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Hello Heaven

Imagine your house is on fire...

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Edit; I've decided to change it to 5, just to make it harder :)


You only have time to take 5 items with you (not including your family and pets). What would you take with you?

these games make no sense because it would take for example all of your CDs instead of looking through all of them to find a specific one but anyhow, it's a fun game.


1. My baby photo album

2. My favourite snow dome (I collect them but I'm still deciding between my New York or Kennedy Space Centre one)

3. My favourite flip flop keyring (Again, I collect them. I think I'd go for the one I got in Florida whent swimming with dolphins but I think I'm going again so al;isdghksdg)

4. Colerekcher, my favourite cuddly toy (I can't believe I wasted a choice on this, she's a right mess who was free with cat food anyway)

5. *going to have a think about this one



I'm going to leave the rest blank for later but as you can see I haven't put my laptop yet. So proud of myself (':


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1. My external hard drive

2. My wedding album

3. My little black dress that I will never, ever be able to replace should I lose it

4. My iPod with decent headphones... could replace it, but I don't wanna

5. My meds... maintaining coping skills in a crisis is always nice

6. My fridge magnet of my daughter as a 5-month-old-Valentine


Wow, this is something I need to think about more. Great topic, HH!


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1. Laptop (pictures etc.)

2. Family photo album (cute photos of the fam)

3. Leather Jacket (memories)

4. Tennis Bracelet (diamonds...need i say more)

5. Memory Box (my life in objects)

6. Eskimo&Igloo cuddly toy (stuck with me through thick and thin)

7. Ipod with headphones (music, and the bestest cheap headphones ever)

8. *

9. *

10. *


*need more time to think




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1. my laptop

2. my phone

3. my box (i've got postcards, letters etc. in there)

4. my camera

5. a photo album


i'd take a jacket and some shoes, too.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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  1. My Macbook Pro
  2. My iPhone
  3. My iPad
  4. My Apple TV
  5. My paperwork
  6. My Gaga/Lana magazine box
  7. My artwork
  8. My favourite outfit
  9. My vintage Vuitton handbag
  10. My memory stick

lalala the last few are just random things.


:shy: :shy: :shy:


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1. My laptop (My life is on this thing.)

2. A few of my most valuable Lady Gaga collector's items

3. The blanket that I've had since I was a baby.


I'm not sure what else I would take... As long as my family, my dog, and I made it out safe.


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Assuming my family members are already out I would take


1. My iPad

2. My iPod touch

3. My phone

4. My wallet


From I here I would try as hard as I could to take whole drawers at a time from my dresser so I could try and save my Gaga collection. I would be devasted to lose all that.



This is really tough! I feel stupid not picking more sentimental stuff, but I just feel like I might regret taking a photo album over something that I obsess over daily..


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1. My usb because I have the non-replaceable stuff from my computer on it

2. I'd just grab all the clothes/shoes I can carry too because choosing would be Sophie's Choice

3. If I'm not burning already my laptop

4. My phone because I have some important-ish notes on it and some music to keep me sane till whenever I get back to normal (but I could do without)



Yea I wouldn't risk my life for anything else



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I'd take nothing. My mum and I used to play this game when I was 5 and I used to say, "my toys, of course". But she said the truly brave would take nothing because they're not afraid to lose everything. So yeah, nothing.


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1.- Laptops

2.- Phone

3.- Clothes (As much as I can)

4.- Games

5.- idk

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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Not in particular order but

- My laptop 

- My cell phone

- Hilarius-hiiri (word play, eng. Hilarious the Mice I guess, my most precious childhood stuffed animal, honestly it would be too painful to lose it)

- Either my signed Paradise Edition box set or Ultraviolence box set (which isn't signed tho)

- As much clothes as possible

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