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  1. Viva liked a post in a topic by bingbals in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    He was hated wayyyy before that. People calling him gay/faggot making fun of him for singing a stupid song. "Baby" was a joke for everyone, and it wasn't even that bad...
  2. Viva liked a post in a topic by GodsAndMonsters in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Getting hate for spitting in his neighbours face and threatening to kill him, spitting on fans, skipping many concerts/cutting them short for no valid reason, assaulting DJ Woods, vandalising in Rio, egging a neighbour, arrested for a DUI & driving with a suspended license, verbally abusing a flight attendant, making extremely racist remarks amongst a whole other slew of things including just being an annoying and self-entitled brat
    Being hated for having a fake stage name and being a ~manufactured~ popstar who's daddy payed fucked her way to the top
    yes, Justin is most definitely hated on for no reason 
  3. Viva liked a post in a topic by VegasBaby in Lana answers Frances Bean Cobain   
    oh here we go with lanaboards slagging someone else off for truth telling.
    i agree with another member. lana glamorized that shit and it was fucked up. frances was right and good for her for voicing her opinions and she genuinely seemed concerned for lana. some people have a real thirst for blood and drama. stop yall. 

    ilu for this mature reply. 

  4. Viva liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Lana answers Frances Bean Cobain   
    Azealia? yes she's messy too lol 
  5. Viva liked a post in a topic by prostitutestare in Lana answers Frances Bean Cobain   
    I think Frances had the right to state her opinion regarding things she has perceived Lana has said about glamourizing death, but I do not think Lana meant any harm. Frances seems to have acknowledged that. She clearly did not attack Lana. She simply wanted to state her piece. Nothing wrong with that.
  6. Viva liked a post in a topic by technicolor in Lana answers Frances Bean Cobain   
    Kurt's kid and Lana are conversing on Twitter? What a time to be alive. No seriously, I'm quite weirded out right now, when I started listening to Nirvana Frances was six or something, hahaha. It's not super surprising she spoke up, I just wish it'd be in private.
  7. Viva liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana answers Frances Bean Cobain   
    i don't think Lana will be gracing any pages of The Guardian for many years to come lol
    like imagine the daughter of your fucking idol to think something like that about you ..smh 
  8. Viva liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    But who doesn't want to know if Scarlett Johansson is wearing any underwear? #DirtyOldManPost

    No, you're not.  

    I completely disagree with this and almost everyone in this thread. 
    I really don't understand Lana's reaction or the reaction of most of this fanbase to the interview. Many of you have completely lost any shred of objectivity in worshiping your queen. "I'm your cult leader", indeed. Neither the interviewer nor the editor did anything wrong here. (Oh, BTW, they never used the word "suicidal".) This is as clear cut a case of attacking the messenger if there ever was one. Shame on any fans who sent hate messages to them. It's also just stupid. You only validate all the negative press she's ever received. I'm also really bothered by the tendency in this fanbase (perhaps online millennial culture generally?) to celebrate "sassy" responses even when in the wrong as if it's somehow inherently admirable because it's "sticking up for yourself". I find that really warped. In my view Lana did three things wrong here: 1) Saying dumb shit in the first place. 2) Saying more dumb shit on Twitter blaming the journalist for the original dumb shit she said. 3) Deleting the dumb shit she said on Twitter even though someone has certainly screencapped her dumb shit. If Lana doesn't like headlines like these, there's an easy solution: Don't give journalists soundbites like this to work with. And if she just can't help herself there's an easy solution to that: Stop giving interviews. This is just the umpteenth example of Lana's victim-playing far exceeding her victimhood. It's getting really old.
    I mean, most of what Lana has been bitching about is the media and how she doesn't like how it's portrayed her... so of course the logical thing for her to do is give a shitload of interviews to the media. And then act surprised and indignant when she inevitably doesn't like how it portrays her... You know, by quoting her verbatim in their headline. But, you know, it's just oh so scandalous that anyone would even raise the question that someone who titled their album Born to Die or sang "but I wish I was dead" or "I wanna die" et cetera et cetera might have a death wish. Please.
    This whole kerfuffle is also just dumb from a PR perspective. In light of her unfair criticism of this interview, her praise of the very good NYT article will likely now be seen (unfairly) as a puff piece. And instead of coverage dominated by mostly positive reviews and successful worldwide sales figures, she fucks it up with this bullshit. Unless it's part of a deliberate strategy to stir up controversy on the thinking that all publicity is good publicity, but nothing about Lana's media strategy since she hit the big time has seemed very well thought out to me. People who think this is actually Lana being some sort of media Svengali are like political pundits who used to talk about Obama playing multi-dimensional chess: fawning partisans who see what they want to see.
    Something I've been thinking about lately is a theme in both her music and interviews: passivity. (And also in this instance passive-aggressiveness.) The passivity or submissiveness in her lyrics has been pretty well dissected, especially the feminist angle, but as it relates to her interviews, I don't think it really has been. She's always talking about how sad she is and how her treatment by the media makes her sad and that she keeps playing for her fans even though it doesn't make her happy and she doesn't want to do this shit anymore... as if she has absolutely zero agency and is just an object acted upon by external forces. She constantly blames others and takes no responsibility for her own role in her current situation or her ability to take action to get out of it. I mean, she has resources at her disposal such that she could do almost anything she wants. If she really doesn't want to do this shit anymore, barring contractual obligations (which would still be her responsibility, she signed the papers), she should be able to stop making music today, never work a day in her life again, and still live a quiet, comfortable middle-class life on the money she's already earned, if she hasn't completely squandered it on topiary ponies or making self-indulgent 30-minute short films. And if she's contractually obligated to produce a certain number of albums, she's got plenty of stuff already recorded she could use. At some point she needs to put up or shut up. Or at least stop pointing her finger everywhere else and look within. Really, this episode is a low point for both her and her fanbase.
  9. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    The Guardian is an amazing paper, one of the few international papers that actually do NEWS. About "shit" British media...oh please you can't even begin to compare BBC to CNN, ABC or any US network, not even in the same league credibility and integrity wise. CNN manipulated a entire war and US media created TMZ as a "thing" that has more access then most newspapers online journals combined, so go figure. As far as I'm concerned the only country where Pierce Morgan could find a job after the Daily Mirror scandal was in America....on Larry King's chair..... at CNN. By the way the Brits actually punished The Daily Mirror executives....
    Take a sit kid and go read a bit. 
  10. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    The Guardian is an amazing paper, one of the few international papers that actually do NEWS. About "shit" British media...oh please you can't even begin to compare BBC to CNN, ABC or any US network, not even in the same league credibility and integrity wise. CNN manipulated a entire war and US media created TMZ as a "thing" that has more access then most newspapers online journals combined, so go figure. As far as I'm concerned the only country where Pierce Morgan could find a job after the Daily Mirror scandal was in America....on Larry King's chair..... at CNN. By the way the Brits actually punished The Daily Mirror executives....
    Take a sit kid and go read a bit. 
  11. Viva liked a post in a topic by summertimesadness_x in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    Yeah ok... It's a personal opinion - doesn't mean its exactly right or right at all. I just see Lana as a sensitive person and she obviously was seriously angry with the slant the reporter took because she very rarely tweets about things that piss her off. I don't want to imply that Lana is thick or not brainy, I actually think she is one of the most intelligent and creative artists around which are the exact reasons I love her- I just meant that I don't think she necessarily wants to give interviews- I'm probably wrong but I'm only speaking about my views. 
  12. Viva liked a post in a topic by slang in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    In the Guardian followup, the staff pick for a "debate-contributing comment" is very interesting (that is concilatory): http://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2014/jun/20/lana-del-rey-problem-interview-but-why   be sure to click on the "guardian picks" tab of the comment section.   I think the issue with LDR is just personal. She may have said something stupid but she expected more of a safety net or balanced presentation on what she said. She didn't get that and it surprised her (her reference to a "masked as a fan"). Instead, from her perspective the article emphasized the one thing that would give the publication the most boost (at the most expense of the artist). 
  13. rubytuesday liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    The Guardian is an amazing paper, one of the few international papers that actually do NEWS. About "shit" British media...oh please you can't even begin to compare BBC to CNN, ABC or any US network, not even in the same league credibility and integrity wise. CNN manipulated a entire war and US media created TMZ as a "thing" that has more access then most newspapers online journals combined, so go figure. As far as I'm concerned the only country where Pierce Morgan could find a job after the Daily Mirror scandal was in America....on Larry King's chair..... at CNN. By the way the Brits actually punished The Daily Mirror executives....
    Take a sit kid and go read a bit. 
  14. electriclavender liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    The Guardian is an amazing paper, one of the few international papers that actually do NEWS. About "shit" British media...oh please you can't even begin to compare BBC to CNN, ABC or any US network, not even in the same league credibility and integrity wise. CNN manipulated a entire war and US media created TMZ as a "thing" that has more access then most newspapers online journals combined, so go figure. As far as I'm concerned the only country where Pierce Morgan could find a job after the Daily Mirror scandal was in America....on Larry King's chair..... at CNN. By the way the Brits actually punished The Daily Mirror executives....
    Take a sit kid and go read a bit. 
  15. wagamama liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    The Guardian is an amazing paper, one of the few international papers that actually do NEWS. About "shit" British media...oh please you can't even begin to compare BBC to CNN, ABC or any US network, not even in the same league credibility and integrity wise. CNN manipulated a entire war and US media created TMZ as a "thing" that has more access then most newspapers online journals combined, so go figure. As far as I'm concerned the only country where Pierce Morgan could find a job after the Daily Mirror scandal was in America....on Larry King's chair..... at CNN. By the way the Brits actually punished The Daily Mirror executives....
    Take a sit kid and go read a bit. 
  16. Viva liked a post in a topic by FormerLanaFan in Ultraviolence Reviews: 74 Metascore (DISCUSS REVIEWS ONLY)   
    I usually don't respond to other people's personal opinions but to call Ultraviolence a "guilty pleasure" is just lame. Between "masterpiece" and "guilty pleasure" it's a big space where you can find great albums and good albums etc. Ultraviolence it's a great album and Lana's voice and her power to convey emotion makes her one of the best. You don't have to hide your love for her music anymore because that is more an unwarranted snobbery after Ultraviolence 
    I cannot get over her interpretation of The other women >>>> than anything
  17. CherryGalore liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I'm   at this drama. Anyway, I'm happy she said something in her own "defense" . I think the journalist wouldn't lie. Manipulate the truth? Yes. Lie? No. I's The Guardian, a credible newspaper not the DM or some cheap punch gossip site. Lana probably said those words just not in the order or in that way which changes the meaning obviously of what she said but yet she said it. 
    I wonder if one of them will pull a M.I.A and just release the interview. Imagine? 

    I think doesn't matter much if she said it or not since is her thing. But I hope she was just trolling the media which I believe is very possible, because a suicidal pop star is so 90'and out of fashion
  18. Philomene liked a post in a topic by Viva in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    That's America (Vegas) Bill don't think Brit is as big as she was, which is not saying she isn't famous world wide. Britney will never have Madge's longevity because she's bipolar or something like that. Britney didn't flop imo quite the opposite. It's something great she's still out there after what she went through. It's not her fault or anyone's fault what happened to her was something called genetics. We will never know how Britney's career would have gone if she was still her full self, probably very well. If you ask me she did the most with what was left so kudos to her. I will forever have a spot in my heart for Britney
    And people saying Beyonce is bigger or even close to what Britney represents just lOL. Beyonce is huge in US and UK not much more...look to her sales, the arena she plays. Britney in her prime didn't fit in a arena was just football stadiums and large festivals. Britney was a entire generation idol Beyonce doesn't even have the charisma to be something like that
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Viva in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    That's America (Vegas) Bill don't think Brit is as big as she was, which is not saying she isn't famous world wide. Britney will never have Madge's longevity because she's bipolar or something like that. Britney didn't flop imo quite the opposite. It's something great she's still out there after what she went through. It's not her fault or anyone's fault what happened to her was something called genetics. We will never know how Britney's career would have gone if she was still her full self, probably very well. If you ask me she did the most with what was left so kudos to her. I will forever have a spot in my heart for Britney
    And people saying Beyonce is bigger or even close to what Britney represents just lOL. Beyonce is huge in US and UK not much more...look to her sales, the arena she plays. Britney in her prime didn't fit in a arena was just football stadiums and large festivals. Britney was a entire generation idol Beyonce doesn't even have the charisma to be something like that
  20. Viva liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    But as for my opinion

    I think Adele and Gwen Stefani are the only ones on here that can like........ come back and disappear as much as they want and probably still have the same popularity
    Especially Adele
    Can't really comment on the rest of them 
  21. Viva liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana’s Fib About Her Age-Some Thoughts   
    I have a pet theory but it's pretty fucking dark:
  22. fishtailss liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens   
    Gonna top all those bitches and tattoo Lana Del Rey on my forehead
  23. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Hispanic Fans   
    Not really,  America considers Central America a sub division of North America  which connects North America to South America. As far as I know by maps that are actually governmental and not Wiky Central America is a sub division of the Americas continent like South and North America. 
    ps: Creo que yo debería hablar en español y no en Inglés acá
  24. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Hispanic Fans   
    Not really,  America considers Central America a sub division of North America  which connects North America to South America. As far as I know by maps that are actually governmental and not Wiky Central America is a sub division of the Americas continent like South and North America. 
    ps: Creo que yo debería hablar en español y no en Inglés acá
  25. Rebel liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Hispanic Fans   
    Hispanic =/= from Spanish
    by the way did you buy your map in a wholesale or took online Geography lessons? Its kind of missing Central America ( Belize, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador) and calling Brazilians Latin Americans and Argentinians Hispanic's is hilarious.
    By the way no, Hispanic is a term connoted by US and is not only addressing Language. They don't call people from Spain "Hispanic" do they? Europeans is what they are. Is to address entire cultures/countries which are different in so many aspects from each other as a single package in a very diminutive way. They started to call mexicans like that and now for some reason extended to every south/central American country. In my maps and classes we never addressed our continent as "Hispanic" which I assume is right because they are not Hispanic.
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