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Everything posted by IamThatGirlLily

  1. French, Montana, American, CEO, rapper, cocaine, Bad Boys, Coke Boys. Maybe she picked him after googling key words.
  2. She just looks lost in here, she has a very comfty place in the fashionsphere.. but she doesn't physically belong to these events. Not her element I guess.
  3. Lana isn't quitting her music career. She said se wanted to quit back in january/february when the backlashs hit its summum. She's still here. As Coney Island King pointed out, she works on instinct, and music is all she knows she can't live w/o it. But she keeps saying how physically tired she is because of the travelling or mentally stirred up because of the constant critics. I don't mind her taking a lower profile as long as she keeps feeding me w/ her creation.
  4. Iggy Azalea's mixtapes Ignorant Art and Glory. Waiting for Trapgold.
  5. For having Gaga in your username and no gaga set.
  6. You're such a sweetheart :love: SitarHero you're uncannily funny. I like it.
  7. She reminds me of a little bird that got lost in the wood. She looks so sweet. Isn't it kate Mose who said "I like that girl" and couldn't stop singing to VG?
  8. Really seems to like National Anthem. And cool
  9. Without the melody, it's just so sad. I'm imagining Lana on the subway from NY to Coney Island writing those lines. Walking sad, walking errand.
  10. I reached my like quota (that quotas sucks btw). But I love that news. Can't wait to hear from you, triple eargams.
  11. I watched Adele's Itune Festival perf on YT a while ago, the whole set in HD, she was singing her whole 21 album. It looked so neat and was very well recorded. I expect the same for Lana. Do you know if the festival has an official YT page? (I can't look for it know, Im at work... sheeesh)
  12. It's all about perceptions, few days ago I went shopping w/ friends, just because we had 20% off coupon one of us spent 200 euros, the other bought something that wasn't eligible for that offer and I saved 20 bucks. We bought because we thought it was a good deal. At the end we just spend money on unecessary things. They care about ages because young is attractive. People don't only listen to music, we deal w/ the whole package consciously or not. When you're a fan, you project yourself with the artist, some part of us want to be like them or be with them. And 25 is, I like to tease one of my friend w/ that, 1/4 of a century. Once you hit 25 you're 100% adult. Nowadays new faces in cinema and music are 15 to 24. It's hard to be 25+ and be "new". The system is screwed up, I agree.
  13. I'm not even sure i want her to win any of them.. These MTV shtick don't mean anything, they may had some value in the pre internet era but not anymore. The game has changed, it's popularity over quality/music. I'll be happy if she wins, Europe loves her, the music industry hasn't been easy on her, it'll be some sort of validation but I won't cry she doesn't. She doesn't need it. I'll vote for her though. *hypocrisy when you hold me* :smiles:
  14. Stop the teasing, once I'm over Lana, you'll be the guy I'll be tracking down Monicker. :creepy:
  15. Coming from Lana you never know if it's deliberate or not. She trusts people a little too much too, I recall several interviews where reporters/journalists say she showed them a video or a song she's been working on.
  16. God, after reading those 7 pages I started to wonder why am I a fan of hers... *I love Lana, I'm a fan of hers, trying to remember* My unpopular opinion of her: She comes across boring in interview, she always says the same things, sometimes it feels like I'm listening to a record on repeat. Her song writing skills like her live performances are inconsistent - she can do great but she can also do bad. Some of her comments may seem shallow "I just like gold, diamonds and fur". LDR might have been just an exotic and beautiful name at first, but the more it goes the more she's building up a persona because.. .. She's a stubborn, she said things in the past and will never admit that some of it were BS - we got to live w/ that *till the end of time*. Other than that I really like her. Her weirdness and all the thing I said above are what makes her human and likable. Perfection doesn't exist and is boring if it does. I always cringe when someone says she's perfect.
  17. Pawn Shop Blues, Yayo, Little Girls, Oh Can You See. These are beautiful songs. I don't understand why this album didn't took off, but I do hope it will get a re released very soon (with an another cover if possible).
  18. For that lovely lipstick on your profile photo & because he pulls it better than I do.
  19. Fatal car crash at 95 does it count? If no, the first statement. I'd rather have her hating me but still be able to listen to her. Would you rather have 3 best friends for the rest of your life and no regular friend or 20 pal to hung with but no one to turn to if you wanna talk.
  20. One of my favorite song from BtD is Off to the Races because of its fast pace, her vocal which make me thing of two people telling us their experience w/ men and love or the same person telling this love story but at 2 periods of time (when living it and when being reminiscent of it). This song is and is about an obsessive, unhealthy, schizophrenic yet beautiful relationship. It's about submission, she's not the victim though but the mastermind of everything. It's about getting what you want and desire from love and living it. So here is my playlist, showing Lana soft and sultry/crazy side: OFF TO THE RACES: LOVE MURDERER 01. Go Go Dancer 02. Put the Radio On 03. Playing Dangerous 04. Trash Magic 05. Kinda Outta Luck 06. Dum Dum 07. Serial Killer 08. Never Let Me Go Bonus track: 09. The Man I Love Cover:
  21. Born To Die 16 Off To The Races 19 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 15 Diet Mountain Dew 15 National Anthem 16 Dark Paradise 15 Radio 15 Carmen 15 Million Dollar Man 14 Summertime Sadness 16 This Is What Makes Us Girls 14 Without You 20 Lolita 12 Lucky Ones 7
  22. Indeed she has tons of material, I can ALMOST sing along to every song of hers. I have phase where I just skip things and only listen to certain song. And I love the "rediscovering a song" part where I'm struck my her writing skills or voice just like the first time i listened to it.
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