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Hundred Dollar Bill

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  1. fl0r1dakil0s liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Favorite Lana Boyfriend   
    none of them bc it would've stopped lots of songs from being written
  2. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Favorite Lana Boyfriend   
    @@salvatore yeah but the point is
    Jimmy in private: *apparently laughs to family members about Lana's former obsession with him*
    Jimmy in public: *writes Fall Into My Hands literally about Lana when BTD comes out, supposedly ignorant of once knowing her and therefore supposedly ignorant of her once being obsessed with him*
    Jimmy in public: *expresses all sorts of gratitude toward her after going on tour with her*
    Jimmy in public: *literally implies a rocky past between the two, contradicting original statements on the writing of FIMH*
    Jimmy in public: *denies relationship but then denies knowing her pre-fame but then talks about this to his family who then reply to instagram comments about the topic*
    I mean??? Homeboy is inconsistent and even less of a trustworthy authority on the topic than Lana
  3. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Favorite Lana Boyfriend   
    i have to say that "confirmation" by him felt weird and incomplete. i remember the facebook post denying they dated and claiming they met in jan 2014. there was a comment there alleging that at lana's show he had said they'd known each other for several years. i also remember some other statement he made where he eluded to maybe being able to tell the truth one day? i don't quite remember, but i do remember it struck me as odd. i'm not trying to be a deluded stan but i really do think there's more to it than what he's letting on.
  4. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by iseeyouupsidedown in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    AHHH I cannot with these basics shitting on Marina's FROOT...
    The songwriting is fantastic, I don't understand the haters. Happy almost made me cry the first time I heard it, and I don't get that kind of uncontrolled response to music usually. You guys honestly just don't get it and/or don't enjoy it and that's fine. But stop with the BS about how she's changed and her lyrical quality has declined.
    She wrote every song on this album ENTIRELY herself... She has never done that before and it's very rare. She also coproduced every song. This is not a heavily planned creation of her and a team of strategists and hit producers and songwriters, this is Marina creating a 100% HER masterpiece and I don't understand how you all can be so ungrateful for that...
    Get it through your heads: Marina did not have NEARLY as much artistic freedom with her first two albums as with FROOT. The Marina you fell in love with on Electra Heart is not the true Marina...
  5. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    She doesn't sing with emotion in Happy?... Have you been to the ear doctor lately?
    EH was a concept album that did not live up to its concept musically. A lot of the songs were emotionally empty (or just didn't seem genuine) because of the production & they were very forgettable. FROOT is not a concept album, so you can't compare it to EH in that sense. Only when it comes to the music, which is so far shaping up to be a much more original-sounding album with good lyrics despite the lack of overall "concept" for the album.
    And seriously.. you need to listen to Happy again if you think she sings it without emotion.
  6. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Really? Her voice sounds like Pitbull and Taylor Swift and Iggy Azalea and HAIM and Tove Lo and Nicki Minaj and Sam Smith and 5SOS and Kelly Clarkson and ???????????????
    Who the fuck even uses the radio as a valid comparison to anything considering how shit 99% of the music it plays is??
    as if her voice has changed at all
    why can't people just be blunt about not liking something anymore, instead of saying dumb shit like that. is she supposed to get vocal chord surgery so her voice drastically changes to appease you on a new album? I'm sorry but that's the most ridiculous and redundant criticism I've ever heard
    no offense
  7. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    This is shaping up to be 900 times better than Electra Heart so I don't understand why you guys are being so whiny and harsh.
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Sitar in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Four videos in four months in the era immediately following her almost bankrupting her label? Who gives a FUCK if they match her album campaign or are to a certain visual/plot standard, the fact that we're getting anything in that department is a miracle. Otherwise the themes and visuals have been like really consistent so????
  9. dsvelca liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Madonna   
    Queen of ruining amazing demos.
  10. iseeyouupsidedown liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    She doesn't sing with emotion in Happy?... Have you been to the ear doctor lately?
    EH was a concept album that did not live up to its concept musically. A lot of the songs were emotionally empty (or just didn't seem genuine) because of the production & they were very forgettable. FROOT is not a concept album, so you can't compare it to EH in that sense. Only when it comes to the music, which is so far shaping up to be a much more original-sounding album with good lyrics despite the lack of overall "concept" for the album.
    And seriously.. you need to listen to Happy again if you think she sings it without emotion.
  11. iseeyouupsidedown liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Really? Her voice sounds like Pitbull and Taylor Swift and Iggy Azalea and HAIM and Tove Lo and Nicki Minaj and Sam Smith and 5SOS and Kelly Clarkson and ???????????????
    Who the fuck even uses the radio as a valid comparison to anything considering how shit 99% of the music it plays is??
    as if her voice has changed at all
    why can't people just be blunt about not liking something anymore, instead of saying dumb shit like that. is she supposed to get vocal chord surgery so her voice drastically changes to appease you on a new album? I'm sorry but that's the most ridiculous and redundant criticism I've ever heard
    no offense
  12. heartbreakhigh liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    She doesn't sing with emotion in Happy?... Have you been to the ear doctor lately?
    EH was a concept album that did not live up to its concept musically. A lot of the songs were emotionally empty (or just didn't seem genuine) because of the production & they were very forgettable. FROOT is not a concept album, so you can't compare it to EH in that sense. Only when it comes to the music, which is so far shaping up to be a much more original-sounding album with good lyrics despite the lack of overall "concept" for the album.
    And seriously.. you need to listen to Happy again if you think she sings it without emotion.
  13. iseeyouupsidedown liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    This is shaping up to be 900 times better than Electra Heart so I don't understand why you guys are being so whiny and harsh.
  14. Rebel liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    She doesn't sing with emotion in Happy?... Have you been to the ear doctor lately?
    EH was a concept album that did not live up to its concept musically. A lot of the songs were emotionally empty (or just didn't seem genuine) because of the production & they were very forgettable. FROOT is not a concept album, so you can't compare it to EH in that sense. Only when it comes to the music, which is so far shaping up to be a much more original-sounding album with good lyrics despite the lack of overall "concept" for the album.
    And seriously.. you need to listen to Happy again if you think she sings it without emotion.
  15. heartbreakhigh liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    I'm just over here impatiently waiting for her track with Moroder. Diamonds.
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    please explain, i want to hear how exactly she is "contradicting" herself, how the album has "no underlying themes" and is worse than the previous two 
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    She went from being a self taught singer that caused a near permanent vocal injury to someone who knows their singing lane (check videos from the last leg of her last tour, she's been singing like that for at least the recording period of the album). Marina is clearly a talented lyricist who can stand on her own two feet and completely showcase her production, writing and vocals and creation of a concept almost exclusively without any other hands in the project (while maintaining an enjoyable atmosphere). I can't say that about any other pop stars (or even Lana at this point, but I digress.
  18. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    FROOT - sexuality, death and relationships
    Happy - happiness and relationships
    Immortal - death and relationships
    I'm A Ruin - relationships
    i literally cannot see your point
  19. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    She doesn't sing with emotion in Happy?... Have you been to the ear doctor lately?
    EH was a concept album that did not live up to its concept musically. A lot of the songs were emotionally empty (or just didn't seem genuine) because of the production & they were very forgettable. FROOT is not a concept album, so you can't compare it to EH in that sense. Only when it comes to the music, which is so far shaping up to be a much more original-sounding album with good lyrics despite the lack of overall "concept" for the album.
    And seriously.. you need to listen to Happy again if you think she sings it without emotion.
  20. heartbreakhigh liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Really? Her voice sounds like Pitbull and Taylor Swift and Iggy Azalea and HAIM and Tove Lo and Nicki Minaj and Sam Smith and 5SOS and Kelly Clarkson and ???????????????
    Who the fuck even uses the radio as a valid comparison to anything considering how shit 99% of the music it plays is??
    as if her voice has changed at all
    why can't people just be blunt about not liking something anymore, instead of saying dumb shit like that. is she supposed to get vocal chord surgery so her voice drastically changes to appease you on a new album? I'm sorry but that's the most ridiculous and redundant criticism I've ever heard
    no offense
  21. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    She doesn't sing with emotion in Happy?... Have you been to the ear doctor lately?
    EH was a concept album that did not live up to its concept musically. A lot of the songs were emotionally empty (or just didn't seem genuine) because of the production & they were very forgettable. FROOT is not a concept album, so you can't compare it to EH in that sense. Only when it comes to the music, which is so far shaping up to be a much more original-sounding album with good lyrics despite the lack of overall "concept" for the album.
    And seriously.. you need to listen to Happy again if you think she sings it without emotion.
  22. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by drewby in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I think people feel the way they do because she stopped using her lower register as much as she did in TFJ, it was very unique and she jumped back and forth a lot
    A lot of what she does is higher and there's not as much variety, so maybe you think she's not showing as much emotion? 
    people are bemoaning her lyrics right now and acting like she's changed her vocals to appear more commercial when it's pretty clear she's
    1. made it obvious she doesn't care
    2. says she's most proud of how she's grown
    3. had a chance at chart success with HTBAH and failed
    You're entitled to dislike something, but don't make it sound like everything was intentional. 
  23. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Tyler in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Not to beat a dead horse, because my opinions are similar to many of them posted before me, but here's what I think of the era so far.
    1. The VISUALS of this era, froot/neon/space/nature, were a very strong choice on Marina's part, but I think they are loosing a bit of translation in the visuals actually being made. For the most part, I think the photography has been on point with her vision (especially the album cover and Immortal cover), and obviously the icons of the Froots and website/packing designs. The videos is where visually things have gotten a bit messier, but I don't think that is all M's fault, if at all. With the videos, she isn't really the top dog in charge anymore. There's directors who want their vision to come to life, and may disagree with M's (even though they should do what she wants). In the interview that came out today from the German website, M said that she wanted the Froot video to be more futuristic, but the Director insisted that they make her look old hollywood glam. Now with the content of the videos themselves, I think M has always had the problem of videos without much action and plot. Almost all of her videos look really beautiful, but it's just M looking nice and twirling and making grand arm gestures. She really needs to work on this. There doesn't necessarily have to be a plot since this isn't a concept album like EH, but often times just more scenes or actions for M to do would help tremendously. Also stop cutting out portions of the song for God's sake. You wouldn't have to do that if stuff actually happened in your video that took up more time. I also fully realize the M doesn't have tons of money to throw at her videos, and I think the fact that she has had visuals for every song so far is a great achievement.
    2. LYRICS- I'm not going to take into much consideration the lyrics of the unreleased songs, in case things had been changed since they were posted. Looking at the songs that have been releases thus far, I think they are pretty strong and lyrically a hybrid of TFJ and EH. The themes are more general like EH, but have the hint of eccentricity and snark that TFJ had. Marina's strong suit has always been he use of description language and metaphors, and in that I think Froot is the most well written song. Happy lacks a bit of something to me, but I love the verses. IAR doesn't have the best chorus. I don't think I would change anything lyrically about Immortal.
    3. SONICALLY- I am not over impressed with the production so far, but not displeased either. I think he vocal mixing has been great, and the melodies have been pretty strong (not crazy about Immortal though). Her voice sounds nice, but I don't feel like she is vocally challenging herself. I would like to hear more experimenting with the instruments tbh. That is something great in TFJ, and I think Froot would really benefit from a few weird instruments since she's trying to take us to another world that's a bit kooky at times. It totes has more life than the EH instrumentals though.
    Overall, I am really happy with this era. I think she's putting out solid quality work, and I haven't been wholly dissatisfied with anything yet. I also admire her marketing plans. Truthfully, I am most happy that Marina is happy. To know that she really believes in this and is in love with what she's doing is the best feeling for me. Something that makes it difficult to be a Lana stan at times. That is all. For now.
  24. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    you might need to listen for another 8 months
  25. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by drewby in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    but you like Taylor Swift....she's one of the most benign and uninteresting celebrities in mainstream music
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