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Everything posted by Amadeus

  1. i like that we got new posters, i prefer the new not transparent logo and the colour gradient background. It doesn't look as "cheap" as the first one.
  2. the gp doesn't really care about lossless music most people are fine with the itunes m4a or 320 mp3 files and the people who care probably want to buy their music on discs whatever.. i can't imagine tidal being a really ~innovative concept that works out
  3. ok this trailer makes me more excited than i was at first. seems as if it's more intended for future releases that may be exclusively released through tidal. The concept isn't bad but i still think that it's a little expensive and i also don't like the whole streaming concept i prefer a buy itunes concept but however tidal seems interesting with this exclusive content strategy. Now i'm excited for the album, i just hope it's more than a single track from every artist and will feature some interesting and cool collabs ...
  4. i have a feeling this is gonna flop because it seems to be some hybrid between spotify and vevo. i don't know if someone would pay 10 dollars for this especially since a lot of people who pay for streaming services probably already have a spotify premium account..
  5. In my opinion it was an entertaining movie but not more, not that i excepted more of it but i've seen far worse movies so far. Some people say it's better than the books, I haven't read them though so i can't really say much about them. I'm happy that Jamie doesn't want to do a sequel, i want a new season of the fall so he better doesn't get distracted by this shades trilogy...
  6. Lana already has a lot of pool/beach themed shoots but not gonna lie i can totally see her in a bathing suit on the honeymoon cover. @@the fan saying she finished recording, i really hope she didn't finish it off so soon in before we get a madonna 2.0 and the whole album leaks in a month.
  7. I feel like her face looks extremely odd with those eyebrows. I think she looks better when her eyebrows are in a more "natural" form and less "arched" (just like she had them at cannes or the gq thing she attended). Never mind she looked extremely happy and i hope she's gonna attend the oscars and look even better.
  8. Amadeus

    The 1975

    if someone wants a more intimate experience they can just go to a concert in germany or any other country than the uk because they're not really popular over here and play in very small venues (very early btd-lana like)
  9. Amadeus

    did someone figure out the right download link yet? el eaux el at her using snippets of that weird forrest party from skins gen2 in the video
  10. fun fact: everyone who has gargeband or imovie has that radio sound effect/sample btw i didn't even know that that version was fanmade Do we know a more specific release date for guardian by now or do we still wait for "early next year" ?
  11. there's obviously something cut out in the beginning and at the end (like it fades in/out way to fast to sound good in an actual song) but the song sounds so amazing can't wait to hear it in full
  12. i (still) am pretty disappointed that they didn't release the paradise tour as a dvd (considering they recorded the date in manchester professionally it doesn't even make sense to not release anything except those two videos...)
  13. I haven't even spotted a difference between Mavericks and Yosemite yet I thought the biggest difference was the adaption of the ios 7 design ? btw i guess i have to buy a new superdrive because the superdrive in my imac stopped working properly. Well at least when it comes to burning CDs. It only works for 2-4 songs at a very low speed (like 4x or 1x). But after a few minutes (or burned tracks) i just get an error message (some medium writing error)
  14. does someone know if they're recording the shows for something? I can't remember seeing that kind of camera equipment (like the crane) at any other show lana did (except festivals of course)
  15. I'm all here for the upcoming records by Rihanna Fergie Gwen Stefani and maybe Madonna and Adele, depends on which direction they'll go (Adele has to return to her 19 sound tbh 21 is so overdone and plastic) and for Pretty Little Liars and AHS:Freakshow tbh
  16. it's kinda weird that she cancelled (almost) every performance after ultraviolence, it's like she doesn't want to promote that album and sing the songs. I mean the only performances we've got so far were some festivals. I don't want to sound selfish but i'm getting tired of this mess, we haven't got a lot of promo performances for Paradise either but at least she didn't cancel any (or at least not that many that i know of). Either she's being really lazy or her management is just not capable of booking and planing her promo schedule in a time when she's not ill (and i mean we saw her eating ice cream, relaxing on some beach in italy and doing other fun stuff while looking happy and pretty healthy in candids)...
  17. i don't really think that lizzy and lana look that different if you consider how different lana looked during the beginning of the born to die era, the paradise era and nowadays. But back to the "transition" from lizzy to lana. the biggest differences i've noticed were her lips, her hair and the way she styled it and completely different make-up like she changed the way she used to have her eyebrows, she used those long fake-lashes and this whole cat-eye thing. She also used to be very thin at the beginning of the btd era which made her face look very slim and her jaw more defined.
  18. I guess they want people to buy the whole paradise edition and not just the btd deluxe version (they removed it in germany too)
  19. They just made Black Beauty sound more lq and they removed the various fx-sound samples or what ever that thing in the background was (you can hear it at 0:34 in the demo it's some sort of guitar thing i think).
  20. I really liked the live version and the preview on iTunes but the full studio version is kinda disappointing in my opinion. The production is terrible (i really don't like it) and my ears did hurt so much when i tried to listen to it with my headphones on because the whole song sounds so "high-pitched" and synthetic. The lack of bass and depth makes it sound like a bad 60 kbs radio rip, which is really sad because the song could've turned out so good....
  21. $30 for international shipping
  22. It's weird because £39.99 ≠ 59,99 € £39.99 = 49.09 € £39.99 = $67.05 59.99€ = $81.94 so the prices are pretty different in every currency ?
  23. This box set is so expensive like if you look at the price in euros it's 60€ A vinyl usually costs about 20-25€ a CD usually something between 11-16€, that would make a total of 41€. I'm definitely not paying about 20€ for a few printed pictures
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