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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. Hey @Elle can you ban this member? Hey @Hundred Dollar Bill remember on 10 May 2017 - 12:41 PM when you told me "i owe you! if you have any forum or member problems , or anything i could do for u let me know!!" I have a problem and you owe me one
  2. I hope it's a name of a short film and not a song because I don't want a song called that in my iTunes, even if it's Noir level great.
  4. With so many survivor games, it was only a matter of time before some smart ass did this Adele 25 +20 Album Elimination Game +20 Album Survivor Game +20 Badlands Survivor +20 Best Yearly Leak: Elimination Game | 2016 EDITION +20 Born To Die Survivor +20 Born To Die Survivor 2.0 +20 Born to Die: The Paradise Edition SURVIVOR!!! +20 Dangerous Woman Survivor +20 Electra Heart Survivor +20 Froot Survivor +20 Goddess Survivor +19 Honeymoon Survivor +20 How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful Survivor +20 Lana Del Ray A.K.A Lizzy Grant Survivor +20 Lana Del Rey: The Ultimate Survivor Game +20 LDR Music Video Survivor +20 Melanie Martinez Survivor +20 My Dreams Dictate My Reality Survivor +20 Paradise Survivor +20 Sirens - Survivor Game +20 Sirens Survivor! +21 Song Vs. Themselves {Official,Demo,Acapella,Acoustic} SURVIVOR +20 The Altar Survivor +20 The Paradise Edition Elimination Game +20 Trans-Suburban Fantasy - Survivor +20 Ultraviolence - Survivor Game +20 Ultraviolence Survivor +20 Unreleased Survivor Part 1 +20 Unreleased Survivor Part 2 +20
  5. trayertrash

    Miley Cyrus

    Tbh it's just another basic white girls summer song. It's not bad, just nothing special about it.
  6. If y'all ever compare Lana to that turd sandwich Regan ever again I will hex your wifi
  7. Damn, did Lana write a song about @longtimeman and I?
  8. edit: someone else commented before me this morning When was the last time your nihilism kicked in?
  9. trayertrash


    Thanks for this! I'm pretty sure I have everything but I'll double check
  10. Lana's rap in Playground says differently (but really tho, probably) Do you agree that AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL THEEEEE LOOOOOOOOOVEEEEERS THAT HAVE COOOOME BEFOOOOORE THEY DON'T COMPARE TO YOOOU
  11. trayertrash

    Kylie Minogue

    Maybe I will... if trumpdontcare doesn't pass and I get to keep my cheap health insurance I have a few copies of Madonna's first album if you want one
  12. trayertrash

    Kylie Minogue

    I'm going through my Kylie collection and deleting stuff I don't really need or like. Does anyone need anything before I delete? I have literally everything lol
  13. people who quote or comment then edit or delete it knowing damn well you got the notification but didn't have time to read it within the 5 seconds they kept it up
  14. "tv show" uggggh I thought this was going to give me some good tips :/
  15. Yep, I dated someone from 13-17 and was in love and am a firm believer that love knows no age Do you agree that I'm the greatest member lb will ever have?
  16. my fav adopted child / sis / Stevie stan
  17. I AGREE AND EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH IT If Carrie isn't going to be with Aidan then I will... Do you agree that Carrie was dumb as fuck about not understanding why Natasha hated her even tho she slept with her husband?
  18. Do you agree that I should take a nap?
  19. My daughter's doctor called to ask if I wanted to wait on her endometriosis surgery because they don't know if the meds she'll need after the surgery are going to be covered or not. If she doesn't have the surgery she'll eventually start having abdominal pain that will gradually get worse and could potentially ruin her chances of fertility, destroy her ovaries and fallopian tubes, and cause her to have extreme pain during her period. With the surgery, she'll have problems sitting and walking for at least few months. Without the meds after the surgery, she'll have to deal with abdominal pain, which is something that could happen the rest of her life, along with a list of other side effects. She will probably need more surgeries within the next 5-10 years and she'll be in a high-risk category for infection, which could cause more surgeries and medications if the proper meds aren't in her life. This is the type of decision I would never have had to make with the ACA. All of this was set to be covered, minus a small percentage of her meds that would have been affordable, now I'm having to choose between making my daughter wait on a surgery, which could cause health issues the rest of her life, or make her go through the surgery and have no way of knowing if I'll be able to financially manage the pain and side effects she'll have. We literally can not afford either option and both are guaranteeing her a life of pain. Having her post-surgery meds covered was the only hope we had during this and that's not a guarantee now. What happens if we have to choose between meds and our home or meds and food? What happens when the meds are more expensive than we can afford? At the very minimum, her meds are expected to cost an extra $600 a month. That's not going to include the cost of the surgery itself, which will probably be around $15,000, nor does it include the cost of doctor visits, possible ER visits and any additional care she might need. We make too much for Medicaid, CHIP won't cover the majority of this, our projected insurance price won't be affordable and probably won't cover this, but paying out of pocket won't be affordable either. I honestly dare someone to tell me how this is the "less of two evils"
  20. Yeah and on top of that Lizzy has a prescription that's $65 a month after insurance pays and $250 a month without it and I have other stuff I take too. Even with insurance, we're still putting out around $350 a month on just meds, that doesn't cover the costs of checkups, emergency room visits and it doesn't cover dental or vision at all and all 3 of us wear glasses.
  21. Pexeva is $360ish a month and Sarafem is $500ish a month without insurance (price fluctuates a bit depending on the dosage) With insurance, they're still about $80 a month each.
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