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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. she looks sooo cute tonight!!!!! so grateful she brought back the classic lana dresses (hopefully for more than one date )
  2. i really hope she has a good support system behind her that can help her to feel comforted and safe, and i hope fans are respectful at future shows if she chooses not to spend much time at the barrier or anything like that, i just want her to feel safe and secure also mess @ the article title not sure if i should have but i laughed
  3. i'm really confused at the whole "this record is for the fans" comments from her and i think lfl has a more contemporary sound because that's what she thinks we listen to/want to hear from her? probably cuz she just looks at twink stans on twitter but lol. her whole career and fanbase came from her being herself and not trying to make records that match whatever the current sound is. we love the sound that comes from her heart!! i hope lfl is the only record she tries to do that on. i want lana to make music that she can lose herself in, because that's what we love too. i just hope she realizes we stan and love her for her, we don't need her to be ariana grande for the twinks because we already have ariana grande for the twinks like! we want lana del rey to be the lana del rey she's always wanted to be sorry if this is horribly worded, i'm really tired and i'm not gonna lie i didn't read anything that i just typed lol
  4. Born to Die - 17 Off to the Races - 22 Blue Jeans - 14 Video Games - 24 Dark Paradise - 13 Carmen - 20 Million Dollar Man - 26 Summertime Sadness - 15
  5. Ride 13 Cola 46 Yayo 20 yayo deserves to win
  6. $100 for the cherry hoodie but $85 for the embroidered one which is probably harder to make and should be the more expensive one in order to reward the workers who made it okay
  7. ride - 22 cola - 28 yayo - 29
  8. do we have any pics of the goodies that come with VIP packages??? I’m pretty sure it’s just a litho and a special lanyard ticket thing but I still wanna see
  9. i would unstan not really but i would suffer
  10. I'm going to San Diego and I feel like her California crowd is the absolute worst of them all. I don't live there so I've never been to a concert in CA and I have no idea what to expect :/ but does Silver VIP kind of guarantee barricade? I won't be able to camp out overnight but I can probably get there as early as like 7am.. should I try and go earlier??
  11. gorl u need to relax with the threads lol
  12. I feel like something is starting to form already ... the BTD/Paradise era will be shook! imagine Yosemite, BAR, RBFY, and now Bartender, all on the same album..... the titles all sound so good with each other and the concept sounds strong and consistent I'm so ready! and for some reason I'm getting Bon Jovi vibes lmao idk that was totally uncalled for lmao they were just excited there's no need to be mean
  13. God Bless America - And All The Beautiful Gucci Dresses In It we truly are blessed with a look like that she better win . she needs to get on stage with that dress
  14. maybe it’s her hair that’s making it look different since we haven’t seen it up/pulled back in a while but it kinda looks like she did something to her face again
  15. has anyone tried image searching his icon or looking for profiles of that name on other social media yet?
  16. wrong . THIS is the best performance of all time mdm is a close second though
  17. I'm traveling with my mom to a whole different state, I doubt she would let me camp out that early let alone camp out in the first place any more than like 5 hours before it starts if she does though, do you have any advice? I'm going to San Diego so I feel like it's gonna be so crazy idk what to do lol
  18. omg am i allowed to ask for advice for future shows in this thread cuz it’s full of people who went to a show and would know first hand lol.... i have ga with early entry, would i still need to camp out? how would that work?? i want barricade and this is my first time ever trying to get close to the front and i feel so unprepared lol
  19. idk if this is what ur talking about but this is what came to mind for me - the best performance of this song ever
  20. omg sorry this is so late I thought I answered this way earlier but for some reason it's not showing up to me!! but yeah I'd be willing to ship to Australia, I'm in the US
  21. a gay pop star in Russia has apparently been tortured to death by police sorry this is so ugly but I really can't stand looking at this enough to format it nicer
  22. literally WHERE is her summertime sadness outfit from I've been searching for years can someone just dm her and ask her for me please
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