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Kim Petras

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i mean yeah the album will basically be a playlist, no cohesion whatsoever. Good on her for still wanting to get Problematique out into the world by whatever means, hilarious that the visuals are the reason it's being considered for a release after all and not, you know, the music itself. 


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44 minutes ago, AzzyCxndy said:

A pre-save with no physical releases, seems rushed…

Insiders are saying that they’re going to drop Problematique by the end of the year after Feed The Beast? This is lowkey giving her being dropped along with it.

this makes me think that Feed The Beast will be dumped as just another quick project and then release Problematique after as her debut

It all makes sense why it's being rushed, she only made this to please her label hence the title Feed The Beast. Maybe thats why the album is kinda a**

It’s a pre save for the single and the album is out June 23rd like… do the math!!!

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40 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

It’s a pre save for the single and the album is out June 23rd like… do the math!!!

i love the aggressiveness towards me :hottie:


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oh i just read and problematique is coming????? ALL SHE WANTS IS COMINGGG

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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28 minutes ago, eyelovelefteye said:

Album title is trash

People are just matching your aggressively negative energy:smokes3:


i have nice energy sweetie :beyonce:

also thanks to the people who is trying to match my amazing energy, just try a bit harder and you'll get there:illumilana2:

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Idk, I see Alone, Castle in the Sky, Revelations, Claw, HIFTB & Try it again as pretty cohesive. There will be songs that stand out like a sore thumb (similar to certain stuff on clarity imo) but I think it will be a solid record. At the end of the day this woman is no longer the same person who did Era 1/TOTL/Clairty. I promise if y’all keep your expectations extremely low you will enjoy aspects of the record 

3 hours ago, running said:

the way that this twitter picture and the album title has nothing to do with the school girl photoshoot :bebe:

I’m gonna try to answer this, as I’ve been trying to keep up w the album process. I think we can categorize this album process into two parts; before and after alone tiktok hype.


At one point it was titled Thousand Pieces with album pitch w 13 tracks according to the leaked tracklist (which I believe was 100% right). The album included 2 problematique tracks (Revelations & Your Time to Cry) and Alone was a solo track at this point. (Feed the Beast was never considered from problematique I believe, if it was I guess that would be 3 tracks). Notably, It did not include hit it from the back. 

After the initial pitch was approved Kim continued to work on the it. The idea shifted and she said the album would be a 3 word title and teased the sword emoji (which I think is funny that everyone thinks the aesthetic is changing when she’s teased it a few times). We also know 3 problematique songs made the tracklist per Kim’s tweet and BunheadHQ said problematique songs from her set at Australian Pride (can’t remember the concert name) would be included on the album (HIFTB was now added to FTB tracklist). 

On March 10th (Friday), she teased upcoming tracks & that the album shoot was next week. On March 13th (Monday) we got a clip of her from the school shoot. This could very well have been the original album shoot!! It lines up w the timeline.


With the hype from alone it seems like her label started funding more stuff, the Nicki feature was added which is probably why the single art and aesthetics dont fit. It seems like w this new money it was rushed. Kim revealed during alone press that Luke Gilford would be doing the album shoot so clearly the visuals were changed from the school stuff. Now not only were HIFTB & Revelations on it, Sex Talk was confirmed and ur time to cry may have been removed (as per that original tracklist that leaked before). We don’t know but there may be 4 problematique tracks now

So even though we’re like a month away this album keeps changing and that’s why the school shoot session scrapped. Thank you for coming to my long ass Ted talk 

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3 hours ago, Veinsineon said:

It’s a pre save for the single and the album is out June 23rd like… do the math!!!

It's the presave for the album sweetie... do the math <3

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1 hour ago, Dua Lipa said:

Idk, I see Alone, Castle in the Sky, Revelations, Claw, HIFTB & Try it again as pretty cohesive. There will be songs that stand out like a sore thumb (similar to certain stuff on clarity imo) but I think it will be a solid record. At the end of the day this woman is no longer the same person who did Era 1/TOTL/Clairty. I promise if y’all keep your expectations extremely low you will enjoy aspects of the record 

I’m gonna try to answer this, as I’ve been trying to keep up w the album process. I think we can categorize this album process into two parts; before and after alone tiktok hype.


At one point it was titled Thousand Pieces with album pitch w 13 tracks according to the leaked tracklist (which I believe was 100% right). The album included 2 problematique tracks (Revelations & Your Time to Cry) and Alone was a solo track at this point. (Feed the Beast was never considered from problematique I believe, if it was I guess that would be 3 tracks). Notably, It did not include hit it from the back. 

After the initial pitch was approved Kim continued to work on the it. The idea shifted and she said the album would be a 3 word title and teased the sword emoji (which I think is funny that everyone thinks the aesthetic is changing when she’s teased it a few times). We also know 3 problematique songs made the tracklist per Kim’s tweet and BunheadHQ said problematique songs from her set at Australian Pride (can’t remember the concert name) would be included on the album (HIFTB was now added to FTB tracklist). 

On March 10th (Friday), she teased upcoming tracks & that the album shoot was next week. On March 13th (Monday) we got a clip of her from the school shoot. This could very well have been the original album shoot!! It lines up w the timeline.


With the hype from alone it seems like her label started funding more stuff, the Nicki feature was added which is probably why the single art and aesthetics dont fit. It seems like w this new money it was rushed. Kim revealed during alone press that Luke Gilford would be doing the album shoot so clearly the visuals were changed from the school stuff. Now not only were HIFTB & Revelations on it, Sex Talk was confirmed and ur time to cry may have been removed (as per that original tracklist that leaked before). We don’t know but there may be 4 problematique tracks now

So even though we’re like a month away this album keeps changing and that’s why the school shoot session scrapped. Thank you for coming to my long ass Ted talk 

The only thing that was a lie on the tracklist was the Lu Kala collab unless im wrong

1 minute ago, clementines said:

no one can convince me that this is a debut album, that's Clarity. 

Clarity does not feel debut album worthy more of a fun project, Problematique is forever her debut album

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2 hours ago, Veinsineon said:

Feed The Beast title is iconic and layered. If you get it you get it, and if you don’t….. well

she's the feeder and the beast is Dr. Luke's wallet

12 hours ago, Tana Mongeau said:

eating pure vagina

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9 minutes ago, Dum-Dum said:

since we’re talking about debut album…….what was malibu and tropical for? back then i thought we were getting a summer island album. was that another failed attempt too? 

The summer era was the early version of Problematique, it was supposed to be a ERA 1 return but was scrapped for entirely new songs which led to the final version being Problematique

Malibu and Tropical are the only known songs from the summer era

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