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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. I've actually never listened to this group but they did so well! Usually Lana covers I hear are acoustic and I'm never a fan because being acoustic highlights the vocals more and they never compare to Lanas. But THIS , they actually turned Chemtrails into an upbeat rock song I am shook. (Edit: realised she's a solo artist)
  2. Oh? Lana getting this level of promo before the album is even out? https://youtu.be/K9wDq1gYJgw
  3. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Do you mean lyrics as well or just the vocals
  4. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I meant the themes in the demos, like rocking horse, you love I, wdbcf, which also carried through to dollhouse and maybe sippy cup. I don't think any of her pre-crybaby demos are sexualizing children, or could be acused of that. I think they're strictly about the darkness of domestic lives, from a very vulnerable perspective. But yeah, like you said, the people who are so caught up on "she's sexualizing children"- it's like... Is she sexualizing children or are you? You don't have to be comfortable with an adult playing as a child but if the only way you can see it is sexual (when it's not) that's sort of an issue in itself.
  5. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Her themes used to be SO dark, and so personal, yet at the same time could have reached so many more people.
  6. I love doing this but in chronicle order before an album release, so the playlist finishes on the currently released songs from the album and I'm left wondering more about how the sound is gonna come through in the new album But this is quite fascinating, like a meandering walkthrough of her work!
  7. I just searched for this and there are 3 different threads! I like the new album. I particularly like nite swim (lyrics are so nice), and the trash tv video is really nice, I love the idea and lyrics of it, which she explained in a comment.
  8. The writer said "NFR might well be about him". Of course they aren't implying that they've fucked but it's like they don't know the history of how they're friends, how Lana is even better friends with his wife, and how Coachella - WIMM was written partly about them. Writing a multiple paged article about her history and failing to pick that up is pretty silly of them imo. Idk, I just found it weird.
  9. Does anyone have a list of the 16 songs Sky had for her original debut album? I have so many downloaded, I don't know which ones are which
  10. NFR being about Father John Misty?? What on earth, no. I'm happy with what we got in this article though!! Nothing problematic, and I actually feel for her about trying to change the topic from feminism to Space X after being ridiculed for ages by that interviewer. She didn't make up for it, but I can tell she's really afraid of ridicule after all of that, and it's understandable. Dark but just a game also sounds like everything I want omg I don't really understand anything she is on about in the last page. It seems like more explanation that doesn't change anything but it's whatever I guess. If she can move on and it sounds like she wants to.
  11. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    This is exactly what goes through my head whenever people dumb her down to a "baby aesthetic" and childish lyrics. She can DIG DEEP, into childhood trauma and shit no one else wants to address in songs, the harmful shit adults teach us about love and relationships, and also into themes that make me think WOW Mel, what have you SEEN?! Some of that did make it's way into crybaby (dollhouse, sippy cup), none of it was in k-12 and after school is really just a side project imo.
  12. I can't believe I forgot that line tbh Free concert makes sense tho You're definitely right
  13. Get free, eat for free, for free, we're gonna get free free free free free Can't wait
  14. Ultra Violet

    Taylor Swift

    This is random as hell, apologies in advance, but do you think this sounds like Taylor? I wanted to get the opinion of people who listen to her a lot cause I might just be hearing things.
  15. Mainly the political half of LFL. It's definitely like a time capsule but NOT in a global way like other political albums of the past were. LFL was like Lanas little awakening moment and that's it. (Edit: tho I agree Change is an exception. I think it aged better than the rest) I think everything else has aged well and will continue to. I love how BTD is now seen as one of the most defining albums of the 2010s. That's really something. I listen to it to feel the ecstasy that I used to with it. I think the production still stands. Maybe not the lyrics, but the whole vibe did not age to me. Same with Paradise, the vibe? Always the best. The lyrics? Not exactly. Because Honeymoon and Ultraviolence didn't even use "modern pop" sounds, they are timeless. NFR might age well, I'm honestly not sure but it's certainly not going to lose its appeal like LFL did, to those who love the album.
  16. Ultra Violet

    Marilyn Manson

    It's at times like this when you know that no amount of evidence will sway their opinion because they simply do not want to see it.
  17. Ultra Violet

    Marilyn Manson

    It took me 6 fucking years to even admit to myself that what I endured WAS abuse
  18. Ultra Violet

    Marilyn Manson

    Imagine being that person thinking you're an intellectual with a healthy amount of skepticism but you're actually just a piece of shit who hates women
  19. Ultra Violet

    Marilyn Manson

    There are others. I stand with all of them. This makes me so sick I want to scream.
  20. Ultra Violet

    Marilyn Manson

    Mods please lock this thread before I get banned for going off at the victim blamers. We really don't need this thread here anyway. Get rid of it!
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