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Del Rey and Soileau

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maybe little solero got upset because she chose some more attractive guys for her videos?



lol I follow him on Twitter, I've found some of his tweets pretty disturbing and stupid but I never really give any attention to them. why am I even following him tho.

he's kinda OK in Blue Jeans and Born to Die MVs and I admit that he's somewhat attractive but that dick... :eek:

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Look at this: http://audrey-20ques...om/user/photos/


Single or taken? SINGLE


The interview was done in February, Soileau got married in March. That's weird.


The question you knew was coming, so how was it working with Lana? Any sparks? Any plans for a part two?

Working with Lana was like working with a best friend, someone i was really close ith. she's so kind, and she made me feel at home and in place instead of awkward and out of place like some people can make you feel. So i really enjoyed the shoot, it was a lot of fun, as for sparks, there was a definite chemistry that even reads into the video that im pretty sure everyone can see. and i've heard of another video but i havent heard anything solid, so i dont really know. i guess we'll find out soon enough.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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What's wrong with his dick? I really don't understand it, sorry.


It looks like it's been through 3 World Wars IMO. Just.. ew. I've only seen 2 pictures, (not looking at the other links because he's not much to look at) but that's all you really need to see to judge a dick. It just looks.. gross. Like, I've seen so much better, not-beat-up looking dicks. Also, the tattoo is a huge turn-off for me and makes his dick look 10x worse than it already did. How that is even possible, I don't know, but it makes it worse. Blargh.


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It looks like it's been through 3 World Wars IMO. Just.. ew. I've only seen 2 pictures, (not looking at the other links because he's not much to look at) but that's all you really need to see to judge a dick. It just looks.. gross. Like, I've seen so much better, not-beat-up looking dicks. Also, the tattoo is a huge turn-off for me and makes his dick look 10x worse than it already did. How that is even possible, I don't know, but it makes it worse. Blargh.


This is one of the best things I've read on here.


Maybe I just haven't seen enough dicks to be able to judge.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Maybe I just haven't seen enough dicks to be able to judge.


Being a gay male, I have absolutely seen enough dicks to fairly judge (I'm not a skank, I swear, it's all from porn)!!

If you look through some pictures, you'll see what a.. nicer and prettier dick looks like. Bradley's is a rotten cucumber in comparison.


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Being a gay male, I have absolutely seen enough dicks to fairly judge (I'm not a skank, I swear, it's all from porn)!!

If you look through some pictures, you'll see what a.. nicer and prettier dick looks like. Bradley's is a rotten cucumber in comparison.


You're gay? :(

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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i feel kind of bad for him...he has a deformed dick, a surname which sounds like an ice cream and he's obviously incapable of washing his hair. :what:


This is all true but I still just want to touch is face or something.


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It looks like it's been through 3 World Wars IMO. Just.. ew. I've only seen 2 pictures, (not looking at the other links because he's not much to look at) but that's all you really need to see to judge a dick. It just looks.. gross. Like, I've seen so much better, not-beat-up looking dicks. Also, the tattoo is a huge turn-off for me and makes his dick look 10x worse than it already did. How that is even possible, I don't know, but it makes it worse. Blargh.


Post your comparison pix tbh

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It looks like it's been through 3 World Wars IMO. Just.. ew. I've only seen 2 pictures, (not looking at the other links because he's not much to look at) but that's all you really need to see to judge a dick. It just looks.. gross. Like, I've seen so much better, not-beat-up looking dicks. Also, the tattoo is a huge turn-off for me and makes his dick look 10x worse than it already did. How that is even possible, I don't know, but it makes it worse. Blargh.


as soon as I read "It looks like it's been through 3 World Wars IMO" I fucking lost it hahahaha.. before that I was just going to type there's ofc nothing wrong with it!! it just looks a little, I don't fucking know, roughed-up if-ya-know-what-I-mean? I mean no it's not the prettiest of the pretties ideal, but other than that................ :badbitch:

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