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  1. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Dream Lana Collaboration Thread   
    Justin bieber
    Just kidding lol
    I'd like to see her perform with sia
    EDIT: sorry i forgot u said 3...sia, weeknd,and ed sheeran
  2. Philomene liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    1. Why are you with Barrie James O'neil? hahaha
    2. No really..why?
    3. Who is K?
    4. Did you screw Bradley Soileau?
    5. Have you been to jail before?
    6. Why you stay talking about how you like older men yet you dating somebody 3 years younger than you???
    7. What do you look for in a man...SPECIFIC DETAILS
    8. Why did you want to work with ASAP Rocky? Did you want his black ding a ling???
    9. What's your beef with gaga????
    P.S. I love you girl but I just have to know lmao.
  3. yayoop liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Dream Lana Collaboration Thread   
    Justin bieber
    Just kidding lol
    I'd like to see her perform with sia
    EDIT: sorry i forgot u said 3...sia, weeknd,and ed sheeran
  4. The1Heart1 liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in Jay -Z confirmed executive producer of "Great Gatsby" soundtrack   
    Just because he's a black man with money?      Tell us more oh enlightened one. 
  5. prettydrugs liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Lana Del Rey covers CLEO mag.   
    Not really, I've seen many posts in those threads and they go beyond that. Even IF they were just analyzing her lyrics you all go way beyond what needs to be done, I'm sure she didn't expect you all to go looking up her entire life story when she wrote her music. You all stalked her ENTIRE LIFE, found pictures, interviews from years ago, screenshots of her facebook account but yet I can't be upset about her not interacting with her fans more? Fine I'll just join the club and stalk her instead.
  6. fessle liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Do you think that Lana was really mistreated by US critics or she is exaggerating and valuing the critics for some other reason?   
    I feel like in a way the US critics were treating her poorly but I also feel like she was/is being overly dramatic about it. There are celebrities who get treated WORSE than her and they aren't holding a grudge against an entire country because of it.
  7. Viva liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Do you think that Lana was really mistreated by US critics or she is exaggerating and valuing the critics for some other reason?   
    I feel like in a way the US critics were treating her poorly but I also feel like she was/is being overly dramatic about it. There are celebrities who get treated WORSE than her and they aren't holding a grudge against an entire country because of it.
  8. rafaelgould liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Lana Del Rey covers CLEO mag.   
    If I'm not a fan of those celebrities I wouldn't have a reason to care whether they are on or not. I'm a fan of Lana and am actually interested on hearing about her; Katy Perry has fans and they are able to get feedback from her and get to hear from her, Lady Gaga does as well, and same with Rihanna(unfortunately). Why the hell can't Lana?? What is she so afraid of??? She'll share her personal life in her music but can't go on twitter and say hello??
  9. rafaelgould liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Lana Del Rey covers CLEO mag.   
    And that's why y'all stay posting in lanalysis threads trying to investigate her past?
  10. The1Heart1 liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana interview in german weekly newspaper Die Zeit   
    Adele made 2 albuns about a heart break...and she did the theme song. I don't think Lana could be a bond girl but the theme i can't see why not
  11. Viva liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    1. Why are you with Barrie James O'neil? hahaha
    2. No really..why?
    3. Who is K?
    4. Did you screw Bradley Soileau?
    5. Have you been to jail before?
    6. Why you stay talking about how you like older men yet you dating somebody 3 years younger than you???
    7. What do you look for in a man...SPECIFIC DETAILS
    8. Why did you want to work with ASAP Rocky? Did you want his black ding a ling???
    9. What's your beef with gaga????
    P.S. I love you girl but I just have to know lmao.
  12. The1Heart1 liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    Lana- *freaks out makes account and posts a comment saying Lana is a good girl*
  13. The1Heart1 liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Plans for Lana in 2013? You decide!   
    you don't know that she's happy. or that she's unhappy. or why she's with barrie. or anything about their relationship at all. the basis of your opinion isn't really any different from mine. the only way to speculate is from the outside looking in, and that's my opinion. i'm not a shallow person, but when it comes to celebrities, the surface is pretty much all you have to go on.
    whether she dumps barrie or not I don't really give a fuck. I hope she's happy but I'm throwing in my two cents in regards to what I've seen. not like it matters anyway
  14. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Lana performs at The Roxy Theatre with cover band Camp Freddy   
    I wonder how Barrie feels about this, I'm sorry but if I were him I personally wouldn't be able to tolerate her hanging out with all these men knowing her track record. I mean damn she publicly hangs with strangers more than she does Barrie. I really don't feel as though she is even into him like that. He's just there so she won't be alone...I bet if someone better comes along she'll drop his boring ass in a hot second.
  15. The1Heart1 liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana performs at The Roxy Theatre with cover band Camp Freddy   
    a fan of kassidy (and lana) met them and she said he was just really withdrawn and at first I guess she thought he was kind of an asshole because of that but once she started talking to him, he was really nice. and barrie is cute omglsdjflkdsjljf how can u not like him if he loves lana like when he put her picture up on his piano and pictures like this


    come onnnn don't try 2 tell me they aren't cute!!!
    in other news, if lana dated a guy like this i would have to stop stanning her:

  16. Arzi liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Lana performs at The Roxy Theatre with cover band Camp Freddy   
    If the posts in the lanalysis threads are true then I'd definently say I wouldn't trust her and the thing is she rarely ever hangs with girls. Don't get me wrong I like Lana a lot, but my thing is she needs to drop this dude and be with someone more her style. This guy is BORING. She releases all this music about her dream men who are supposedly bad asses and then she dates fuckin Barrie..this dude is so fucking plain and softer than charmin ultra like wtf. Yes I'm being judgemental.
  17. The1Heart1 liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Plans for Lana in 2013? You decide!   
    i mean, i don't know him, but i get the sense that she could do much, much better. i don't care much for his general demeanor from what i've seen and he's really not a very attractive guy in my opinion. i think my standards for her might just be a tad astronomical
    he gets points for having a peculiarly nuanced palette for pussy though
  18. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Plans for Lana in 2013? You decide!   
    LMAO I swear I'm always cracking up every time I see this emoticon!!!
  19. The1Heart1 liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Plans for Lana in 2013? You decide!   
    -make another home video
    -dump barrie
  20. The1Heart1 liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Taylor Swift copies Ride?   
    Kaya! :airplease: Don't do that to me, it's too much hotness on this forum to begin with
    But yeah, Taylor still sucks.
  21. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Taylor Swift copies Ride?   
    Why do people always assume that when someone talks shit it's about "being insecure' no bitch if I talk shit about someone else it has more to do with how I feel about them than I do myself. What I don't understand though is how are you any better than me when you called me a loser? What is the definition of loser? What have I lost? Also if you feel like what I said was childish and immature then why the fuck are you entertaining it? Just skip my comment and move on, but no, you're over here whining and crying because I hurt YOUR feelings over something I said about SOMEONE ELSE lol.
  22. The1Heart1 liked a post in a topic by foxgrl in Interview: KulturSPIEGEL 12/2012 [German]   
    those never come out accurate and even if you make it english it will still sound gibberish
  23. HeavenBaby51 liked a post in a topic by The1Heart1 in Lana del rey and barrie at the emas   
    I don't like the way he's pulling her, he seems impatient.
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