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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Do you actually like it or are you forcing yourself Personally it’s my favourite album of hers but it was a grower for me to understand- didn’t really for it in 2015 during sucker but I streamed it a year later and I could hear all the interesting layers and the songwriting really sold it for me- it’s genuinely one of the best things I’ve ever listened to.
  2. The world will be hit by a chunk of rock I take it then?
  3. evalionisameme


    Fair but she actually looked skinnier to me in 87, she just looks more mature to me but it’s probably the increased muscle mass.
  4. evalionisameme


    Anybody find it odd how she went from this in 1989 to in the span of two years- she looked dramatically different facially quick
  5. The supposed honeymoon? Version with the slamming drums is still my favourite personally
  6. I could complain but even I have to realise it would be pointless and dumb at this point happy she’s releasing this beautiful song
  7. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Just because blame it on your love is one of the worst pop songs in Charlis discography doesn’t mean we should praise slightly better mediocrity lets rate doing it instead- a cute pure pop moment with a killer chorus
  8. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    We get it it’s just a worse die tonight atleast boys has the super Mario coin
  9. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Atap is a terrible Christmas sounding flop With a cute Halloween video where charli looks gorgeous
  10. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Do you think she actually likes Taylor’s music? Please- she does this all the time- she probably thinks both Halsey and Taylors discogs are sh*t. It’s just business
  11. You called this album a pos on here before let them share their opinions- some of them are new
  12. Hmm- as I said before I think she’s in a comfortable lane and enjoying the piano and everyday life- I don’t think she’s going to deliver something out of the box unless something massive happened in her life that changed her perspective. I do think it she has a baby and if she continues to make albums- her sound would be a lot different.
  13. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I mean she has started using break the rules in her tik toks and IGs so maybe she warmed up to it- nevertheless I don’t think she’ll be using guitars again anytime soon though I would like it. The whole concept was essentially botched by the label
  14. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    It’s also interesting to note that she stated she was going to release the original punk songs as an EP but alas this never happened - some of the songs could have Marilyn Manson collabs too! she stated this year further on brat that she could make further pop punk songs but doesn’t feel like they’d be good.
  15. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I don’t think grunge music was ever in the discussion initially she made a straight up punk album in Sweden of short songs 1-3 minutes long- then she tried to merge it into pop with some bratty ye ye pop influences which again was scrapped(bar need ur luv) - then the album was in limbo with reported label meddling and then we have sucker which is overall half pop and half pop rock. I do think it’s interesting that she did or still does hate break the rules though considering it’s one of the more faithful songs to the concept on there- it sounds like if aviici produced smells like teen spirit
  16. God I don’t want to be a twat but this seems like the shared synopsis for all of us except the Die Hards I think she needs her co-writers back to refine ideas tbh! But yeah anything is better than k12
  17. Where do babies come from>>>>>>>>>>>>>her entire discog
  18. The way people are referring to Lanas as a ballad and acting like it was never a rock song in the comments 💀 it’s literally got electric guitar everywhere and isn’t like a ballad at all- TF. I get the idea but it just sounds so good in psychedelic rock/soft rock stylings.
  19. This cover doesn’t work- it doesn’t suit a glam rock arrangement
  20. Heck I think Christina is a better dancer than Beyoncé she’s actually very fluid in her prime
  21. Wait I just watched this and realised Beyoncé is a worse dancer than Britney she’s so stiff and slow- which is a constant source of discussion of calling Beyoncé a superior dancer. Her singing makes it up though- just odd that people constantly rate her as the best west dancer.
  22. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    We are definitely not unaware to how the reality is, social media will have you think that nobody except the lowest common denominator could be into some of the most demoralising material and I do mean some truly disturbing stuff that should warrant harsher legal sentences. The reality is I’ve seen many people who just lie and really are deranged
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