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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I think her cover art for the albums are mixed bags- her best are pop 2, crash and N1 Angel with crash taking the lead. I really do not like how cheap the TR cover looks and it doesn’t suit the album in my opinion- it looks like any overexposed magazine shot. The Vroom Vroom cover is sleek and goes with the EP so I don’t see the hate. Crash is obviously inventive and well done.
  2. And this will continue to progress for the foreseeable future it seems I mean she could use an ai device for her vocals I guess
  3. She seems like a dishwater blonde to me ala Taylor swift
  4. Yeah being late isn’t forgivable if it’s mutiple times- it’s just disrespectful
  5. evalionisameme


    unpopular opinion: M looks so much better as a curly brunette+ like a prayer was her prime + her best blonde look was her blonde streak
  6. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Cloud aura is a Gwen and eve moment…a classic for the tumblr dears I’m sure
  7. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    But now she plays it on her tik tok so maybe she saw the light
  8. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Exactly how you gonna hate on this avicii smells like teen spirit remake(but seriously listen to them back to back…) it’s an experimental moment maybe ahead of it’s time for some! Wtf was she supposed to say- it’s catchy and a great melodic hook- she was going for a I want Candy moment at the time as she stated until she retconned her comments and said it was stupid….bizarrely.
  9. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Caught in the middle has always been a filler- disagree with die tonight though( it’s production beats are kinda weak) but it clearly belonged on the album in my opinion.
  10. Rick will always be her best collaborator xox If we exclude Auerbach of course
  11. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I feel like this would of worked during the xcx world era but it feels too far removed from what charli is now- maybe she could of done it if she was given a bigger feature in the barbie soundtrack.
  12. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    What’s your favourite sucker song?
  13. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    14 has title track, neon glow sticks and frank- charli is having a mid off with it tbh
  14. You’re always following whatever I say so I’m glad you could join the discussion- I tend not to over stigmatise every aspect of someone’s life because “tada” people make mistakes- you can disagree with someone’s immature post without trying to get them fired over essentially nothing worthwhile. im going to leave it at this but some of you over exaggerate everything for buzz words morality sake- I’ve heard people say in the the heat of the moment from America- “ fuck England” “British people are seasonless” but I’m not going to harass them all over the internet 💀.
  15. Nnn I don’t think we should be going through this guys internet history… tbh I’d be pissed if my phone was stolen too- the post is dramatic and diva like but hardly fire worthy
  16. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I mean he’s giving her another soundtrack song here so he clearly likes her, doubt it’ll be a single though
  17. Not to play devils advocate but weren’t a lot of people complaining about the tours too? I heard she sings “live vocals” a lot less now
  18. I don’t think it’s fair to keep on blaming the festivals when this has happened to all her professionally recorded festivals/performances since NFR era. Its clearly Lanas team not setting her mic/ setting up in a way that suits her because what you are hearing is her voice without the dozens of added layers of playback. Additionally she just doesn’t really put strength into her vocal performances like BTD despite its era pitchiness 🤷‍♀️
  19. It’s kinda her fault for the confusion though- I do remember her saying it was her backing band at first and then the diamonds became the fans
  20. She could of just called herself Marina diamonds like did this thought not occur to anyone
  21. Agree with you on the whole debate on it being pop though- the demos aren’t any less pop in that respect
  22. There’s heavy strings throughout almost every song on the entire album- Carmen, Lolita even etc- baroque pop is formed from classical music so she was correct here actually
  23. It must have been American then but I clearly remember her performing it at a festival in 2013-weird
  24. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I wonder if charli will be singing any songs on the Jack soundtrack
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