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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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LfL, 13B, WM, GF, TNC, and WaW


are great acronyms


VB is also a great acronym

MAC not so much

Dgmw I much much much prefer VB as a song but at least MAC makes me think of mac and cheese which is delicious, but when I googled "VB acronym" it gave me this




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God bless america is still one of my favs, I don't get the hate :(. The beautiful Spanish guitar, the statement, the countermelodies, it's so soothing. 

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LfL, 13B, WM, GF, TNC, and WaW


are great acronyms


VB is also a great acronym

MAC not so much

lol i started calling it this because im lazy and didnt wanna keep typing it out that first day.


i hate it cause it totally makes me think of makeup 


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Dgmw I much much much prefer VB as a song but at least MAC makes me think of mac and cheese which is delicious, but when I googled "VB acronym" it gave me this




"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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Acronyms confuse me to no end, I always have to think and go through Lana's whole catalog in my head to find out what song people are talking about  :icant:

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Dgmw I much much much prefer VB as a song but at least MAC makes me think of mac and cheese which is delicious, but when I googled "VB acronym" it gave me this




well is it wrng

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Dgmw I much much much prefer VB as a song but at least MAC makes me think of mac and cheese which is delicious, but when I googled "VB acronym" it gave me this




imagine walking into the gyno like 'DOC I GOT VB'

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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Damn, everyone seems to have all this hate for LFL. I feel like the odd one out here for being in love with this album. 


I can understand why it put off many fans though. She stepped out of the bubble of that "old-movie-star-lounge-singer-sad-girl" we know her for. The folk, hip hop, and the political topics threw many people off because it wasn't expected coming from her. I myself didn't love LFL from the beginning. Definitely took a couple more back and forth listens for it to grow on me. I wasn't excited when I first heard the title track because I don't really like The Weekend, and that was the only song I had heard before the album came out (I haven't been active on forums so I'm not immediately up to date like everyone else on here). I went to buy the cd anyways just because I'm a fangirl, but I didn't expect it to be my favorite. At first listen I was like "Meh, sure it's good, I mean...it's Lana, but I'm not wow-ing". Over time it really grew on me and became my favorite album of hers so far. I actually liked her attempt at writing about societal/political topics, and the 70s folk inspired songs that were the last half of the album. It has some very beautiful songs (White Mustang, Cherry, 13 Beaches, Summer Bummer, Coachella, When The World Was At War, Beautiful People, Tomorrow Never Came, Heroin, Change, Get Free).


LFL came out the year I moved to LA and got married. I was also listening to it on repeat around the holidays during a stressful time when things weren't so happy. This album was the soundtrack to a new chapter in my life, and it was there to comfort me. So part of my reason for this album being my favorite is personal. 


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Damn, everyone seems to have all this hate for LFL. I feel like the odd one out here for being in love with this album. 


I can understand why it put off many fans though. She stepped out of the bubble of that "old-movie-star-lounge-singer-sad-girl" we know her for. The folk, hip hop, and the political topics threw many people off because it wasn't expected coming from her. I myself didn't love LFL from the beginning. Definitely took a couple more back and forth listens for it to grow on me. I wasn't excited when I first heard the title track because I don't really like The Weekend, and that was the only song I had heard before the album came out (I haven't been active on forums so I'm not immediately up to date like everyone else on here). I went to buy the cd anyways just because I'm a fangirl, but I didn't expect it to be my favorite. At first listen I was like "Meh, sure it's good, I mean...it's Lana, but I'm not wow-ing". Over time it really grew on me and became my favorite album of hers so far. I actually liked her attempt at writing about societal/political topics, and the 70s folk inspired songs that were the last half of the album. It has some very beautiful songs (White Mustang, Cherry, 13 Beaches, Summer Bummer, Coachella, When The World Was At War, Beautiful People, Tomorrow Never Came, Heroin, Change, Get Free).


LFL came out the year I moved to LA and got married. I was also listening to it on repeat around the holidays during a stressful time when things weren't so happy. This album was the soundtrack to a new chapter in my life, and it was there to comfort me. So part of my reason for this album being my favorite is personal. 

I feel you, honey. 

I am one of the few that really love LFL. And just like you, it came out at the right time for me (ever since UV, each and every one of her albums have come out at the right time). 

During the HM era, my mother passed away, and the calm but sad sounds of HM were perfect for me. But after almost a year and a half of grief and sadness, I was ready to be "fully happy" again. So you can imagine the bliss and joy I had when the announcement of LFL came: a happier sound, a more universal outreach, the spacy sounds of Love... Woah.

Then the pre-release period began and I became obssessed with every detail of this album. Like really overanalyzing everything and becoming impatient of every piece of info I could get. But just before LFL came out, summer happened, I was on vacation, I was about to go on a trip to Europe... and something was "missing". I wasn't as happy as I had hoped to be. And I was feeling that a new chapter of my life was about to start, one made of great change son the horizon.

  And then came LFL... and as I was listening to it the first time, when 13 Beaches played for the first time, I realized that it was not a happy album as we thought it would be, but an album about the chaos that happens just before a big change is about to happen in your life. Change embodies that perfectly. WTWWAW played for the first time, I cried like a baby: her voice is so touching, strong and vulnerable, and that song gave me hope, hope that I could still be strong enough to face whatever was about to come my way. After a month or so, Get Free really got to me, and I was boasting like Lana: "I wanna move out of the black into the blue". I fell back in love with this album this summer, Its sounds are so diverse and rich. True, the story is harder to get and the production on some songs isn't perfect. But with 16 songs, you can have a very subtely produced one like Change or a heavier trap-beat one like Coachella. And after HM and UV, which are masterpieces but have pretty much the same sound, we needed a diverse album like LFL. 


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I feel you, honey. 

I am one of the few that really love LFL. And just like you, it came out at the right time for me (ever since UV, each and every one of her albums have come out at the right time). 

During the HM era, my mother passed away, and the calm but sad sounds of HM were perfect for me. But after almost a year and a half of grief and sadness, I was ready to be "fully happy" again. So you can imagine the bliss and joy I had when the announcement of LFL came: a happier sound, a more universal outreach, the spacy sounds of Love... Woah.

Then the pre-release period began and I became obssessed with every detail of this album. Like really overanalyzing everything and becoming impatient of every piece of info I could get. But just before LFL came out, summer happened, I was on vacation, I was about to go on a trip to Europe... and something was "missing". I wasn't as happy as I had hoped to be. And I was feeling that a new chapter of my life was about to start, one made of great change son the horizon.

  And then came LFL... and as I was listening to it the first time, when 13 Beaches played for the first time, I realized that it was not a happy album as we thought it would be, but an album about the chaos that happens just before a big change is about to happen in your life. Change embodies that perfectly. WTWWAW played for the first time, I cried like a baby: her voice is so touching, strong and vulnerable, and that song gave me hope, hope that I could still be strong enough to face whatever was about to come my way. After a month or so, Get Free really got to me, and I was boasting like Lana: "I wanna move out of the black into the blue". I fell back in love with this album this summer, Its sounds are so diverse and rich. True, the story is harder to get and the production on some songs isn't perfect. But with 16 songs, you can have a very subtely produced one like Change or a heavier trap-beat one like Coachella. And after HM and UV, which are masterpieces but have pretty much the same sound, we needed a diverse album like LFL. 


"Get Free" being the last track was perfect for ending the album! It sounds a little bit sad, but optimistic and positive, leaving the past behind and ready to move on. I'm curious what the upcoming album holds, since I think MAC and VB sound like they're picking up where LFL ended with that folk/rock sound. 


"Heroin" is one that I personally felt for during that awful time I went through. Wanting to find peace (the song sounds calm and soothing overall) but just having so much pent up anger and feeling hopeless (when she's screaming towards the end of the song).  "Coachella", "Beautiful People Beautiful Problems", "Summer Bummer", "God Bless America (And All The Beautiful Women In It)", "Love", "In My Feelings", and "Cherry" were the songs that mostly cheered me up. 


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I can't at ppl who actually act like LfL was SUPPOSED to be the incoherent mess it is. Lana messed it up because she changed her mind three times halfway through the album, tried to get a hit, forced some collabs and wanted to be pOlItIcAl out of a sudden. That gave us this record that doesn't really have an album feeling but is more of a collection of tracks thrown together.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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LFL is aging just fine for me and is a fine addition to her discography. It is one for the fans, but not necessarily her fans. I mean she's got all those features with people she admires, and she shows up as a fan (or at least has a fan character) in many songs (Groupie Love, Coachella, TNC, Get Free, White Mustang). There even some songs with anti-fan sentiments (13 Beaches, In My Feelings, Heroin). Her voice is quite addicting and capable of forcing coherences out of the diverse material.

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LFL is aging just fine for me and is a fine addition to her discography. It is one for the fans, but not necessarily her fans. I mean she's got all those features with people she admires, and she shows up as a fan (or at least has a fan character) in many songs (Groupie Love, Coachella, TNC, Get Free, White Mustang). There even some songs with anti-fan sentiments (13 Beaches, In My Feelings, Heroin). Her voice is quite addicting and capable of forcing coherences out of the diverse material.


i agree. Lana’s discography needed LFL after the calm HM and the more serene tones of NFR (at least from what we heard from it). LFL’s diversity is more over the place, but that’s how she was feeling at the moment.

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Signed up here specifically to add my love for the Lust for Life album. It's just quite simply a scintillating return to form after the crushing disappointment of the quite horrible 'Honeymoon' album. 


For me, LFL takes its place as Lana's finest piece of work since her debut -- I don't think anything will ever dethrone Born to Die as her magnum opus. 

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Signed up here specifically to add my love for the Lust for Life album. It's just quite simply a scintillating return to form after the crushing disappointment of the quite horrible 'Honeymoon' album. 


For me, LFL takes its place as Lana's finest piece of work since her debut -- I don't think anything will ever dethrone Born to Die as her magnum opus. 


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love for the Lust for Life album



crushing disappointment of the quite horrible 'Honeymoon' album.


LFL takes its place as Lana's finest piece of work since her debut



I don't think anything will ever dethrone Born to Die as her magnum opus. 



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