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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. Honestly, truly, Lana's obsessed with Lolita and pedo shit was bound to make someone like this popup... like... I don't even have the words to describe how gross it is all around... "I went with my dad at the Deep purple concert" With your father, as in the man who raised you or your other dad? Whoever it is has horrid taste in music tbh.
  2. It's one of the songs that made me fall in love with Lana's music <3 and I think all Yayo's are good Yayo's
  3. Why is this in the unpopular opinion thread? This is just a fact.
  4. Extremist calls for more terrorist attacks in America
  5. terrorist attack in Portland https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/05/27/man-fatally-stabs-2-on-portland-ore-train-after-they-interrupted-his-anti-muslim-rants-police-say/?utm_term=.109d4583dd3d
  6. http://time.com/3934980/right-wing-extremists-white-terrorism-islamist-jihadi-dangerous/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/27/muslim-children-relatives-march-manchester-arena-show-revulsion/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/manchester-terror-attack-muslim-heroes-help-victims-free-rides-treat-wounded-salman-abedi-a7758856.html http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/02/07/sean_duffy_asked_for_examples_of_white_extremist_terror_here_you_go_sean.html http://www.newsweek.com/2016/02/12/right-wing-extremists-militants-bigger-threat-america-isis-jihadists-422743.html https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2017/02/07/trumps-list-underreported-terrorism-completely-ignores-domestic-right-wing-extremism/215260 http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/analysis-deadly-threat-far-right-extremists-overshadowed-fear-islamic-terrorism/
  8. I honestly thought the election theme was meant to be taken as a joke... is it serious tho?
  9. ISIS is less than 1% of Islam Islam ≠ ISIS ISIS are extremists 99% of Muslims do no support Do not blame the 99% for the actions of the 1% If you're going to attack anyone's views, attack the people who committed and support the actions of ISIS, not people who are in the same religion. We do not hold other religions accountable for the actions a few so why do it with Islam? When people of other religions attack, we're quick to point it out as an individual's actions, but if they're Muslims we blame it on the religion and not the individual, even if they aren't connected to ISIS. The "us vs. them" mentality a lot of people have is why extremism continues on both sides. America has had soldiers who go into the army just for a chance to kill anyone who appears to be Muslim. We have soldiers who kill for sport, don't follow protocol, and who often aren't punished for it. America has Christian extremist who bomb mosques, attack Muslim women on the street, and murder Muslim children, all in the name of patriotism and Christianity. We have news stations that refuse to even acknowledge the destruction of schools and cities in the middle east, who won't say that the reason XYZ happened is because America did ABC. We have a major news station who has made billions off of Islamophobia and radicalizing Christians. We have military officers who lie about the reasons why they attack civilians and deny they murdered anyone at all (a lot of this are issues Chelsea Manning helped uncover) Those actions lead some Muslims to fear and hate Christians. They see how good people, people they know and love, are trying to escape extremism but are turned down because of religion. That bubbles up to a point where they turn to ISIS for community and understanding of their fears and hate. ISIS attacks and it leads to more Christian extremist, which leads to more ISIS recruitment. It's this fucked up cycle that we're going to perpetuate until we're all dead or make a change. We keep having this 'chicken and the egg' issue where one religion wants to say the other started it when really, it's something that's so deep historically it's impossible to pinpoint it. I don't have a full proof answer for it, but this back and forth shooting and bombing each other isn't the answer.
  10. As I thought, this ties well into the Lana and SOPHIE are the same person theory. First, I looked on twitter for any time SOPHIE has said "soon" but nothing came up. This lead me to believe that maybe that theory was wrong. But, as predicted, the Illuminati were extremely messing covering their tracks. Numbers, SOPHIE's label, posted this. Low and behold, it contains the one word Lana is programmed to say...
  11. I read that already but if there were no indications of terrorism why was it posted here
  12. The guy in Time Square was high on PCP, like it's not an excuse for what he did, but it's not a terrorist attack and hasn't been ruled as one. Do I really need to say why it's even in this thread? If the guy was a white guy named Connor Smith it would be viewed as just some mentally ill dude who did something shitty... but with a last name like Rojas people jump to conclusions...
  13. https://www.newamerica.org/in-depth/terrorism-in-america/
  14. I'd be on whatever marina forum there was and so would all of you
  15. Back when I was a baby lipster, I read somewhere that one of the dresses she wore in Ride was one she wore a lot during her Lizzy days. Was there any proof of that?
  16. I can't believe this is the survivor game that's flopping.
  17. someone on facebook already complained about her writing a song about women and not the lgbt community and said she should've said God bless American and all the beautiful kids/people in it instead of women to include her male fans
  18. Listening to them is all that matters
  19. y'all need to check out Riot Grrrl bands Lunachicks, Bikini Kill, L7, Sleater-Kinney, Babes In Toyland (Kat, the lead singer, and Courtney were in a band called Sugar Babies) Emily's Sassy Lime, Jack Off Jill, Excuse 17, Dickless... not RG but I've been obsessed over this
  20. Waiting for someone to complain about her saying women
  21. trayertrash


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