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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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I think our european point of view should stay aside from this convo and "cultural appropriation" issues as it barely exists here while it's a real thing in America


but our european view kinda proves what bullshit 'cultural appropriation' is lol


cause everything in europe is mixed, even stuff like pasta wouldn't exist like it does today if someone didn't 'appropriate' from someone else..

culture evolves, it's just what happens, especially in this connected age..

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moving on to paradise-


burning arthritis

im crying at us. lmao I love y'all


American Civil War

Gods and Hitlers

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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cause everything in europe is mixed, even stuff like pasta wouldn't exist like it does today if someone didn't 'appropriate' from someone else..

culture evolves, it's just what happens, especially in this connected age..

That's why our European food is better than American food.  :w8ing:


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1. Honeymoon Memories

2. Music To Watch Grandpas To

3. Jesus Loves You

4. Gods Knows I'm Blind

5. High By The Nursing Home

6. Weak

7. 18th Century Deco

8. Traditional Religion

9. Salvatore (My Caretaker)

10. The Blackest Teeth

11. 94

12. Swan Watching

13. Don't Let Me Fall Down The Stairs

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but our european view kinda proves what bullshit 'cultural appropriation' is lol


cause everything in europe is mixed, even stuff like pasta wouldn't exist like it does today if someone didn't 'appropriate' from someone else..

culture evolves, it's just what happens, especially in this connected age..


Americans seem to have a different mindset for a lot of things  :creep: it is what it is 

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1. Honeymoon Memories

2. Music To Watch Grandpas To

3. Jesus Loves You

4. Gods Knows I'm Blind

5. High By The Nursing Home

6. Weak

7. 18th Century Deco

8. Traditional Religion

9. Salvatore (My Caretaker)

10. The Blackest Teeth

11. 94

12. Swan Watching

13. Don't Let Me Fall Down The Stairs

Out of all of these I YELLED at 94

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Ultraviolence this time


Cruel Teenager

Ultra Heart Burn

Shades of Cancer

Negro beauty (lmao I'm mixed and it's ok you can laugh)

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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but our european view kinda proves what bullshit 'cultural appropriation' is lol

cause everything in europe is mixed, even stuff like pasta wouldn't exist like it does today if someone didn't 'appropriate' from someone else..

culture evolves, it's just what happens, especially in this connected age..


Ehhhhh food is different. People dont treat food and fashion the same in terms of trends. Food is food, we don't really disrespect other cultures for their eating habits then do it ourselves. We disrespect what other cultures wear then take it as fashion trends when it suits us though.


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Kill Me

Queen of the Hospital

Oh Say Where's My Teeth


For My Will, Pt. 2


Retierment Motel

Raisin Brand

Paw Paw's Shop Blues

Cataract Lites

Put Me In a Coffin


Olay oh

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