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Everything posted by Cashew

  1. Cashew


    What's the name of the first snippet? the one with whistling?
  2. Cashew

    Song vs. Song

    This is what makes us girls vs This is what makes us girls (demo)
  3. Cashew

    Nicki Minaj

    It wasn't Nicki who bailed him out, it was their mom
  4. I think that's another word for bridge. Because the part which is in this case don't worry baby is usually referred to as the bridge. But then again I've never heard of Middle 8 and I've never been good at music theory
  5. I don't know if I sound dumb right now or not, but could you please explain how cola is a bi song?
  6. yesterday I think when was the last time you broke a bone?
  7. Cashew

    Dua Lipa

    Wait what? what tweets?
  8. you mean pre-chorus? Cuz the bridge is the part where she sings "don't worry baby".
  9. Realistically speaking those people there are way too calm and quiet to be the audience at a lana del rey concert tbh
  10. I love this so much, this is definitely my favorite music video from lana ever. It's just so beautiful, calm, and peaceful
  11. what kind of a prestigious ass uni do you go to???
  12. Cashew

    Dua Lipa

    I know that, but I can't remember the tune of the chorus.
  13. Cashew

    Dua Lipa

    imo "Be The One" is more forgettable than "Room For 2". With RF2 I can atleast remember how it goes whereas with BTO I can't even remember the chorus.
  14. I'm so excited for Love's music video Floating cars? Lana looking good as hell? CGI? This is way too much for me
  15. The youtube cover is now missing the woman on the cliffs and the man compared to the other covers which is just missing the man.
  16. This song is everything I didn't know I wanted and I am so happy for it
  17. Did anyone else notice how the guy from the poster has been edited out here? I wonder why
  18. I feel so sorry for Lana for having to deal with this bullshit, from the incompetent ass team to her rabid ass "fans". She put so much hard work and effort into her vision only for it to be trashed by some pieces of shits who care what a handful of teenagers they don't even know think about them on the internet. How fucking boring must your life to be for you to go through the effort of acquiring this song and then publishing it, completely fucking over Lana in the process, just to have some people have a vague sense of "respect" over you??? You can't even go through Lana's tag anywhere without coming across this song which we weren't even supposed to be aware of until yesterday. What the fuck did Lana ever do to deserve this shit??
  19. The poster makes me think of "Stranger Things"
  20. It's not really strange and this is just a promotional poster. I'm positive that the official single cover and the album cover have the regular font slapped across them.
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