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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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ohohohohoo my god i just noticed im out of modq jail in two days 





right on time for lfl so i can get down and dirty 2 heroin, change, and get free and then transcend with tomorrow never came to see my musical form of jesus and salvation: yosemite



lolol 2 days. tragic

???, ?????????

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This pitchfork article seriously just helped me see that I really did understand this album upon the first listen. She's confused. And she's embraced that. So I'm way more at peace with this whole thing now.

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man the album is flawless. I can't believe she did THAT. I'm still not feeling the last ones like Change, Get Free and Heroin. My favorite track are DEFINITELY When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing, 13 Beaches, In My Feelings, God Bless America, White Mustang and Cherry. This part of the album is SO sexy and awesome, and her vocals WTF!

The last three are SO good!!!

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The Heroin lyrics about Manson give me chills...the whole song seems to be about the dark side of Canyon culture in California


The Canyons are where the 60s music scene started...Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Mamas and Papas, Eagles, etc, etc. But also the place where the Manson Family was born


Yeah that part is so sinister! And later when she talks about blood on the walls must be a reference to Manson Family too, and the kids going crazy perhaps?


Definitely gave me chills! Especially the line about her friends going away because they still feel him in the air? Damn....


I'm a bit of a true crime buff and the Manson lyrics hit me so hard when I first listened to Heroin! God, Lana invokes such intense images, the blood on the wall legit gave me the shivers. Kinda on subject, but Tarantino's doing a Manson movie and can't you just imagine Lana doing a piece for the soundtrack? 


I didn't notice the Manson reference until I read the lyrics while listening to the song late last night just before going to sleep and I was shook. I've always found stuff like the Manson Family murders interesting to read about, and my favorite films to watch from the thriller/horror genre are these home invasion ones because that could happen to anyone if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's been probably a couple of years since I read about the Manson Family case but because of the recent Tarantino news I've been interested about it again.

Heroin is already a dark one and these references give it even a darker twist which is so creepy but so intriguing. And like @writtenxrabbits said, the images are intense - I can imagine everything she's singing about before my very eyes and it's terrifying but so fascinating at the same time. I can imagine these late 60's kids sitting in the hot weather, possibly watching TV or smoking a joint while sitting on a bean bag and listening to their favorite records, trying to cool off but some of them eventually getting in grip of something evil, going crazy and doing something really horrible. And people who perhaps have been affected by Manson's agenda coming there to feel some of him and what happened in the air. Perhaps most of it is just my imagination but yeah it's some creepy shit and interesting. And I've wanted Lana and Tarantino to do something together for a long time so I really wouldn't mind if Lana did a piece for the soundtrack, it would be cool. Or maybe they should just do a video for the song, now that could be really something - make the kids from Love go crazy and make a really controversial video (and by saying that I just doomed the entire idea since they wouldn't let Lana do anything as controversial as that because it could get a really bad backlash).

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Just wanted to talk about how she writes "Lost for Life" above her handwritten tracklists, and I believe that @SuperMegaStan said it on the Instagram Updates thread, that maybe Lana is trying to convey that a "lust for life" is having a lust to find your way when you're lost in life.


I do believe that after Lana realized she wasn't in the spot where she thought she'd be when she finished working in LFL, she tweaked the album to fit where she was at - she didn't want ingeunine songs on the record that didn't reflect the state of mind she currently had.


I believe that's the reason why the album was delayed and why she writes "Lost for Life" at the top of the tracklist - she even said it in the Pitchfork interview - she doesn't know what the album is about, and she doesn't know where she's at. She's confused, hence, "lost for life." Anybody else agree, or see what I'm saying?

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Just wanted to talk about how she writes "Lost for Life" above her handwritten tracklists, and I believe that @SuperMegaStan said it on the Instagram Updates thread, that maybe Lana is trying to convey that a "lust for life" is having a lust to find your way when you're lost in life.


I do believe that after Lana realized she wasn't in the spot where she thought she'd be when she finished working in LFL, she tweaked the album to fit where she was at - she didn't want ingeunine songs on the record that didn't reflect the state of mind she currently had.


I believe that's the reason why the album was delayed and why she writes "Lost for Life" at the top of the tracklist - she even said it in the Pitchfork interview - she doesn't know what the album is about, and she doesn't know where she's at. She's confused, hence, "lost for life." Anybody else agree, or see what I'm saying?


I agree, she's not especially sad, but not particularly happy either. She's lost, in that middle ground that we often find ourselves.

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I agree, she's not especially sad, but not particularly happy either. She's lost, in that middle ground that we often find ourselves.

Exactly, and I think the fact that she's in that middle ground solidifies the fact that happiness is fleeting - if it were always present, it wouldn't mean anything; a lust for life after such a dark road should have meaning and basis to it.

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Really I like it because someone on here a few days ago hypothesized that it was lana singing to herself and I totally read it that way. Like the verses talk about her smoking at self destructive times, then she says get that cigarette smoke out of my face like she's trying to stop her masochistic habits. Also "they all know you're name" "don't do it". She's split throughout the song as a result of her own self destruction. "who's doper than me" "if you wanna make the switch be my guest baby" like she isn't sure if she wants to be herself or not.



I love this interpretation. I had read it totally as ab a boy



queen of like 8 meanings per 2 words

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Just wanted to talk about how she writes "Lost for Life" above her handwritten tracklists, and I believe that @SuperMegaStan said it on the Instagram Updates thread, that maybe Lana is trying to convey that a "lust for life" is having a lust to find your way when you're lost in life.


I do believe that after Lana realized she wasn't in the spot where she thought she'd be when she finished working in LFL, she tweaked the album to fit where she was at - she didn't want ingeunine songs on the record that didn't reflect the state of mind she currently had.


I believe that's the reason why the album was delayed and why she writes "Lost for Life" at the top of the tracklist - she even said it in the Pitchfork interview - she doesn't know what the album is about, and she doesn't know where she's at. She's confused, hence, "lost for life." Anybody else agree, or see what I'm saying?


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