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LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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glad to see there are others picking up on what I have been saying for years


I await the day Lana is inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


and the less promo the better


The music speaks for itself.


And it is important how people see Lana

I see her as- (in order)



Producer/Creator in her mind of the entire full concept





I don't consider Lana a performer. A trained seal is a performer jumping through hoops

Lana writing a Broadway production, (or co-production) with others singing her songs I foresee for the future


Perhaps a ballet (much like Pet Shop Boys have done)


and definitely Lana would be well suited for an animated production (i.e. like Elton  & Lion King, or something with

Lin-Manuel or something like Howard Ashman



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nah, they prefer performers who allow livestreams :)

That's what you hope except the proof is in the pudding as they say. She headlined both lolla Chicago and Brazil last year if I remember, and she was one of the first performers announced for Paris. And she does have a love affair with doing festivals rather than touring.

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That's what you hope except the proof is in the pudding as they say. She headlined both lolla Chicago and Brazil last year if I remember, and she was one of the first performers announced for Paris. And she does have a love affair with doing festivals rather than touring.

She doesn't have a love affair, it's easy made money. You get paid decently and you don't have to sell the tickets based on her name alone.

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I don't know if this has already been mentioned but by 'the next few weeks' I think she mean the 26th of March bc that is one if the dates of the Donald Trump witchcraft thing she posted on her twitter. Also on the first date her website got updated ... so maybe this date will be album name?

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I don't know if this has already been mentioned but by 'the next few weeks' I think she mean the 26th of March bc that is one if the dates of the Donald Trump witchcraft thing she posted on her twitter. Also on the first date her website got updated ... so maybe this date will be album name?

i really hope it's more than just a witchcraft reference


but we'll see


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Had a dream Lana released "Architecture" then a song called "Stupid Lie" leaked and it sounded very honeymoon ish. At first I was kinda ify about it, but it was cool, it grew on me. Then I woke up. Damn, am I pissed off.


The best way to describe the song was like Stargirl + Honeymoon (the actual song) but it had a darkish ere sound. Idk it's hard to remember. Hope I'm just psychic.

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I woke up with Lana's livestream, but the gag is that I thought it was a dream, and I was about to get up and get dressed for uni when I realized it was just 3am. I swear to GOD I have NO IDEA how it started playing. I thought I was making up everything she said in my mind. I'm still shaken as fuck cause I was logged into my personal account, when I WAS NOT yesterday, and I remember literally everything she said, and I know I wrote I love you but I have fuck no idea how I got there, the only possibility I see is that I was SO eager for news and so stressed even in my sleep that when I got the insta notification it woke me up just enough to instinctively click on the stream :deadbanana: Stanning enough for Lana to wake me up is not something I would one day think possible but it does shows how much we need juicy news


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Does anyone know what happened with Blake instagramming that he was at the Late Late show? Do we think she'll be on next week? (I'm reaching here).

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That's what you hope except the proof is in the pudding as they say. She headlined both lolla Chicago and Brazil last year if I remember, and she was one of the first performers announced for Paris. And she does have a love affair with doing festivals rather than touring.

she wont do lolla another year tbh 

Does anyone know what happened with Blake instagramming that he was at the Late Late show? Do we think she'll be on next week? (I'm reaching here).

he performs with other artists too

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