants to show her significant others that she cares about their interests since she might not have that much time and energy to dedicate to them

nah, to some extent is fine but...it must be exhausting not having a strong sense of identity and constantly picking a new part to play. She doesn’t get that shes just infatuated. That’s it. No need to copy her latest nonsensical and temporary fling. 

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the sound lana goes for each album probably does have to do a lot with whoever she's dating cause whoever you're in love with is your muse usually

barrie makes rock music so she made a rock/grunge album, francesco is italian and honeymoon sounds like it could be the entire soundtrack for an italian film, eazy is a rapper so she made lfl with lots of trap influence and now she just described cocc to have a midwestern sound after dating a guy from oklahoma  

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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1 minute ago, new gods said:

the sound lana goes for each album probably does have to do a lot with whoever she's dating cause whoever you're in love with is your muse usually

barrie makes rock music so she made a rock/grunge album, francesco is italian and honeymoon sounds like it could be the entire soundtrack for an italian film, eazy is a rapper so she made lfl with lots of trap influence and now she just described cocc to have a midwestern sound after dating a guy from oklahoma  


omg cracked the code. next album will sound like the guys band The Johnsons. I haven’t listened  though 

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This whole conversation about her turning into the person she dates, reminds me of the Ride monologue: 

My mother told me that I had a chameleon soul
No moral compass pointing due north
No fixed personality

Always thought that it was obvious, so I am a bit surprised that some realize it now

 DYJRPfi.gif c5dd836305cb85b3253fce96ae00741c547fd6fd.gif SH8DzJM.gif
???????, ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????

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45 minutes ago, 99centlips said:


Literally, yes. she is the definition of that. Of course there's nothing wrong with expressing interest in your partners interest but she does it so obviously idk...it's kinda pathetic 

She literally only posted a video watching football with some guy... How is that pathetic? We don't know everything about her lmao and doing something with someone you like because they like that is not pathetic at all.

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1 minute ago, irvnex said:

She literally only posted a video watching football with some guy... How is that pathetic? We don't know everything about her lmao and doing something with someone you like because they like that is not pathetic at all.


my opinion idk. within the context, she’s 35 it’s kinda cringe. you’re welcome to feel different. maybe pathetic was the wrong word but i digress 

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5 minutes ago, 99centlips said:


thank you :kiss:


does anyone think she will collab with the band? if they continue dating that is. i have a strong feeling she will. 

they’re simple plan but worse. I lasted 19 seconds. Will never listen to ever again. 

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1 minute ago, Llamadelgay said:

they’re simple plan but worse. I lasted 19 seconds. Will never listen to ever again. 


what song did you listen to? :deadbanana:

Lana Del Rey Shades Of Cool Gif

i ' m  y o u r  l i t t l e  q u e e n ✵ r e d , w h i t e , a n d  b l u e 

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4 minutes ago, stan wayamaya said:

Is their band the one on spotify with their last album being a 2015 covers album ... please tell me there's not actual confirmation that theyre dating hehe

Yes to No.1 and I feel you to No. 2 :eek3:




She's a gorgeous narcissist and she knows it.

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