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  1. peli liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in Charli XCX   
    charli looking through this thread after seeing that all her fans are greedy fat gays that just want her music to leak

  2. peli liked a post in a topic by poopyhead in Charli XCX   
    the only songs she wanted us to hear are the ones she thought were worth hearing. im sorry but most of these old demo leaks were not great. the big reason exchange songs are of higher value is because she has already performed them live which means in her eyes they are worth it and she wanted us to hear it. 
  3. peli liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    That's such a good point! I didn't give much thought to how many older leaks must be out there, I thought we kinda had most of them. Clearly that's not the case! Earlier, I was thinking about how about how we've become so consumed with leaks that we forget that it's all of Charli's hard work/emotions that's been stolen. Die 4 comes to mind when I think of unjustified leaks because it's such a personal song, but there are also a good number of really good Charli bops that shouldn't have been leaked.
    Listening to these leaks for the first time was an amazing experience; it was so exciting, and opening them was like unwrapping a long awaited present, but I'm beginning to feel sad for Charli. I feel guilty when listening to the songs that should have had official releases. I know that just because they're leaked doesn't mean they won't ever get released, but it's a terrible feeling to know that some of them won't have a place in her official discography because of the leaks. 
    Now I want all future leaks to be of songs that have no chance of an official release!
  4. peli liked a post in a topic by Adrift in Charli XCX   
    I know this is not your favorite topic, but you’ve talked before about how leaks of unreleased songs this summer threw a wrench in your plans for your third album. Have you considered putting those songs out as a separate mixtape or EP so fans have a legal way of supporting those songs, even if you’re letting them go?
    I mean, I don’t really want to talk about this, honestly, but here’s the thing — those songs are still really important to me, and I’m not done with them yet. That’s why it’s so frustrating. They’re still a really important part of who I am, and I hope to release them. But I’m just so honestly pissed off about it that I’m figuring out how to deal with that myself. That’s all I say on that.
    we really don't deserve her. 
  5. peli liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    maybe she values the ease of getting music out via mixtape over the stress of an album campaign. She did say in that interview that she just "isn't born" for that kind of stardom. I know us stans tend to think "but she deserves all the success in the world!!" but I'd much rather see her happy.
    I agree with the recent sentiments when it comes to longing for a Sucker-era budget in the sense that it did bring us some great music videos (I'd really miss the visual side of her music if she were to stick to mixtapes) but we shouldn't gloss over the fact that she was also terribly unhappy in that era. 
    Commercial success is such a double edged sword. 
  6. peli liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    Imagine getting 2 mixtapes + dozens of leaks and a good number of collabs all in one year and still managing to complain about something as trivial as a mixtape title lol we love self sabotaging here at chorliboards
  7. peli liked a post in a topic by comeintomybedroom in Charli XCX   
    I don't think anyone else ever thought that was a guitar hunny.
  8. peli liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in ALLIE X   
    From her Best Fit interview
    "s the venue's drapes draw back to reveal her, she is a picture of exhausted Hollywood glamour; thick red lips and alabaster parlour set off against a too-fixed stare and movements sharp and unsettlingly. When the first bars of vintage gem “Bitch” "
    I have never gotten vintage or Hollywood glamour vibes from Allie, ever. That's a Lana thing, and she's not trying to emulate Lana. I get hyperfuture, almost Black Mirror type abstract art vibes, very modern and sleek. I guess the lyrics of Bitch are alluding to a vintage scenario, though..
    "I love the idea of Lana Del Rey – the affected, death-obsessed heroine crooning about addiction, depression and excess. It's just the execution always felt hollow to me, with the trite post-modernity and the Twin Peaks references. Like, you could see the industry strings underneath.
    Allie X is everything we want from Lana, and some. "
    Oh my god, shut up. I'm actually frustrated that Allie tweeted this, now. They're not even comparable. And to act like Lana is manufactured garbage and Allie is the antithesis.... I mean, I can't even see the comparison, but this person obviously knows nothing about Lana past the two songs on Born to Die that she sang on SNL.
  9. peli liked a post in a topic by Elle in Charli XCX   
    My hosting company was contacted by the IFPI about the content on this thread.
    It is stated in the LanaBoards rules that posting direct download links is NOT ALLOWED. 
    If I do not remove the content from this thread, I risk the site being suspended. 
    If you all could help me out and report any posts that contain download links to the following songs, that would be very appreciated: 
    I've tried searching through this thread, but I just do not have the time, as I am currently settling into a huge life adjustment.
    Please refrain from posting download links in this thread as well as any other LanaBoards thread in the future & PLEASE report any post you see in violation.
    Failure to do these things may result in the closure of this thread.
    Thank you & lots of love.
  10. peli liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in ALLIE X   
    I mean, firsthand I have a friend with gastroparesis who is extremely thin, but when you're on a diet for something like that, you don't slap a health food/fad name over it and call it philosophical. It's just what you gotta do. I don't want to analyze this too closely because while I do know some of the physical symptoms of EDs and I can see some with her, some people just have those features. So it'd be screwy to call one out that's just genetic. But she's not naturally underweight. She was perfectly healthy looking not even too long ago.
    And I personally joke about how she's goals etc because that's what my mind tells me I have to look like. And I have her telling me (well, her fans, properly) that cutting out sugar, fruits, bread, and dairy are necessary to look and feel good. 
    In an interview 
    "Weight loss, mental clarity, a feeling of control and empowerment, individualising myself from western culture, awareness of Xactly what I’m putting in my body and how it is affecting me, improved muscle tone, skin and hair!"
    Key word: Control. Also important, separation from other people. There aren't large mass cultures that restrict their diet naturally that much. She does it to feel better than other people, as one of the things she can control in her life. 
    I know this, because I may not look it, but I've been there and I am there. If it were just paleo, or veganism, it'd be one thing. But she literally has had moments where before going on stage (posted by her) she didn't even eat because nothing fit the parameters. She also posted a picture with a bunch of pills which seemed to be vitamins on her instagram story the other day. Which means she's either actually sick and treating herself with herbalistic remedies, or her diet doesn't provide sufficient nutrition. 
    I'm really getting into this, but as her fanbase grows, it hurts me to know that a part of her image is what should wholly be considered disordered eating. She shouldn't be talking about it like it'll change your life and make you holy and genius when her fanbase is probably mid-to-late teens. That's how eating disorders start. X is control. X is superiority. X is clarity.
    Also, if she is really ill, depriving her body of essential nutrients (and supplements can't always help here, you don't just absorb everything you consume) is going to make things worse.
    I'm really working on it, thanks x My mind tries to convince me that eating little to nothing is the key to life, and that I'll finally understand things and start doing well in life if I just give up eating. Also, that my weight (which is low average) is disgusting and that everyone knows it. But I'm getting help, I'm not just alone with my thoughts <3
  11. peli liked a post in a topic by Jim Morrison in Charli XCX   
    Seronja is fake title, it basicly means Sucker  in croatian language, somebody wrote that shit on wikipedia and ppl got it from there
  12. peli liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    INHA does not even sound interesting. Y'all just talk yourself into overhyping it.
  13. peli liked a post in a topic by Flung in Charli XCX   
    that was so annoying, but the person leaking this stuff, all those noises were coming from them because he didn't turn it off, they had to close chat at some point because they realised that it's going to be on recording   
  14. peli liked a post in a topic by Afterparty in Charli XCX   
    fucking discord chat sounds kms 
  15. peli liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    Can we move this to a status so there aren't 10 fucking pages of "omg what's discord / pls accept me / here's my pin "
    Just to hear shitty LQ streams that Dennis prob tagged to hell??? Smh
  16. peli liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    just gonna casually start deleting spam since y'all don't care about warning points lol
    so if your post is gone, don't waste another asking why
  17. peli liked a post in a topic by Touch in Charli XCX   
    looks like someone is obsessed about us girls

  18. peli liked a post in a topic by Honeybear in Charli XCX   
    Charli in Queen Lizzy: "I don't need a single rose / I don't want designer clothes"
    Charli on the artwork for N1A: *carries a rose and wears a €2000 jacket by HBA*

  19. peli liked a post in a topic by Adrift in Charli XCX   
    in all seriousness, someone should really check on charli, because she is pretty close to rock bottom rn. she's sick in bed being told that she'll damage her voice if she sings again, her single isn't doing well, her album (or at least a version of it) leaked, she's not getting any support from her fans or label, she has to scrap her whole record essentially, she's being publicly humiliated by the person who hacked her email and completely compromised her, like...check on her please
  20. peli liked a post in a topic by KeybladeMeister in Charli XCX   
    Jimmy Kimmel's youtube account took bounce down, must have popped up on a ripped copy.
    CharliPorted and doxxed.

  21. peli liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Charli XCX   
    Moving forward, posts containing leak requests with no other information are considered spam and WARNABLE. Tread lightly!
  22. peli liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Charli XCX   
    honestly just fucking part ways with your internet provider 
  23. peli liked a post in a topic by bounce in Charli XCX   
    ha ha very funny next joke please
    also literally everybody in the video is famous to some extent and to my knowledge none of them are trans- keep making yourself look stupid lol !
    ur on a fan forum for LANA DEL REY a literal white woman so ... maybe stop trying to look edgy / seem cool n hip bc you're honestly coming off as a bit dumb
    as a plus size dude i think my opinion on things regarding other plus size dudes matters so ! keep trying boo boo i need the laughs
    also your*
  24. peli liked a post in a topic by comeintomybedroom in Charli XCX   
    the fact that you expect to be able to spot a ~trans~ man out of dozens of ~men~ is pretty sus
    and yeah ur white so youre opinion on anything is not valid lmfao
  25. peli liked a post in a topic by renaissance in Charli XCX   
    fuck off it's meant to be a fun and cute song with a fun and cute video which is what she served
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