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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. I feel calling her a fascist is a little much and I always feel that OP is very biased although informative.
  2. Has anyone seen all her posts lately? It’s kind of crazy that she’s become a massive alt right prominent nearly. Following Candace Owen’s, supporting Tucker Carlson etc
  3. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    The mass exposure killed the cult on here
  4. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I actually find it really disconcerting that she’s only receiving these offers after a massive high profile album- it just shows how disconnected producers are from reality. Let’s see what she offers to the smaller roles first.
  5. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I really hope she isn’t the white witch, I can get behind her playing some juicier roles but that’s the biggest miscast ever.
  6. Did someone just mention MR OD the amount of racist comments I’ve seen from him It’s already on PSN, I imagine they might in the future
  7. Mutiple texture glitches, unfinished non 3D ladders- soft lock glitches that can stop your progress entirely during a bike section later on etc.
  8. The last revelation is unfinished btw- the Devs came out on twitter and asked us to just play chronicles until the last revelation is patched in Alexandria+ Same with AOD
  9. I will say the demo snippets sounded miles better. I’d prefer something stripped down. She looks really sexy in the music video though. Lara Croft male gaze body saved the day.
  10. At the end of the day it’s a silly song and nothing to get worked up about.
  11. I mean you can’t say the song isn’t thought provoking if some of you are writing dissertations @lana
  12. Let’s see how it makes sense with the album before the meltdowns.
  13. I think some of you have just outgrown her- the same way I have with Lana. The single is fine- it’s a new direction and campy. Is it a lyrical masterpiece? No but it clearly wasn’t intended to be.
  14. people have even said things were thrown out that were completely made because the team was so disorganised.
  15. Im sorry but I disagree, AOD is an unfinished game. Look at any developer account and they repeat this constantly. It needed to bring back a lot of cut content that was still in the source code.
  16. Can someone post all the Jack stuff out of curiosity
  17. It’s been over 10 years 🤣, the faith is impenetrable at this point.
  18. Angel is Mid. Buffy >>>>>>>> writing wise, editing wise etc
  19. I like the top 1- this photoshoot is very topshop circa 2015 though which is an interesting choice.
  20. I mean was she 14 in 2012? Or smth. I’m not defending her personally, as I do feel it’s dangerous to advocate for a group of people to be murdered no matter their social standing but her opinions have likely evolved over time.
  21. I mean it’s cute but you know that album is never coming right?
  22. We don’t know his contract but it’s very likely if agency work to be something that can easily be changed arrangement wise to another person.
  23. A lot of you seem to be negating the fact that Lana has developed a personal relationship with him to a degree(buying clothes, dog giving) and she’s(victim) made the family aware yet Lana is still employing him through the third party agency when she+ team can issue a complaint. The abuse is not Lana’s fault but it’s very odd of her to keep this man on as her security if she knows(very likely) considering her brother saw the evidence and read the messages months ago.
  24. I mean it’s Ben, he blocks fans for a lot less
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