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About stompinggroundstan

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  • Birthday 06/10/1997

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  1. Got 2 tickets to her show, cannot wait omg
  2. Girl why am I seeing chatter of a track list? Did I miss something???
  3. The links down already👀
  4. Her new 2 freestyles are so good. Need to get the lyrics and a genius page already, this series is going to go off
  5. And somewhere there’s a desert and something at nighttime are the same right? Just a demo of each other?
  6. stompinggroundstan


    Direction is her best song. Holy sh*t
  7. bsides will be iconic, no question
  8. Currently have 291 tracks in my Ethel Cain playlist including everything I’ve found, I know it’s all gonna vary cuz everyone does it differently but that’s where I’m at. Super proud of this playlist so far. i think the only thing I intentionally don’t have are snippets of full versions of things but I think I pretty much got the rest
  9. A couple things: 1. I finally got around to updating my master list of all content I’ve seen out there that’s very comprehensive of everything I’ve seen here and around - not sure if I can share as I know Hayden has been outspoken lately about some of the things so there’s that - correct me if I’m wrong 2. I’ve seen 2 things floating but I’m questioning both but curious if anyone knows more. that’s so true (ref track/live recording) - maybe ai? carnal desire.wav (couldn’t fully download) - maybe fake? thoughts/corrections?
  10. Omg where did ‘make room in hell (demo)’ come from ??
  11. Ladies I just caught on but what is ‘Oh My God’ it sounds heavenly!!! Like a ‘Dang’ outtake
  12. Bumping this, need information on Aftermath, if it’s even still coming
  13. Even though I’ve listened to for sure a million times since it leaked, can’t believe it’s finally out. So good. One of my favorites for sure
  14. Too quiet I’m scared
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