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I think that in this season Vilde is way more dumb than usual and it makes me sad. I liked her way more in the first seasons. I wish we had a season with her ;-(

I agree :( I love her and she's pretty af but god damn what a stupid girl


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When Isak is in the church and recives Evan's text i died. everything was so magical in that scene, the words Even used in the text and the  O Helga Natt song playing in the background, just wow, i never got over how beautiful that scene was.

Preach! What Even he wrote in the text also made me so emotional. It was so beautiful and heartfelt plus the music that played. And the way that Isak didn't care that Even is bipolar, he still loved him regardless... ugh so emotional  :icant:


Btw I'm listening to the season 3 Skam playlist on Spotify right now - I love the music they play in this show. 

I have liked some of Lykke Li's songs before, but the song "Tonight" is beautiful and I'd never heard of it before watching Skam. It plays in the episode where Isak tells his friends to leave because Even is at the front door, and then once they are left, they have their first time. I just cried listening to it in full for the first time because it brought back all the emotions of that scene. wow I am such an emotional mess because of this show (and I have an exam tomorrow but I'm just sitting here crying over a fictitious character  :sadcore6: )

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Is the season really as bad as people claim it is? I've seen only episode 1 so far I'm waiting until it's fully out so I can watch it all at once






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Is the season really as bad as people claim it is? I've seen only episode 1 so far I'm waiting until it's fully out so I can watch it all at once







It's not as it seems. Watch the season babe!


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Is the season really as bad as people claim it is? I've seen only episode 1 so far I'm waiting until it's fully out so I can watch it all at once




I haven't started watching season 4 yet, so I can't personally comment, but seeing as it's focused on Sana, I think a lot of people probably just want another season with the Isak/Even storyline at the forefront, since this is the story that seems to have resonated the best with a lot of viewers. I'm personally excited to see Sana at the forefront, as I think she is an interesting character and I'd love to get to know her character I bit better, but yeah, I'm a bit sad thinking that it won't be from the perspective of Isak this season seeing as he's my fave character  :poordat:

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so Even is pan, time to update my signature lmao <3


also, yesterday's clip made me legit tear up, it was better than anything i'd ever hoped for.


personally, i don't think most of the criticism re: this season is fair tbh, and mostly reflects the very different & much larger audience when compared to the other seasons. also, people are too impatient and prone to snap judgement on a clip-by-clip basis instead of waiting and seeing how it all unfolds. and imo Julie very much kept her target audience (norwegian teens) and didn't adapt the show to international viewers, which - good.

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YOU GUYS, HAVE YOU SEEN EVA'S INSTAGRAM STORY? They're going WILD, go watch it before it disappears! I suddenly ship Chris and Eskild. :thumb3:




Also, Sana + Yousef and Noora + William, is this a dream?  :oprah:

And on top of that, Eskild's guru session! :thumb3:

"And then I think, 'What would Jesus and Mohammed do?', and that's to let the love flow. So we tried that, love on top, or me on top, you know, because you heard it..."  :godlaugh:  :godlaugh:  :godlaugh:




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wow I have finally caught up to the current episode. Episode 7 of S4 had me SHOOK!.... the girls all forgave Sana for the Instagram hate page and that scene where they all basically gave a big fuck you to those bitchy girls with their new van was GOLD. I actually cried in that scene, because I didn't know if they would end up forgiving Sana (especially Eva, since she kept saying she was going to kill whoever made the page!)


I also cannot believe William came back!! I was honestly so confused as to what would end up happening with the Noora/William storyline since it was dragged out for quite some time, but this is EVERYTHING! I am so glad they're back together.


And knowing that Sana and Yusef like each other (and he even described them as "soulmates") melts my heart. I love their relationship and it makes me so happy that they both like each other.


Also, I saw the new "Guru Advising" clip and omg Eskild never fails to make me laugh!  :D  :lmao: 

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Am I the only one who doesn't... Prefer Sana this season? Idk so far I'm not a huge fan of her storyline and just things she's done in general. Maybe it's only me. idk.

I really wanted this to be her season and see more of her sassy side that we got to see in the previous seasons. but she hasn't been sassy at all and the whole stuff with Yousef takes a little too long. She usually confronted everyone with their behavior in the previous seasons - it's out of character for it not to be the case now.

All the roses are red, and Jupiter too 

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I don't know if this is an unpopular (and perhaps controversial) opinion, but I didn't really like the response that Sana's mother had when she saw the text message from Yousef come up on the screen. I understand what she was saying, that Sana should marry a man who is Muslim because she needs someone who respects her faith and can walk that spiritual journey with her, and remind her why she is Muslim, but for me it sounded like she was trying to brush off Sana's feelings for Yousef as a "phase". It reminded me of those parents who tell their gay kid that it's just a "phase" and one day they will marry someone of the opposite sex. Because by telling Sana that one day she will understand why she needs to marry a Muslim just seems pathetic to me. I know her mother had the right intentions, but I much preferred Elias' response (Sana's brother), where he said that it's more important for her to be with someone who makes her happy and "acts" like a Muslim, rather than someone who is Muslim and goes to the mosque but does not behave like one. 


I suppose it's a bit of a generational difference, with the parents being more conservative and traditional and the younger people being more progressive and open to different outcomes. But to me, what Sana's mother said seemed like she was ignoring her daughter's feelings and trying to tell her what to feel and what to do with her life, which I didn't like. 


And please don't come at me saying I'm "Islamophobic"; I completely respect everyone's rights to practice whatever religion they wish to. I just don't like anyone feeling as if they are being forced to conform to any sort of religious practices, whether they belong to that religion or not. Surely we all should have the right to decide which religious practices we wish to follow, and which ones we don't?

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