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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. Oh my god Duality would’ve ATE as a title wtf
  2. I think some people don’t really understand how insidious tiktok & the CCP are.
  3. She needs to get with an Aussie… move to Australia…. It would be so slay. Life is so chill here she would luv it
  4. I love how one moment she can be at a big celebrity event dressed in designer, and then she can be out fucking some random Joe and driving in her truck. Slay mama
  5. Oh my god y’all woke up that angelheadedhipster girl and her fake lyric shenanigans again
  6. They have one good song called Ugly Boy and they both look like meth addicts who you’d find on the streets .
  7. isn’t the guy in die antwoord a big time sex offender + apparently a pedophile also..
  8. Psychedelic Pussy

    LIZ Y2K

    oop I just saw… oh well, shit music, shit person & shit views. not even surprised
  9. She said August right? Just so weird to announce it soooooo early. If it had dropped not long after coachella, see that would be iconic. I just wonder what else is in store for us this year given such a long wait
  10. well you kinda ate bc it’s a good song and it deserves album treatment… !
  11. I’d be here for this but only if it was re-recorded and given different production that fits the vibe of the album better
  12. posting someone’s profile on an adult app is kinda fkd up ngl
  13. I’m back to say I still think this is such a disappointing album BUT I don’t wanna break up again is actually cute. idk if I’ll listen to it much but it’s sounding like an early 2000s girl group r&b song
  14. literally such a disappointing album lol. why serve up a song that has such an interesting beat, punchy lyrics & great vocal fx and then not have any of that present at all on the rest of the album
  15. Boring ass album surprisingly yes and is the best track and honestly the only interesting track sonically & lyrically. Rest of the songs have absolutely zero flavour
  16. when she brings out Taylor to perform a brand new collab.. then what? no but fr it would be kinda iconic I can’t lie even tho SOTB is such a fucking horrendous song
  17. Lowkey would be kinda iconic if she brought out all her celeb friends to do their collabs with… imagine stargirl interlude live? Like everyone at coachella would be DECEASED. She also needs to debut some new stuff there. Give us the Henry song but also give us something legendaric mom!
  18. this girl is such a mess…. At least THAT is kinda entertaining
  19. hair and makeup by Pammy, styling by Gucci
  20. The ppl r mad because it has been TEN YEARS. Ten entire years. 10! T E N ! A DECADE!!!!!!
  21. She looks fucking hideous ngl the outfit is absolutely disgusting
  22. Psychedelic Pussy

    Taylor Swift

    When I download a leak of the album that compiles all the bonus tracks into one mega deluxe… then what? eat shit billionaire bitch!!
  23. So tough to pick between Batiste and Burnt Norton… they’re both amazing in their own ways
  24. Psychedelic Pussy


    She is so washed literally nobody asked for her to drop a sped up version of GP….
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