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Lana spotted at Hillsong again - January 30, 2019

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Either she's being a dumb, ignorant cunt again (remember her "feminism? I'm too smart for it, I care about BIGGER things like space and God, fuck sexually abused and murdered women because I am not one of them even though I like to portray myself as some poor sex worker in my songs" bs?) or she's a really vile person deep down under her artsy fartsy, depressive persona. Both of those options are fucking horrible, but as a stan who has much love for her art and person, I hope it's the first one, though it's becoming a bit hard.


One word: disgusting.


Sorry for the harsh words, but she makes loving her really hard sometimes.

i am nothing and should be everything

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So...Ellen Page has tweeted about Hillsong, but her tweet was targeted more at Chris Pratt, but it might as well be targeted at Lana too I guess. I think Ellen made some good points, and I think Lana should strongly reconsider her choices. I know Lana is at that point now where she doesn't care what the public/media think of her, but maybe she should just a little bit considering other celebrities are speaking up about Hillsong, and I have no doubt more will do so in the future.



♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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whenever someone bumps this thread i have a mini heart attack and think this binch was spotted there again 


well yeah she's honestly full of bs- with her fake positivity anti-trump mess if she'll start attending hillside more often


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Either she's being a dumb, ignorant cunt again (remember her "feminism? I'm too smart for it, I care about BIGGER things like space and God, fuck sexually abused and murdered women because I am not one of them even though I like to portray myself as some poor sex worker in my songs" bs?) or she's a really vile person deep down under her artsy fartsy, depressive persona. Both of those options are fucking horrible, but as a stan who has much love for her art and person, I hope it's the first one, though it's becoming a bit hard.

One word: disgusting.

Sorry for the harsh words, but she makes loving her really hard sometimes.

There’s literally no need to be this aggressive. People change and develop and there’s a lot of reasons she could have been there. Similar to her statement in feminism she made like, what? How many years ago now? But she’s not allowed to develop new opinions?


I’m sure you spewed shit more than five years ago that would horrify the current you. But act the fool online because it’s not documented.


Also, can we just talk about how misquoted what you wrote was? She literally only said feminism wasn’t as much of a concern for her at that point in her life and yet you literally just wrote that like she said fuck all abused women and this and that? What an unintelligent way of getting a point across.


Honestly some of you guys act like you’ve never done something questionable, supported someone questionable (whether outright or mildly) or turned a blind eye. It doesn’t matter the capacity. We all do it. Just because it’s not documented doesn’t mean we don’t all do it.


We all know Lana’s not homophobic.


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There’s literally no need to be this aggressive. People change and develop and there’s a lot of reasons she could have been there. Similar to her statement in feminism she made like, what? How many years ago now? But she’s not allowed to develop new opinions?


I’m sure you spewed shit more than five years ago that would horrify the current you. But act the fool online because it’s not documented.


Also, can we just talk about how misquoted what you wrote was? She literally only said feminism wasn’t as much of a concern for her at that point in her life and yet you literally just wrote that like she said fuck all abused women and this and that? What an unintelligent way of getting a point across.


Honestly some of you guys act like you’ve never done something questionable, supported someone questionable (whether outright or mildly) or turned a blind eye. It doesn’t matter the capacity. We all do it. Just because it’s not documented doesn’t mean we don’t all do it.


We all know Lana’s not homophobic.


You need to consider the median age here. From what I've gathered, most lanaboards users are teenagers or very young adults. There's a huge difference between a 15 year old doing stupid shit and a 35 year old (influential celebrity) doing stupid shit. You're comparing the actions of literal children, to the actions of a grown woman who is old enough to be their mother. Certainly old enough to know better.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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No need to be rude to Lana, but we all know her going to Hillsong is fucked up. I hope she's reconsidered her actions and that's why she hasn't been spotted again. I'm all for finding your way in life, but when you've been lost for 15 years trying out cults, gurus, wicca, philosophy, spiritual guides, churches, fortune tellers, etc. I don't really know if you'll ever find a path that's suitable for you. I'm very well aware of the fact that we as human beings are growing, but Lana hasn't stood for anything ever. Yes, she's interested in furthering science, technology and space exploration (which are very broad statements seeing as everyone who is human should already be interested in the development of society and culture as a whole, so it's not really impressive) but she lacks basic goals and morals. I know she doesn't want to be a public figure, but it's not the 50s anymore. When you find yourself in the limelight nowadays, there's no way to run from being someone people look up to. People will be interested in how you think and work, that's just how fame works now. For her to go on instagram and talk about Nina Simone's influence on politics and how she was interested in the idea for Lust For Life, and then to make decisions like going to Hillsong which is a known cult who is against most of humanity, are very contradicting actions. I think her statement on feminism was very eye opening. She stated it just didn't INTEREST her, until 2016 when things got rough, and then it interested her and was her main focus. It seems as though she only stands for things she finds interesting that are becoming big in mainstream society. Same thing with the "instagram baddie" life. Lana doesn't really have a foundation of what she wants to work towards in life, she just sees something shiny and pretty making its way into mainstream culture and hops onto the bandwagon which makes me very sad. As I've stated, it's one thing to be growing as a person, it's another to stand for nothing until something interests you, you try it, and then become bored and spit it out. I just hope she finds her way to be quite honest, because she's been lost for a very long time and I don't necessarily see it improving the older she gets. I'm just glad we haven't seen her at Hillsong again.


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I know she doesn't want to be a public figure, but it's not the 50s anymore. When you find yourself in the limelight nowadays, there's no way to run from being someone people look up to. People will be interested in how you think and work, that's just how fame works now.


I can't say I agree tbh, being in the limelight is hard enough, especially if you're someone...with issues. The pressure of having to play the part of the "positive role model" while dealing with all kinds of shit in your personal life can be way too much for one person to handle. To me it's not really about what she "owes" us (her fans, esp her female & LGBTQ fans), it's fully about HER as a person, her shocking lack of growth, the disservice she's doing herself, and the disappointing way she chooses to live her life. Like this is basically me @ 2018-2019 Lana https://media1.giphy.com/media/135bFFpwb5DLkQ/giphy.gif


Anyway, that said, I agree 100000% with the rest of your comment. Spot on, sadly. I don't mean to trivialize the issue at hand (I'm aware it might seem that way to some) but as an astrologer, she's such a fucking Gemini it makes me sick. Pure Gemini culture right there smh

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I can't say I agree tbh, being in the limelight is hard enough, especially if you're someone...with issues. The pressure of having to play the part of the "positive role model" while dealing with all kinds of shit in your personal life can be way too much for one person to handle. To me it's not really about what she "owes" us (her fans, esp her female & LGBTQ fans), it's fully about HER as a person, her shocking lack of growth, the disservice she's doing herself, and the disappointing way she chooses to live her life. Like this is basically me @ 2018-2019 Lana https://media1.giphy.com/media/135bFFpwb5DLkQ/giphy.gif


Anyway, that said, I agree 100000% with the rest of your comment. Spot on, sadly. I don't mean to trivialize the issue at hand (I'm aware it might seem that way to some) but as an astrologer, she's such a fucking Gemini it makes me sick. Pure Gemini culture right there smh

Oh I don't think she owes us anything! I'm just saying modern day fame entails a fanbase that is completely obsessed with you and that there is no way to change that nor stir clear from it. It sucks, but there really isn't anything we can do to stop it when it's been going on for too long now. The only way to get her fans off her back is 1) do something really frowned upon (which could be why she went to Hilsong in the first place) 2) stop releasing your music to the public :sadcore:


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So if she goes there, I'll still stan her. I don't care about what you do if you make good music. It would just be a shame if I couldn't publicly say I like her.


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So if she goes there, I'll still stan her. I don't care about what you do if you make good music. It would just be a shame if I couldn't publicly say I like her.

There's nothing wrong with loving her music, just don't call yourself a stan if you don't care about her well being. Someone who actually is interested in her fully would consider the damage a place like Hillsong could do to her, so for you to say you don't care about anything she does, is a pretty fucked up statement in itself, but I guess ignorance is bliss, so I cannot completely condemn you for your actions in trying to salvage someone's decency.


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You need to consider the median age here. From what I've gathered, most lanaboards users are teenagers or very young adults. There's a huge difference between a 15 year old doing stupid shit and a 35 year old (influential celebrity) doing stupid shit. You're comparing the actions of literal children, to the actions of a grown woman who is old enough to be their mother. Certainly old enough to know better.

True but you also have to consider the influence of social media in the past few years as well. You can still be ignorant at 25. I definitely don’t think I would have the opinions and growth I would have if I hadn’t had access to things like twitter, tumblr, etc.


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There's nothing wrong with loving her music, just don't call yourself a stan if you don't care about her well being. Someone who actually is interested in her fully would consider the damage a place like Hillsong could do to her, so for you to say you don't care about anything she does, is a pretty fucked up statement in itself, but I guess ignorance is bliss, so I cannot completely condemn you for your actions in trying to salvage someone's decency.


I care about her as a person but she knows what she's a grown ass person. I can't stop her from going to Hillsong because she doesn't even know me.


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There's nothing wrong with loving her music, just don't call yourself a stan if you don't care about her well being. Someone who actually is interested in her fully would consider the damage a place like Hillsong could do to her, so for you to say you don't care about anything she does, is a pretty fucked up statement in itself, but I guess ignorance is bliss, so I cannot completely condemn you for your actions in trying to salvage someone's decency.


Words out of my mouth. If you're able to separate the art from the artist, good for you; as much as I like seeing people held accountable for their actions, I know if I cancelled every awful/stupid person in the world I'd probably have no art to enjoy, no books to read, no brands to buy from, etc. I get it. But I mean you obviously can't call yourself a "stan" of someone you don't care about/like. Why would you even want to?

I care about her as a person but she knows what she's a grown ass person. I can't stop her from going to Hillsong because she doesn't even know me.


Not being able to stop someone from doing something has nothing to do with caring (or not) about what they're doing. Powerlessness is not the same as indifference.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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True but you also have to consider the influence of social media in the past few years as well. You can still be ignorant at 25. I definitely don’t think I would have the opinions and growth I would have if I hadn’t had access to things like twitter, tumblr, etc.


You can still be ignorant at 95 too. What you *can* be isn't what you *should* be or what you're supposed to be. At damn near 35 (not 25), with a pretty active 12+ year long social media presence, I'd say she should know better. Especially considering the life she's lived, the things she's experienced, the people she's surrounded herself with. She even has past experience with cults and STILL managed to get sucked in this bullshit church.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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All I'm trying to say is Lana going to Hillsong is fucked up for her female fans, her fans who have been a victim of rape, and her gay fans, WHILE ALSO being harmful to herself. It's not all about us either, I'm saying that that place can have a bad influence on HER OWN well-being as well.

She hasn't been spotted again so there's always the off chance it wasn't for her, and she stopped going. Which is what I'm hoping for


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You can still be ignorant at 95 too. What you *can* be isn't what you *should* be or what you're supposed to be. At damn near 35 (not 25), with a pretty active 12+ year long social media presence, I'd say she should know better. Especially considering the life she's lived, the things she's experienced, the people she's surrounded herself with. She even has past experience with cults and STILL managed to get sucked in this bullshit church.

I was discussing the feminism quote, I obviously know her age.


I wouldn’t say the age of social justice came until around the 2011/2012 mark. Or at least it definitely wasn’t as prolific.


“She has past experiences with x so she should know better”. Victims of abuse go back to their abusers. Alcohol and drug addicts relapse. I could go on. Just because you should know better from past experience doesn’t mean you’re always going to completely detach. That’s kind of a heartless statement. I would ask you to consider maybe looking up online peoples experiences with cults, it’s a lot more complex than some people would anticipate. Regardless, I don’t believe Lana’s being indoctrinated into some weird cult.


There’s peobably some reason for her going, whether benign or otherwise, but unless it reaches mainstream media presence and she’s forced to confront it we probably won’t hear anything about it.


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There’s literally no need to be this aggressive. People change and develop and there’s a lot of reasons she could have been there. Similar to her statement in feminism she made like, what? How many years ago now? But she’s not allowed to develop new opinions?


I’m sure you spewed shit more than five years ago that would horrify the current you. But act the fool online because it’s not documented.


Also, can we just talk about how misquoted what you wrote was? She literally only said feminism wasn’t as much of a concern for her at that point in her life and yet you literally just wrote that like she said fuck all abused women and this and that? What an unintelligent way of getting a point across.


Honestly some of you guys act like you’ve never done something questionable, supported someone questionable (whether outright or mildly) or turned a blind eye. It doesn’t matter the capacity. We all do it. Just because it’s not documented doesn’t mean we don’t all do it.


We all know Lana’s not homophobic.


I don't care if you think that I sounded aggressive, that was not my intent, but I am entitled to speak my thoughts just like everyone else - and that's how I felt at the moment.


I know she changed her stance on feminism (whether for real or for clout, we don't know, but yeah) but it was extremely ignorant and holier than thou of her to imply that caring about issues of marginalized members of society is somehow beyond her because she's moved on to bigger and greener pastures aka Tesla and Space. That's like peak I'm Not The Other Girls  :judgingu:

Especially when you are disconnected from the 'real world' and strangely fascinated with shit situation many women are in because they don't have better options (and if she wanted to portray the sex worker by her own choice in her music, it's also really shitty to imply that woman's issues are just not that cool as smelly Elon Musk).

I don't hold it against her now but it's a proof that she can be incredibly uncaring and ignorant when it comes to social issues.


Actually we don't know much about Elizabeth Grant, only the persona she portrays as Lana Del Rey. Believe me that I want to believe that she is this talented songstress/poet with beautiful and dark soul. But I don't know that, not for real. I love her music and videos, look up to her talent in turning her life and fantasies into writing and take great pleasure from reading her interviews.

I was always defending her when people where shitting on her not being feminist enough for portraying a 'problematic' woman and singing about uncomfortable issues, so it's not like I am blinded by a cancel culture/SJW agenda.


I am allowed to not agree with her choices and be disturbed by them - I would say 'disappointed' but I don't feel entirely comfortable with that because while I am a fan of Lana, I no longer live on her every word (in the way that stans do, I am not talking about being an actual psychofan, kek) and in general, I do not feel this kind of personal connection to celebrities that I had in my teens and early twenties (yes, I am that old - and for sure I made things that made me cringe in the last few years, but mostly in the 'Jesus you are a socially awkward idiot' way, not 'supporting people with an -ist agenda').

I do not like or get what she is doing and I wish that it will turn out to be a red herring or a quickly abandoned, shameful phase. But things don't look that great now.  :toofunny:  


I do not wish to fight with you, but I wanted to explain myself better, though I know that we will agree to disagree. Peace.



No need to be rude to Lana, but we all know her going to Hillsong is fucked up. I hope she's reconsidered her actions and that's why she hasn't been spotted again. I'm all for finding your way in life, but when you've been lost for 15 years trying out cults, gurus, wicca, philosophy, spiritual guides, churches, fortune tellers, etc. I don't really know if you'll ever find a path that's suitable for you. I'm very well aware of the fact that we as human beings are growing, but Lana hasn't stood for anything ever. Yes, she's interested in furthering science, technology and space exploration (which are very broad statements seeing as everyone who is human should already be interested in the development of society and culture as a whole, so it's not really impressive) but she lacks basic goals and morals. I know she doesn't want to be a public figure, but it's not the 50s anymore. When you find yourself in the limelight nowadays, there's no way to run from being someone people look up to. People will be interested in how you think and work, that's just how fame works now. For her to go on instagram and talk about Nina Simone's influence on politics and how she was interested in the idea for Lust For Life, and then to make decisions like going to Hillsong which is a known cult who is against most of humanity, are very contradicting actions. I think her statement on feminism was very eye opening. She stated it just didn't INTEREST her, until 2016 when things got rough, and then it interested her and was her main focus. It seems as though she only stands for things she finds interesting that are becoming big in mainstream society. Same thing with the "instagram baddie" life. Lana doesn't really have a foundation of what she wants to work towards in life, she just sees something shiny and pretty making its way into mainstream culture and hops onto the bandwagon which makes me very sad. As I've stated, it's one thing to be growing as a person, it's another to stand for nothing until something interests you, you try it, and then become bored and spit it out. I just hope she finds her way to be quite honest, because she's been lost for a very long time and I don't necessarily see it improving the older she gets. I'm just glad we haven't seen her at Hillsong again.

First, I must say that I overall agree with you. I am just wondering why Lana keeps going as a musician if she does not want that for herself? I think that being famous/releasing her music out in the wild must have some appeal to her despite the bad sides. Unless she is forced by some contract, of course.


I am glad that she is not going anywhere but at the same time wondering if she is really that unhappy with her fame (I need to catch up on some interviews from the last year FYI, I might have missed some).

i am nothing and should be everything

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