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Everything posted by Cashew

  1. Cashew

    Britney Spears

    how the fúck have you've been online for only 4 days and already have 1000+ posts alongside multiple name changes?
  2. guys i think solve et coaluga has something to do with the album cuz she changed it into her insta bio from subversive which I also think has something to do with the album. honestly how r u guis not seeing dis????
  3. In Shades of Cool, instead of "You're hot, you're hot, weather in the summer" I heard "Your hearth, your hearth, where the hell is someone new?" I genuinely thought she was just mumbling some random phrases during the bridge
  4. I don't know how you get over, get over Someone as dangerous, dainty, and filed as you.
  5. Cashew


    Unlikely, it will probably be released on Bandcamp where her other bangers 3:36 and Adored are kept.
  6. This seems like really cool idea. Excited to see where this is going
  7. Cashew

    Song vs. Song

    cruel world vs trash magic
  8. Cashew

    Britney Spears

    Nah, i like it too. I don't understand the hate for Clumsy at all.
  9. Cashew

    Instagram Updates

    some song was playing in the background and she said it was her favorite song
  10. Cashew

    Instagram Updates

    Only screenshot I managed to get
  11. Cashew

    Instagram Updates

    Goddess of livestreaming while driving!! #Recklessqueen
  12. Im pretty sure Delftsblauw is Delfts Blue, which is this pottery style originating from Delft (a city in the Netherlands). Random fact of the day, i don't even know why I made this post lol
  13. around 6 hours ago when was the last time you flew?
  14. Cashew

    Song vs. Song

    Roses vs Tired of Singing the Blues
  15. when you're so used to having your oversized phone in your hand that you're not letting go of it even if it's not with you
  16. What could be considered the target audience for HM? What type of a person would you recommend HM to be checked out first before anything else in Lana's discography?
  17. this sounds amazing, I'm so pumped
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