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Lana a future icon?

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Also there's another factor to it - her image. If it gets sold out, then she'll probably become an icon in the future. Marilyn's image was sold out and now she's the cover girl of everything from lipgloss to french fries. It's sad, Marilyn can't rest in peace because of the people she trusted now went back and took advantage of her image. Not only that but Marilyn's entire reputation is just slandered from lies and rumors turned "facts" by biographies. So yeah, your image really needs to be sold out. Like Jayne, she died in a car crash in her 30s I believe, we don't see her as a cover girl for any products. Only Marilyn for the most part.

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Yes. I believe so.


I just get this feeling she could possibly be one if she just keeps doing what shes doing. She needs to put out a biography or a movie or something!


Also there's another factor to it - her image. If it gets sold out, then she'll probably become an icon in the future. Marilyn's image was sold out and now she's the cover girl of everything from lipgloss to french fries. It's sad, Marilyn can't rest in peace because of the people she trusted now went back and took advantage of her image. Not only that but Marilyn's entire reputation is just slandered from lies and rumors turned "facts" by biographies. So yeah, your image really needs to be sold out. Like Jayne, she died in a car crash in her 30s I believe, we don't see her as a cover girl for any products. Only Marilyn for the most part.


My dear Marilyn=/ I like her for different reasons, much more personal ones. Ive read multiple biographies, and im pretty sure none of them are accurate. She was very special though, very very special.


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I just get this feeling she could possibly be one if she just keeps doing what shes doing. She needs to put out a biography or a movie or something!


I know that Lana knows that she can act. With seeing bits its in 'Poolside', it would be interesting to see her explore into that more. Having ties with Harvey Weinstein....you never know.

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omg I was thinking the exact same thing today.

but really, eversince I really got into her I've been having this feeling that we are witnessing the beginning of an icon

Long hair, Lana that's my bitch

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I don't think anyone will ever achieve this. Like, never.


With untrustworthy people and awful biographies detailing lies about your life, it can be achieved. For example, let's take a look at that Mailer biography about Marilyn, lies. Liz might be next, for example that recent GLOBE article detailing an affair with Reagan, suicide attempt, Shirley Temple fued. Ridiculous. It doesn't boil down to what you do in life, it just is how well it is publicized and how your image is used afterwards. Marilyn's image has been abused to such an extent it's impossible, beyond impossible, to save from all the dirt and rips to it. I PRAY Lana is not the next Monroe, I pray she does not get trampled upon, backstabbed, lied about, and all these other awful things that Marilyn is in the grave - unable to witness.


An icon can be good and/or bad, but if you want Lana to be the next Monroe, that's just bad. I get sad seeing all these fake Marilyn quotes around the web and all these lies about her. She was a kind but depressed soul and I'm just glad she isn't alive to witness what has happened to her memory.

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With untrustworthy people and awful biographies detailing lies about your life, it can be achieved. For example, let's take a look at that Mailer biography about Marilyn, lies. Liz might be next, for example that recent GLOBE article detailing an affair with Reagan, suicide attempt, Shirley Temple fued. Ridiculous. It doesn't boil down to what you do in life, it just is how well it is publicized and how your image is used afterwards. Marilyn's image has been abused to such an extent it's impossible, beyond impossible, to save from all the dirt and rips to it. I PRAY Lana is not the next Monroe, I pray she does not get trampled upon, backstabbed, lied about, and all these other awful things that Marilyn is in the grave - unable to witness.


An icon can be good and/or bad, but if you want Lana to be the next Monroe, that's just bad. I get sad seeing all these fake Marilyn quotes around the web and all these lies about her. She was a kind but depressed soul and I'm just glad she isn't alive to witness what has happened to her memory.


I'm not saying that someone can't become a global icon or anything, I'm just saying that I personally don't think anybody will ever become an icon to the extent that Marilyn was and still is! She's a one off, in my opinion.


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lol have u guys seen this


http://www.amazon.co...ds=Lana Del Rey


it's been out for a while


please someone buy this


Well when she was being interviewed (BBC r1?) she was asked about her 'trust no one' tattoo... she said she didn't mean it, so let's hope she doesn't mean 'die young'


I could totally see Lana dying of something extremely tragic, as sad as it sounds=/


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