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Everything posted by BreadKing

  1. 'dumb blonde' sounds like it came from the high school musical soundtrack
  2. I don't remember her saying anything about it. My initial reaction to hearing the song in the moment was that it was either in some deluxe version of Lungs I hadn't heard before, or it was a Lungs outtake. It felt like how Lana used to perform Serial Killer (and we know she's not releasing that)...
  3. she performed this at my show too! it sounds like it belongs to lungs
  4. a strange choice for a single, it definitely needs the context of the full album what liability was to melodrama if you will
  5. what do y'all think the next season is going to be about? i think i've warmed up to the idea of something in space, perhaps a hybrid of the movies Gravity and Alien? ((i just want something as intense as asylum again tbh))
  6. ew yuck stop i'd so be down for a Coven Netflix Original spin-off
  7. to the tune of mariner's apartment complex: "i'm your mom"
  8. has anyone done an AHS Survivor / poll or something, i'd love to see a ranking of the seasons from the fanbase as a whole
  9. Buffalo Tanning Salon Whiskey Bloodbath Acid Noir Yacht Club Misery Doritos Tiki Shack Grand Canyon Widow this could legit be the nfr tracklist
  10. oh my god American Horror Story: BioShock i'm so down for that
  11. i'm going to be disappointed if the next season is just Apocalypse 2
  12. guys you can watch it on apple's website https://www.apple.com/apple-events/october-2018/ skip to the end for lana's performance (or get a peek at the new MacBook air and iPad pro if you'd like haha) edit: whoops it appears that its not up yet lol
  13. the little "oh my god i'm always so nervous" at the end How To Disappear and Venice 'Chick'
  14. I know I'm over a month late to the party, but Excitement (Demo) was finally pushed to YouTube !
  15. and then totally cast lana del rey to join sarah paulson (as either cordelia or ally) in hexing trump
  16. BreadKing


    she does like releasing albums right at the end of the year, so we'll see i guess (but i highly doubt it with all the shit that's happened)
  17. i wanna see grimes in it more than anything
  18. what the heck, are they straight-baiting?
  19. she confirmed it was "the board" https://twitter.com/Lanapedia/status/1039968490940055552/photo/1 but i really thought it was "climb aboard" for a little bit
  20. i'm the board the lightning the thunder
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