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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. I so wish, but I think if anything it will be soft rock. I just hope its actually distinguished as rock and not folk/country! Sometimes it's hard to tell. Is it in the melody? As a rock snob it's sad that idek lol.
  2. Rock Candy Sweet is sending my imagination just like White Hot Forever did when it was announced. Manifesting psychedelic rock with undertones of dream pop. A whole album of Shades of Cool x TJF I think
  3. Mildly confident. She loves to dip her toes into the muck and the mires of this fandom every now and then, especially on Tuesdays
  4. I must be the only one who hasn't heard this. Maybe it's because I've only listened to HTD a total of like 5 times. I'll re-listen.
  5. Pls let this album title stay. I think it's really good
  6. So in Lanas first QFTC, where she said she'd be back to singing about whatever she wants, does anyone hear exactly what that is on this album? In that drama I had assumed that she wanted to sing about her emotions and experiences without people saying she was romanticising toxic situations, but I don't hear any of that in this album. Nothing controversial. It's better writing than NFR imo but I still don't see anything that people are gonna be mad at in her writing. Is it just because she's written more about the dark side of her fame?
  7. I actually never knew she tried to lie about it. Both whatever Lana said and what the journalist did seemed sketchy tho. She definitely still wants revenge for that.
  8. I was referring to actual interviews where Lana said she would not say anything to haters, or that she stopped reading reviews because they were too harsh. She might have always read through youtube and insta comments but I think she started reading reviews again after Normans success. But you're right, she's loving the attention. The "I want revenge" right after the "I'm kinda happy, thank you". It's so strange haha no one else does this.
  9. they were often at whiny fans, not at someone's career.
  10. Underrated comment. Lana is actually being completely stupid drawing attention to this. All of these "lies" spread by journalists have all come after lana has started speaking up about it past backlash because she is terrible at making herself understood on social media (I mean, who isn't, but she is particularly bad at it). I really miss the 2012 days when Lana said she wouldn't respond to haters at all and stopped reading reviews. She needs to understand soon that it's making things worse and it was in fact better when she didn't retaliate.
  11. I think the video will be my preferred way to listen to this song tbh. It's nice and pretty much what I imagined (besides the weird skating waitresses in masks) It's definitely ugly but it would be uglier if it were real
  12. Oh no! yet she still broke her arm hahaha
  13. "It's dark but just a game, so play it like a symphony. You know our love's the same. They'll both go down in infamy" This has become my favourite couple of lines ever and I can't explain why!
  14. Oops me typing blade instead of skate. I think I totally forgot about that, if she said it in that most recent radio interview. But it definitely shows. She looks like a natural in the teaser. I can't believe it, it's so beautiful!
  15. After the leak, the only ones that stood out to me were DBJAG, TJF and Yosemite. But now I also really love Wild At Heart, NATWWAL and even Dance Till We Die. I'm just so happy that I know for sure I like this album better than LFL and Norman. I think there's two sides to the fandom, where half think of her signature sound as the big grand production with strings (BTD, Paradise), and the other half believe her signature sound to be stripped and folky (this album and NFR, even some of AKA). I think this album helps me accept the folky sound as what she's always wanted a bit more. I may still think of the grand strings as associated with the name Lana Del Rey, but this is clearly where she wants to be. She's pretty much the only big singer (that I'm aware of) who has this sound, and she is always the best at what she does. That is good enough for me I think.
  16. Maybe Lana actually used to rollerskate a lot but I am imagining it's more significant in the video. Like in Ride, she was riding down the road on the back of a motorcycle that someone else was controlling which I'm going to pretend symbolised her letting her lover take control and just going wherever he was going. But in White Dress, she is rollerblading (herself totally in control) down the road, meaning she had total control at that time in her life.
  17. I wont even be able to SEE this goddamn White Dress video because the tears
  18. Hello Post-Release The album is so soothing. It might have felt a little 'off' to me after the leak that i indulged in, but I'm super happy with it now. I don't really have anything much to say besides if NFR was the lead-up to Lana getting back on track with this album, then it was all worth it 2 albums is definitely enough from Jack but I'm glad we got what we got. I don't feel confused or like I'm pretending to like the songs. I am really looking forward to singing along with them and time will tell me if they are her best work (though we already know which 2 definitely are <3 )
  19. I'm not sure about this one haha. The only songs they bother to write more than a few words about is the opening and closing song. I learned absolutely nothing about the other songs based on their review. It's like they just skipped through them after one chorus to the point where it's kinda funny
  20. Out of nowhere I've had LMLYLAW stuck in my head so I listened to the live snl version and even though that's not the album version I'm so excited for the release again! Nothing's on Spotify in Australia yet but I just can't wait to listen to the whole thing from start to finish! Since Ultraviolence I've always tried to have the first (released ) listen in a nice environment so I think I'll sit in the garden with some iced tea and i pray to God my neighbours noisy kids let me have that moment
  21. Did anything ever come out of "If this is the end, I want a boyfriend?" Maybe it's poetry, not in a song?
  22. Ultra Violet


    The song is so good fuck Also pretty dark. Ptw
  23. So many of my thoughts put into words here. When I first did all the Lana 'research' after just discovering her in 2012, I remember this one interview question "What would you say to the haters?" And Lana thought for a quick moment and said "I don't think I would say anything at all". That REALLY inspired me and I thought every word she spoke were going down in history. She thought carefully about her words, didn't waste time in interviews and that's why all of her pre-2015 interviews are so glorious, I could write all of them out on my wall and be inspired every day. These days what does Lana say to the 'haters'? She posts long written notes from her phone and posts follow-up comments and videos that do not at ALL represent who she is, and then gets passive aggressive or just straight-up mad when people take it seriously. She goes off topic faster than the question was even asked and actually hasn't answered a question well in what seems like 3 years hahaha. Also sorry didn't realize this was posted many days ago
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