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Beautiful Loser

If Lana called you...

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... what would your reaction be and what would you say? I would probably talk nonsense, waste the time on stupid topics and forget to ask her if she'll add any dogs in her music videos (I'm keeping my promise until I meet and talk to her @subversivelight!!). Maybe I'd try to make her FaceTime me. :flutter:

By the way, did any of you leave your phone number to Lana on her twitter, haha? I saw some poor fans who missed her call.



... I'd never forgive myself if I missed her call. :toofunny:

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... what would your reaction be and what would you say? I would probably talk nonsense, waste the time on stupid topics and forget to ask her if she'll add any dogs in her music videos (I'm keeping my promise until I meet and talk to her @subversivelight!!). Maybe I'd try to make her FaceTime me. :flutter:

By the way, did any of you leave your phone number to Lana on her twitter, haha? I saw some poor fans who missed her call.



... I'd never forgive myself if I missed her call. :toofunny:

I left her my phone number when she first tweeted it out and she liked it  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :excited:  :excited:  :excited:

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Ya better ask her some interwsting stuff

Well first I just plan on talking to her and thanking her for allowing me to meet so many great people and going on so many great trips because of her etc etc. 

I pinned and posted groups of pics at the top of my twitter (I'm currently in college studying photography and was able to sneak my DSLR into the ATL EST show) and I'm gonna explain how much I've always wanted to be able to photograph one of her concerts and see if I can make that happen 

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Ok so I just got texts and a call from someone claiming to be "James" her representative from a UK number, this is 100% a troll right? 

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Ok so I just got texts and a call from someone claiming to be "James" her representative from a UK number, this is 100% a troll right?


Sounds fake. I don't know, but a few guys on Twitter took a printscreen of their phone where it simply said "missed call: hidden number" or something like that.

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If you posted your number publicly yeah I'd say it's a troll

I just can't delete it cause Lana liked it  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

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So um, who did she end up calling? did anyone claim they were called?

I don't think so. Haven't heard from anyone on social media that she called them.  :toofunny:


Kind of mean actually, tricking (?) young teens to post their phone numbers openly on the internet.  :crossed:

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