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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. At the moment I have no criticism for DBJAG, but I'm now wondering if it will follow the path Cherry did for me- best song ever for the first 3 months, so groovy and sexy, but then you realise the production really is off and lacking what would have made it a 10/10 song.
  2. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Sorry I'm spoilering because long posts are apparently triggering and automatically toxic.
  3. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    up to you but would you mind sending me the info too?
  4. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Yes!!!! And I would actually LOVE to listen to Nurses Office without all those noises too. I can't believe Mel actually loved those sound effects. In the movie would be fine but on the album, the only effects I like in that song are the bandaids ripping, glugging down the medicine and the laughing-crying in the bridge. She's usually SO good with tasteful artistic sound effects but that song just went on the wrong route! P.s. if anyone really likes mels production with sound effects, you might really like some of Jazmin Beans songs. Her songs Worldwide torture, Yandere and Sacharrine have great sound effects in parts like guns cocking, swords/scythes slicing, shotguns, and monsters growling. Her vocals are more like Mel's in the After School EP.
  5. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Taste Highlights for me are Cake and Pacify Her, but my actual favourite from that era is Gingerbread Man. I don't think I've ever skipped these.
  6. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Ikr, Just because there's no current leaks in this thread we can't actually talk about the artist that this thread is about Give the fans what they want but don't ever discuss the depths of the artist.
  7. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    This thread has been way worse before with fans attacking each other over legit nothing hundreds of times. I thought a valid discussion was going. Some of you just really hate the mention of cultural appropriation bc you don't wanna think about how your fav artists could ever do wrong, even though none of us were saying Mel is a bad person??? We all literally said we think she's good.
  8. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Okay NOW I remember that! Pretty sure it shocked me and I closed insta for the rest of the day but yeah, if she knew, she wouldn't do that. Totally, I'm so glad I got out of that phase in my spirituality.
  9. Same! I thought it was my bluetooth I noticed this happens with Grimes on her Visions album. Half a second at the end of Circumambient is the first half second of Vowels = space and time. I was never sure if it was a mistake or meant to be there to jump scare me.
  10. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Yeah I agree. I am someone who once appropriated other asian cultures by wearing a bindi and a head chain to be cute. I stopped once I educated myself (prompted by backlash that I deserved). It's a learning experience and if someone is at least willing to do better, I still consider them a moral person. Mel will do better, I believe.
  11. That actually makes a lot of sense
  12. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Okay I definitely see this now, I'm glad you brought it up. I hate the sage thing. I must have scrolled past her sharing that because I knew it would encourage young fans to copy it as a way to think they're spiritually enlightened, and didn't want to spend any attention on those posts. I do think that once she knows about the appropriation she would change her practice, and NOT to palo santo which is also appropriation lol. Hope she educates herself.
  13. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Using lilith as a name in her film is not CA imo, and this is coming from someone who actually cares aLOT about the issue. If you do believe it is though, I'll listen if you wanna explain. Also, if you don't mind expanding on how she appropriates indigenous cultures? I'm entirely unaware of this. Btw I never said she's some icon. I will never put her up on a pedestal after the whole Timothy Heller thing. I'm simply glad at the fact that she's showing she cares about anti-Asian hate, as an Asian person myself, and that her activism didn't stop at BLM. It's definitely the bare minimum. I'm just pointing out that shes doing a little more than many other famous people right now.
  14. Lmaoo I'm assuming this was maybe a screenshot of a video of a fan unboxing it or something? So strange and wild
  15. Can't believe I missed 3 pages of cherry blossom. Lana's been singing a lot about kids recently. I can't believe halsey has something before Lana does for once. How long will it be before we start seeing usernames like AngelinaClementineGrant?
  16. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Mel sharing awareness about the micro-agressions Asians experience from white people
  17. What is that man saying in NAWWAL? Is it Jack? Idek (P.s. I'm never not going to read this abbreviation as Narwhal)
  18. It's a bit off topic, but toxic? Nah we are good discussing this. It's necessary. We are still enjoying the music
  19. Big yes! Because lana seems to believe that appreciating the works of POC and having POC friends equals understanding our struggles and excludes her from any ignorance or micro-agressions. And also yes about feminist theory because I think she still believes that any female journalists attacking her = she cannot be a feminist.
  20. Did someone say Dealer is going to be on the album?
  21. Can anyone actually think of a good, non-problematic way that cultural appropriation could be address in this album? Because I can't
  22. Sooorta same. It truly hurt my ears the first two times I heard but I can kinda handle it now. Still not a fave on the album tho.
  23. She was always been (quietly) problematic (but now loudly), and she's done some pretty blatant cultural appropriation, I don't know how someone wouldn't see it if they've seen her music videos or her mannerisms. She doesn't do it that bad anymore but it's still there without her realising. I think the years of being silent boiled up and now she won't let it go and that's really bad for her. Definitely agree that her previous political statements made her 'clean', but she really wasn't clear enough and that's made non-stans get confused recently. I don't blame them for thinking she's a trump apologist because she literally said those things. Us stans just had to know her previous statements to get it. I mean, one of the first times she dissed trump was in a cryptic tweet telling us to search ingredients for a global hexing. How were the non-stans supposed to know? She was so close to being as woke as she thinks she is, honestly, but she just went down the wrong path recently. Instead of taking accountability she's just blocking out all criticism as hate and only hate. And now she thinks the problem is other women and therefore can't be a feminist because she's been kicked out or something. Btw this is not all in response to only your post. Just spilling some extra thoughts!
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