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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Such a good job! Thank you for this Elle, wraith, electra and Rorman! Just noticed the font changes on the site too! Love it
  2. I actually like the britney line. It's the h*rvey and Me Too lines after that that I don't like because I don't think it can be thrown into a song like that. It makes it feel heavier to me and when it's sung in such an upbeat way I just can't get into it! I wonder if this was the "tone deaf" thing that someone was talking about before, because that's the only line that I feel isn't done well because it makes me feel gross hearing that name and a little bit triggered But I really enjoy the rest of the song!
  3. I get what you're saying. To me it sounds like you think she's just being messy and that can definitely be problematic to social justice movements. My problem was just that you said there's no right way to do it, at all, when there absolutely is. Sometimes that attitude makes me think that someone is trying to discredit all sjw work just because some people are messy about it. I critique people's sjw actions all the time because I am one, but I just can't be bothered about it with Marina because so far I think she's helping more than hindering the movements.
  4. Ah okay, are these on her stories? I'll have to keep an eye out. Sorry the quoting got messed up, okay she's a bit embarrassing but it's only the cops one that is terrible sjw and actually completely wrong. I wonder if she ever responded to the imagery one tho lol. I remember that now and I actually think I unfollowed her at that point!
  5. Insta thoughts is what I'm gonna pretend it is now! But glad it wasn't only me. I was even going to post here asking "what are the insta dots she's talking about?"
  6. I must be fucking stupid because I heard insta thots as insta dots, and was wondering why she said dots twice, and also wondering where and what these dots are on instagram
  7. I think venice bitch is just all round a little immature, but it's also so sweet, I can't hate it but can't love it either. I'm all good with degrading either way tho. I'll cry all night to "love you more than those bitches before"
  8. This actually makes a lot of sense! On the other hand, imo the LFL instrumentals were better than her voice most of the time with exceptions in 13 Beaches and Heroin which both were perfect. I always thought of the cinematic strings vibe as best with Lanas voice, hence why I still consider it to be her signature sound, but others seem to see the folk style as her signature sound (that's true when we go back to her May Jailer and Lizzy days, I admit). Lana is legit the only artist I've ever hung around for after not liking 2 albums much and it's because I love BTD-Honeymoon so much I can never leave.
  9. Can someone actually update me? I haven't seen anything embarrassing or problematic on her social media. I'm not accusing you specifically but it sounds to me like people just find any mention of social justice 'embarassing' because they don't like to think about it, not because the person sharing it is making it look bad I love that (bolded). I think she's blended everything from all 4 eras together with these first 2 songs. Hope it continues!
  10. I'm so here for the unapologetic feminine energy. I think the title track is going to be so special and hope it sends me into another realm.
  11. Just comparing her songs that are more worldly or sjw- I actually don't even like all of them. The only ones I consider anthem-worthy are Savages and Man's World because the lyrics really could be timeless unlike the others. I never liked To Be Human, don't know if that's an unpopular opinion or not. And while I like this Purge The Poison right now, there's no way I'm listening to it in 5 months. But I'm still glad all of them were made. I'm just happy to know they exist, even when I skip them Sometimes I do wish she didn't make so many of them singles tho, but she does what she does and she definitely does it well.
  12. Are you talking about Lana or marina? And no I'm not kidding, I guess I just never notice. "There's no good way to do it"? I guess people should never ever talk about what's wrong in the world then. Got it! Edit: maybe I just never notice cause it doesn't get the attention that Lana gets when she tries to do that. But anyway I truly think that as long as your sjw actions are selfless and not just virtue-signalling or trying to prove you're not xyz, then it's fine. I think Marina is doing good and I'm glad she's singing about it.
  13. I think the SJW energy is done far better than any other artist I can think of rn. And I'm glad she chooses to express it in her music rather than posting statuses on social media that she thinks will sound woke but just sound completely problematic. Marina holds herself well and I'm glad she isn't censoring herself. I really admire her for that. She gives me Shirley Manson (from Garbage) energy sometimes!
  14. Oh my god Purge The Poisons first verse is everything LFL pretended to be in the trailer
  15. Wow I love how this confirms (because I previously didn't know) that the song was always called TNBAR, not Architecture!
  16. Good thoughts too. I'm mixed as well. It was a relief to like it more than I liked NFR, and that's all I was asking for before the release. But I definitely haven't felt connected to anything since honeymoon or maybe Heroin from LFL. Most of this album is forgettable, like "those extra songs" on my playlists that I usually want to skip. But at the same time I'm glad that it's still nice music and that she's exploring. I just hope she explores with another producer from now on because I'm afraid of repeats (not that she ever has done that with her albums, but still).
  17. This is how I feel about it all too. I have like 2 favourites from each album lfl-cocc, but they are the only songs I want to return to. I only listen to the last 3 albums in full if I am honestly that bored, but I'll go back to btd-honeymoon anytime any day.
  18. I completely missed the album announcement. Wow, but this title, it has me like no other!
  19. Hands down the best thread here and there's quite a lot of never seen before! Yes I flicked through everything and decided all of Paradise yours and Endless Summer looked best on her. She looked so natural there, completely in her element, channeling her essence.
  20. Now that I know what's going on I am much more okay with the ads. I was previously just worried it was something unsafe about the site and I did honestly think I'd have to stop coming here soon. But I've never had trouble clicking away from the ads so it's fine. I think you should keep them up, but maybe put a disclaimer somewhere obvious, so it doesn't scare too many people off. You work so much harder on this site than anyone can realise.
  21. Idk if there's a The White Stripes thread so I'll just post here. I'm only familiar with like 2 of their songs, so which album or songs do you think Lana was listening to at 19? I wanna get into them cause I like what I hear.
  22. White Dress You likely spend more time occupied in your inner world than you do in engaging with your environment. Finding contentment with your circumstances has been difficult in the past, and you often second-guess yourself when you undergo stress. You’re analytical (especially concerning your feelings) and value music with unfiltered emotional expression. Song Recommendation: cellophane by FKA twigs This hit me far more than I expected! it definitely sums up who I am on the inside (and as an extreme introvert, this is how I feel 99% of the time)
  23. I think the only reason I'm okay with the nikki collab album is because I just want lana to move on from Jack already, no matter what it is
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