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About Belle

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  • Birthday February 12

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    São Paulo, Brazil
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  1. I forgot about prom song, that's a great one for her to release
  2. I'd prefer if she made more merch for her shows only, like for the Endless Summer Tour she had a good merch, the neacklace and stuff, that was cool, or just have special editions with some brands but nothing that big
  3. Yosemite Serial Killer Maha Maha ... so many tbh, but damn I would buy an album of her leaked songs lol
  4. I can't really hear any singing parts because of the baby damn lol still this video is so cute
  5. Still sad about those setlists, girl we need more new songs ): but I guess it's what was said here before, they're so new she couldn't send it before I guess, at least for Lollapalooza Paris that's reasonable, the band needs to rehearse the songs too, for this show I'm not sure if it's ok to say that, but still, I believe she couldn't send many new songs because of the rehearsal time. I watched some videos on instagram and I have to say i love that stage setting, is simple but is so dreamy Did she used the dancers for any song?
  6. I want this Dazed magazine so bad
  7. I'm shook, and the teaser scared me at first lol
  8. she looks so much like Lana on The Love Witch
  9. still waiting for the collab with snoop dogg
  10. I want to win those polaroids so bad, is someone here participating on the current one? I'm trying to participate and send it to my cousin's home in france but idk if it will work
  11. I'm a little sad about this set list, but it was expected that she sang BTD's songs, and btd ofc, she said before that she didn't felt like singing Born To Die with the american flag on the back so for me that was a spoiler that she was singing this song anyway, and also I think the stage looked more pretty without the flag, the way they did the stage was pretty for a festival. Idk if I'll make the effort to see her close if she comes to Lollapalooza Brasil next year... I wanted more songs from L4L and Ultraviolence. Btw if she's not doing a tour she should at least change a little of her setlists, but at the same time I understand if she can't take off some of the older songs from BTD because it's a festival and people who don't follow her wants to listen to her older songs... meh I'm still salty about her not doing tours, at least I got to go to her first tour here in Brasil
  12. Belle

    The K-Pop Thread

    the first thing I thought of while listening to Lana's God Bless America, the gun shots on the song idk but it reminded me of this lol
  13. Belle

    Lust for Life Survivor

    damn I haven't noticed that the last person before me did it wrong, sorry 13 Beaches - 24 Cherry - 16 In My Feelings - 28 God Bless America - And All The Beautiful Women In It - 52 Beautiful People Beautiful Problems (ft. Stevie Nicks) - 31 Tomorrow Never Came (ft. Sean Ono Lennon) - 26 Heroin - 31 Get Free - 34
  14. Belle

    The K-Pop Thread

    I'm here for my fellow Wonderfuls, never forget this iconic group and wait for Sunmi and Yeeun's solo comback https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9QXQz6uE0M
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